The Project Gutenberg EBook of Vital Records of the Town of Auburn,
(Formerly Ward), Massachusetts, To t, by Franklin P. Rice
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Title: Vital Records of the Town of Auburn, (Formerly Ward), Massachusetts, To the end of the year 1850
With the Inscriptions from the Old Burial Grounds
Author: Franklin P. Rice
Release Date: July 17, 2014 [EBook #46315]
Language: English
Character set encoding: UTF-8
Produced by Heather Clark and the Online Distributed
Proofreading Team at (This file was
produced from images generously made available by The
Internet Archive)

Town of Auburn,
(Formerly WARD),
To the end of the year 1850.
With the INSCRIPTIONS from the
Collected and arranged by
Trustee of the Fund.
No. 133.
In Memory of
The First Minister of the Town.
"In this work of bringing original material into form for quick
reference and practical use, the list of Births, Marriages and Deaths
of a place should first be secured and printed, as personal records
are the real and important foundation of local history."
—Extract from letter conferring Trusteeship of Systematic History
The Records of Auburn have a close and important relation to those of
Worcester, Leicester, Sutton and Oxford, towns prominent in the
history of the early settlement of central Massachusetts. Especially
are these Records supplementary to the Town Records of Worcester,
which have been edited and printed in full by the Trustee of the
Systematic History Fund, and they may be considered in reality a
continuation of the work which was comprehended in a plan formed by
him for the practical development of the original historical material
of this section.
With the exception of brief sketches in narrative form, comprised
in certain general works, nothing in the shape of a town history
of Auburn has been printed. Its Records are in a fair state of
preservation, but accessible only to those who are on the ground.
This first publication presents the full personal record (which in
every case is the true foundation of local history) so far as it
can be gathered from the town books, and added to this are the
inscriptions from the two older burial grounds in the town, all in
systematized form for reference.
Speaking in a general way, all local records of the early period in
New England are incomplete and imperfect, the degree varying to some
extent in different places, but none have been found entirely free
from omissions, discrepancies and other errors. The Records of Auburn
afford about the average number of such instances. But this statement
should not carry the implication that the value and practical
usefulness of town and other records are seriously impaired by the
small percentage of inaccuracies common in all human works, and of
which a large proportion can be rectified by effort and patience. The
substantial ground-work of the original entries in the Auburn town
books is here supplied, and the addition of the burial ground
inscriptions will aid in completing the record of deaths.
In the work of collecting and copying this material I have had
the benefit of the services of Mr. George Maynard as a competent
assistant. To Mr. Charles E. Prouty, the Town Clerk of Auburn, and to
Mrs. Prouty, my acknowledgments are due for their courtesy, and for
free access to the Records at all times.
F. P. R.
Worcester, March 31, 1900.
∵ Addition to Births, page 25.
CLARK:—The misplacing of the name of Mary-Lucinda, daughter of
John, Jr. and Sarah Clark, born Nov. 16, 1836, was discovered too late
for its insertion in regular order.
Historical Note.
The Town of Auburn was originally set off from Worcester, Sutton,
Leicester and Oxford, and was incorporated on the 10th of April, 1778,
with the name of Ward, in honor of General Artemas Ward, of
Shrewsbury, a man of great prominence in this region, active as a
patriot during the difficulties that caused the separation from the
mother country, and receiving on the eve of hostilities the
appointment of First Major General in the Revolutionary Army. He was
at a later period Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, and
afterwards served in Congress. He died in 1800 at the age of
A precinct was organized at this place July 27th, 1773, called the
South Parish of Worcester, and three years later the church was
formed. In 1777 Rev. Isaac Bailey became the first pastor.
More or less opposition was manifested against the formation of
the new township in the several places from which its territory was
taken, and committees were chosen to contest the proposed action in
the General Court. It is probable that the intention to separate from
the older towns had been cherished for several years by those who,
though nominally apart in corporate interests, were in their isolated
situation united for common convenience and protection of material
rights. This purpose after it was divulged could not long be resisted,
but the event was postponed for several years by a quasi
acknowledgment of independence. Twice in 1776 and 1777, as the Town
Records of Worcester testify, were special war taxes abated to the
inhabitants of the South Parish, perhaps with the hope of holding them
to their allegiance; but in the fall of the last named year the matter
was brought directly to a settlement, as appears by the following
extract from the Worcester Records:
"The Town of Worcester Having been
served with a Coppy of the Petition of William Phips & Charles
Richardson praying 'the present members of the Precinct lately Erected
out of Worcester, Leicester, Oxford & Sutton may be incorporated
into a Town, according to a plan Exhibited with said petition &c.
and the Honble General assemblys Resolve thereon, of the
24th day of Octr. last, Requireing the said
Towns to shew Cause, if any they have, on the third Wednesday of the
next Session of the Sd Court why the prayer of
Sd petition should not be granted.'
The Town of Worcester, in answer to Sd Petition and
Order of Court, beg leave to say, that they have not been served with
a plan of said town exhibited with said Petition to the Court, and
therefore are not in a Capacity to offer reasons against, or to comply
with it untill they know how far it Extends. But if the said plan Does
not include any of those persons nor their Estates which belong to the
Town of Worcester, and which were Excepted from being set off to said
precinct when it was first Erected, We have no objections to their
being made a Distinct Town. But if said plann includes those persons
and their Estates who were first Exempted from belonging to said
precinct, and are still unwilling to be set off to said Town, We beg
leave to say we think it would be inconsistent to include a Number of
persons & their Estates into the said New Town and still continue
them to belong to the Town of Worcester, and to include them in the
plann aforesaid & set them off against their Consent & the
Consent of this Town, is departing from the principles upon which the
said precinct was at first Erected, and will subject the said persons
to an inconvenience that they had a right to Expect an Exemption from
by the act of the General assembly & as the said persons who were
first Exempted from belonging to Sd Precinct and who are
still unwilling to be set off to Sd new Town and their
Estates all lay upon the side of Sd new Town next to
Worcester, this Town are humbly of opinion that a line may be run
between the Town of Worcester & the Sd new Town Leaving
the Sd persons & their Estates to the Town of Worcester
without any Inconveniency to Either of the said Towns, which if
complied with the Town of Worcester are Content.
Nathn Baldwin |
} |
Comittee." |
Nathan Perry |
} |
David Bigelow |
} |
On the 2d of February, 1778, in Worcester Town Meeting, it was voted
to choose two persons to meet the Committee of the General Court, to
view the proposed new township, and to fix the lines and boundaries;
and on the 23d of the same month, it was voted to remonstrate against
the proceedings of said Committee, and the lines established between
the towns, with what effect it does not appear.
On the 10th of the following April the Precinct was incorporated as a
Town and named Ward.
February 17th, 1837, the name of the Town was changed to Auburn. This
was influenced largely, it is said, by the confusion in writing the
names Ward and Ware by those not familiar with the two places.
The Order establishing the South Precinct or Parish of Worcester
comprises the names of those who were the first residents of the new
town, and the founders of the prominent families, the names of whose
immediate progeny and later descendants appear in the Records embodied
in this volume:
In Council, June 19, 1773, ordered that Gershom Rice, Israel Stevens,
David Bancroft, Jonathan Stone, Daniel Boyden, Jacob Stevens, Thomas
Drury, Thomas Drury, Jr., Henry Gale, Wm. Bancroft, Jas. Nichols,
Darius Boyden, Jas. Hart, Thos. Baird, Jas. Hart, Jr., Thos. Baird,
Jr., Oliver Curtis, Comfort Rice, Elizabeth Boyden, Phebe Bancroft,
Jno. Boyden, Daniel Bancroft, Chas. Hart, Jas. Nichols, Peter Boyden,
of Worcester; Benjamin Carter, Chas. Richardson, Timothy Carter,
Phineas Rice, Benjamin Carter, Jr., Rachel Buck, Daniel Roper, Gershom
Bigelow, Gershom Bigelow, Jr., Peter Hardy, Daniel Cummings, Charles
Richardson, Jr., of Sutton; Samuel Eddy, Levi Eddy, Peter Jenison,
Ruth Stone, Jesse Stone, Isaac Pratt, Abraham Fitts, Alexander
Nichols, David Gleason, of Oxford; John Crowl, Jr., Andrew Crowl,
Jonathan Phillips, John Hart, Thomas Scott, William Yong, Jonathan
Stone, of Leicester; be and hereby are, with their Families and
Estates, erected into a Precinct, and shall enjoy all the powers and
privileges which other Precincts in this Province by Law enjoy; and it
is further ordered that all other persons (with their Families and
Estates) living in the towns of Worcester, Leicester and Oxford, not
further than three miles (as the roads are now trod) from the Place
hereinafter fixed for building the meeting-house upon, together with
all such others in Sutton that live not further than one mile and a
half from said place, who shall signify their desire to belong to said
Precinct by lodging their names in the Secretary's office within nine
months from this date, be and hereby are Incorporated and made a part
of the Precinct aforesaid—Ordered that the spot for erecting the
meeting-house upon be at the following place (viz)., at an Oak stump
with stones upon it, Standing on the Westerly side of the County road
leading from Worcester to Oxford, near the Centre of two acres of Land
which Thomas Drury conveyed to Jonathan Stone, Daniel Boyden and David
Bancroft; the said two acres of land lieth on the gore of land which
was annexed to the town of Worcester.
Those who signified their desire to be included in the new division
Samuel Holman, Gershom Rice, Jr., Israel Stone, Wm. Parker, Joseph
Phillips, Samuel Learned, Israel Phillips, Jacob Work, Jonathan
Cutler, David Stone, John Harwood, Thomas Gleason, William Phips,
Isaac Putnam, Joseph Gleason, Jonas Bancroft, Elisha Livermore,
Gardner Chandler (for his land within the limits) Nathaniel Scot,
David Bates, Nathan Patch, David Richards.
Population at Different Periods.—1790, 473; 1810, 540; 1830,
690; 1850, 879; 1880, 1317. The State Census of 1895 gives the number
as 1598.
The Area of Auburn is about 10,000 acres.
Auburn Records.
Auburn Births,
To the end of the year 1850.
- Albert-Eugene, s. Almerin-L. and Clarissa, Nov. 4, 1846.
- Almerin-Lorenzo, s. Almerin-L. and Clarissa, Nov. 27, 1837. At Palmer.
- Clarissa-Maria, d. Almerin-L. and Clarissa, Sept. 20, 1835. At Plymouth, Litchfield County, Connecticut.
- James-Fernando, s. Almerin-L. and Clarissa, Dec. 17, 1844.
- John-Augustus, s. Almerin-L and Clarissa, Aug. 23, 1849.
- ——, s. William-C. and Rachel, Nov. 25, 1845.
- Fitts, s. Reuben and Sophia, July 16, 1815.
- Henry-Parkhurst, s. Oliver and ——, Sept. 23, 1819.
- Marnilla, d. Reuben and Sophia, April 12, 1818.
- Mary, d. Paris Bacon and Joel Adams, reputed father,
Dec. 7, 1799.
- Mary-Huntington, d. Alvan-T. and Bethiah-L., June 26, 1838.
- Polly, d. Reuben and Sophia, Aug. 26, 1816.
- ——, s. Warren-L. and Sarah-B., Sept. 3, 1846.
- ——, d. Warren-L. and Sarah-B., Aug. —, 1847.
- Amos-Smith, s. Charles and Waty, July 30, 1827.
- Charles, s. Charles and Waty, Aug. 23, 1828.
- William, s. Charles and Waty, Feb. 16, 1830.
- Louisa, d. George and Ruth, Aug. 18, 1826.
- Ruth-Maria, d. George and Ruth, June 14, 1828.
- Susan-Experience, d. George and Ruth, May 20, 1822.
- Betsey, d. Jonathan and Molly, July 22, 1786.
- Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Molly, May 29, 1784.
- Sumner, s. Jonathan and Molly, Jan. 22, 1790.
- Daniel, s. Isaac and Betsey, March 19, 1785.
- Isaac, s. Isaac and Betsey, May 25, 1788.
- Jacob-Whitman, s. Isaac, Jr. and Jane, April 29, 1811.
- Azubah, d. Thomas and Mehitable, Jan. 4. 1772.
- Azubah, d. Thomas, Jr. and Polly, April 3, 1792.
- Betsey, d. John and Sarah, Jan. 8, 1774. At Worcester.
- David, s. John and Sarah, Oct. 5, 1785.
- Earll, s. John and Sarah, June 8, 1769. At Townsend.
- Frank-Theodore, s. Samuel-E. and Mary-Ann, July 17, 1846.
- Hannah, d. John and Sarah, Feb. 1, 1780. At Worcester.
- Jane-Relief, d. Thomas, Jr. and Sally, Jan. 27, 1824.
- John, s. John and Sarah, June 28, 1771. At Worcester.
- Lucinda, d. John and Sarah, June 30, 1782.
- Lydia, d. John and Sarah, Dec. 16, 1777. At Worcester.
- Mehitable, d. Thomas and Mehitable, March 25, 1778.
- Molly, d. John and Sarah, June 9, 1775. At Worcester.
- Patty, d. Thomas, Jr. and Polly, Jan. 20, 1790.
- Polly-Day, d. Thomas, Jr. and Polly, Jan. 11, 1804.
- Relief, d. Thomas, Jr. and Polly, Feb. 27, 1795.
- Sally, d. John and Sarah, Feb. 28, 1768. At Townsend.
- Samuel-Eddy, s. Thomas, Jr. and Sarah, Sept 27, 1821.
- Sophia, d. Thomas, Jr. and Polly, July 24, 1806.
- Thaddeus, s. John and Sarah, March 11, 1784.
- Thomas, s. Thomas and Mehitable, Jan. 7, 1767.
- Thomas, s. John and Sarah, July 5, 1789.
- Thomas, s. Thomas, Jr. and Polly, Feb. 27, 1795.
- Thomas-Nelson, s. Thomas, Jr. and Sarah, July 12, 1827.
- Thomas-Nelson, s. Samuel-E. and Mary-Ann, Sept. 25, 1848.
- Gardiner, s. Preserved and Lydia, Jan. 26, 1801.
- Gardiner, s. Preserved and Lydia, June 15, 1805.
- Nathan, s. Preserved and Lydia, Sept. 29, 1809.
- Oliver, s. Preserved and Lydia, Nov. 12, 1802.
- Addison, s. Kendal and Betsey, Nov. 5, 1817.
- Albert, s. Jonas, Jr. and Nancy, Oct. 13, 1813.
- Alice-Comfort, d. Hervey and Mary, July —, 1837.
- Alice-Elizabeth, d. Hervey and Mary, Aug. 7, 1832.
- Almyra, d. of Warren and Polly, July 23, 1806.
- Almira-Salina, d. Timothy, Jr. and Mary, April 16, 1826.
- Andrew, s. Warren and Polly, March 8, 1809.
- Antionette, d. Harvey and Mary, July 6, 1842.
- Asa, s. William and Mary, April 10, 1774.
- Betsey, d. Jonas, Jr. and Nancy, Nov. 13, 1803.
- Charles, s. Moses and Sally, Sept. 29, 1786. At Charlton.
- Charlotte, d. Nathan and Clary, Feb. 14, 1800.
- Charlotte, d. Nathan and Clary, Nov. 7, 1802.
- Chester-Parsons, s. Moses and Sally, May 6, 1789.
- Clarice, d. William and Mary, July 22, 1789.
- Comfort, d. Timothy and Mary, Jan. 11, 1786.
- Daniel, s. William and Mary, March 19, 1787.
- Eliza, d. Kendal and Betsey, Nov. 15, 1813.
- Elizabeth-Greenwood, d. Kendal and Betsey, May 1, 1824.
- Emma-DeFrance, d. Isaac-A. and Uranah-P., Dec. 23, 1846.
- Enoch, s. Hervey and Mary, Aug. 5, 1819.
- Enoch-LaRoy, s. Hervey and Mary, Feb. 22, 1835.
- Erastus, s. Timothy, Jr. and Mary, July 16, 1834.
- Esther-Ann, d. Hervey and Mary, Dec. 13, 1827.
- Eunice, d. William and Mary, Sept. 18, 1778.
- Eunice-Southgate, d. Rhominah and Mellison, Sept. 23, 1822.
- Franklin, s. Jonas, Jr. and Nancy, Sept. 30, 1805.
- Frederick, s. Alfred and Rosina, July 7, 1843.
- George-Edward-Knowles, s. Hervey and Mary, July 2, 1829.
- Name changed to George Bancroft, March 24, 1843.
- Henry-Hollis, s. Madison and Sally, June 24, 1847.
- Henry-Kendal, s. Kendal and Betsey, Sept. 2, 1820.
- Hervey [or Harvey?], s. Timothy and Mary, Nov. 11, 1796.
- Isaac-Augustus, s. Hervey and Mary, March 7, 1821.
- Jennison, s. Warren and Polly, March 13, 1811.
- John, s. Moses and Sally, Aug. 17, 1778. At Charlton.
- John, s. William and Mary, Dec. 29, 1784.
- John, s. Jonas, Jr. and Nancy, June 28, 1815.
- John-Austin, s. Moses and Tamer, March 30, 1817.
- Jonah-Stetson, s. Peter-M. and Relief, Nov. 6, 1822.
- Jonas, s. Jonas and Sarah, Dec. 9, 1770.
- Kitty, d. Kendal and Kitty, June 8, 1812.
- Laura, d. Timothy, Jr. and Mary, March 25, 1828.
- Lecte, d. William and Mary, Jan. 11, 1791.
- Lucy-Chapin, d. Hervey and Mary, Nov. 11, 1823.
- Lydia-Whitney, d. Peter-Morris and Relief, July 20, 1816.
- Madison, s. Jonas, Jr. and Nancy, April 19, 1810.
- Malissa, d. Timothy, Jr. and Mary, April 23, 1832.
- Maria-Antoinette, d. Hervey and Mary, Nov. 7, 1839.
- Martin-Hartley, s. Kendal and Betsey, Sept. 19, 1815.
- Mary-Elizabeth, d. Smiley and Mary-C., Dec. 9, 1838.
- Mary-Smith, d. Timothy, Jr. and Mary, June 3, 1821.
- Mary-Urania, d. Isaac-A. and Uranah-P., July 19, 1850.
- Melita-Comfort, d. Peter-Morris and Relief, June 29, 1818.
- Molly, d. William and Mary, April 16, 1776.
- Nancy, d. Jonas, Jr. and Nancy, May 29, 1819.
- Nancy-Mehitable, d. Smiley and Mary-C., Feb. 11, 1841.
- Nathan, s. Jonas and Sarah, June 29, 1773.
- Nathan, s. Nathan and Clary, July 29, 1806.
- Nathaniel, s. Harvey and Polly, Oct. 7, 1795.
- Nelson-T., s. Timothy, Jr. and Mary, June 14, 1830.
- Peter, s. Timothy and Mary, June 23, 1783.
- Peter-Morris, s. Timothy and Mary, Feb. 20, 1789.
- Phebe, d. William and Mary, Nov. 17, 1782.
- Polly-Chase, d. Kendal and Kitty, Nov. 12, 1809.
- Relief-Elder, d. Peter-M. and Relief, June 30, 1824.
- Rominah, s. Timothy and Mary, July 24, 1801.
- Ruth, d. Jonas and Sarah, Dec. 15, 1781.
- Sally, d. Jonas and Sarah, Jan. 3, 1775.
- Samuel-Clark, s. Timothy, Jr. and Mary, Dec. 9, 1828.
- Samuel-Newell, s. Kendal and Betsey, July 2, 1822.
- Samuel-Roswell, s. Timothy and Mary-S., registered June 27, 1845.
- Sarah-Smith, d. Martin-H. and Lydia, March 22, 1840.
- Smiley, s. Jonas, Jr. and Nancy, Jan. 5, 1808.
- Sophia-Adacia, d. Madison and Sally, Sept. 23, 1848.
- Susanna, d. Moses and Sally, March 11, 1775. At Charlton.
- Thomas, s. William and Mary, July 22, 1780.
- Timothy, s. Timothy and Mary, May 26, 1798.
- Timothy-Rice, s. Timothy and Mary, May 19, 1794.
- Timothy-Rice, s. Peter-Morris and Relief, July 23, 1820.
- Violetta-G., d. Isaac-A. and Uranah-P., Oct. 9, 1844.
- Warren, s. Jonas and Sarah, Feb. 20, 1779.
- William, s. William and Mary, March 11, 1772.
- William, s. Peter-Morris and Patty-Hart, Dec. 17, 1815.
- ——, s. Albert and Rosina. March 28, 1845.
- Charles-Porter, s. John-G. and Betsey, Nov. 25, 1828.
- Cyrus-Gates, s. John-G. and Betsey, Sept. 2, 1815.
- Daniel-Emerson, s. William and Alice, Aug. 26, 1826.
- Eliza, d. John-G. and Betsey, Sept. 14, 1813.
- Eliza-Relief, d. John-G. and Betsey, entered Feb. 28, 1824.
- Elizabeth, d. William and Alice, Jan. 19, 1823.
- Francis-Maynard, s. George-W. and Sarah, Nov. 9, 1846.
- George-Washington, s. John-G. and Betsey, May 27, 1812.
- Harriet, d. —— and ——, Feb. —, 1844.
- Harriet-Newell, d. John-G. and Betsey, Aug. 10, 1827.
- John-Brooks, s. John-G. and Betsey, Nov. 20, 1817.
- Lewis, s. John-G. and Betsey, Feb. 9, 1819.
- Mary-Ann, d. John-G. and Betsey, Sept. 8, 1820.
- Prudence, d. John-G. and Betsey, June 29, 1825.
- Sarah, d. William and Alice, May 30, 1824.
- William, s. William and Alice, June 8, 1821.
- Benjamin-Franklin, s. Benjamin and Nancy, July 11, 1832.
- Elizabeth-Frances, d. Phenton and Fanny, registered June 12, 1845.
- Ellen, d. Phenton and Fanny, May 19, 1848.
- Emma-Orilla, d. Phenton and Fanny, Aug. 23, 1850.
- John, s. Benjamin and Nancy, Jan. 24, 1827.
- Josiah, s. Benjamin and Nancy, Dec. 16, 1829.
- Mary-Adalaide, d. Phenton and Fanny, June 6, 1846.
- Nancy, d. Benjamin and Nancy, May 4, 1824.
- Edner-Earl, d. Latimer-S. and Charlotte-S., Dec. 15, 1848. At Leicester.
- Francis-Edgar, s. Alonzo-M. and Lydia, July 31, 1849.
- Anson, s. John and Eunice, Sept. 18, 1796.
- Daniel-Estabrook, s. Anson and Isabella, Aug. 10, 1828.
- Ellen-Tryphosa, d. Anson and Isabella, Oct. —, 1829.
- Esther-Waters, d. Anson and Relief, April 7, 1823.
- George-Estabrook, s. Joshua and Mary, Nov. 27, 1824.
- Isabella-Eliza, d. Anson and Isabella, May 31, 1831.
- Joshua, s. John and Eunice, May 22, 1799.
- Polly, d. John and Eunice, March 26, 1763.
- William-Hammond, s. Joshua and Mary, Oct. 27, 1823.
- Betsy, d. Zedikiah and Elizabeth, June 21, 1783.
- John, s. Zedikiah and Elizabeth, Jan. 28, 1779.
- Lucy, d. Zedikiah and Elizabeth, Sept. 14, 1788.
- Polly,}
- Sally,} Twins Zedikiah and Elizabeth, Oct. 18, 1785.
- Zedikiah, s. Zedikiah and Elizabeth, March 8, 1781.
- George-Otis, s. Harrison and Marilla, Aug. 24, 1846.
- John, s. Gershom, Jr. and Lydia, June 6, 1774.
- Lydia, d. Gershom, Jr. and Lydia, Nov. 28, 1770.
- Rebecca, d. Gershom, Jr. and Lydia, Nov. 18, 1778.
- Susanna, d. Gershom, Jr. and Lydia, Aug. 22, 1772.
- Susanna, d. Gershom, Jr. and Lydia, Jan. 9, 1777.
- Zoa-Odit, d. Edward and Zoa-O., July 20, 1850.
- Amos, s. Asa and Lydia, Sept. 3, 1790.
- Oliver, s. Roxa, wife of Levi Lawrence, April 13, 1833.
- Alexander-Lafayette, s. Alexander and Roxana, Jan. 7, 1825.
- Alexander-Putnam, s. Alexander and Roxana, July 13, 1826.
- Charles-Porter, s. Alexander and Roxana, Dec. 19, 1831.
- Clarissa-Ann, d. Alexander and Roxana, April 12, 1829.
- John-Arnold, s. Alexander and Roxana, May 11, 1818.
- Leonard-Riley, s. Alexander and Roxana, Aug. 13, 1820.
- Roxana-Alexandra, d. Alexander and Roxana, June 30, 1822.
- Zenas-Lockwood, s. Alexander and Roxana, July 14, 1815.
- Elizabeth, d. Samuel and Sally, Aug. 15, 1805.
- Esther, d. Darius and Levina, Dec. 19, 1781.
- Hannah, d. Peter and Hannah, May 10, 1771.
- John, s. Samuel and Sally, Aug. 11, 1795.
- Joseph, s. Samuel and Sally, Sept. 18, 1801.
- Jubal, s. Samuel and Sally, June 18, 1797.
- Levina, d. Darius and Levina, Sept. 29, 1783.
- Lewis, s. Samuel and Sally, Sept. 17, 1803.
- Mary-Curtis, d. Peter and Phebe, March 5, 1829.
- Peter, s. Samuel and Sally, Sept. 26, 1799.
- Polly, d. Darius and Levina, Nov. 24, 1779.
- Sally, d. Samuel and Sally, Sept. 26, 1807.
- Samuel, s. Samuel and Sally, April 28, 1792.
- Samuel, s. Samuel and Sally, July 24, 1793.
- Submit, d. Darius and Betsey, Sept. 3, 1789.
- Waldo, s. Lydia How, Nov. 29, 1784. At Sutton.
- Julia, d. John and Mary, Feb. 11, 1848.
- Sarah-Ann, d. James and Laura, Dec. 23, 1846.
- ——, —. James and Laura, April 16, 1844.
- Joshua, s. Jonathan and Rachel, Sept. 19, 1762.
- Rebecca, d. Jonathan and Rachel, March 30, 1761.
- Daniel-Hewett, s. Dexter and Nancy-Maria, Feb. 28, 1837.
- Mary-Ann, d. Dexter and Nancy-Maria, June 23, 1835.
- Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Thankful, June 9, 1785.
- Ebenezer-Tucker, s. Ebenezer and Ruth, July 2, 1818.
- Erasmus-Lilly, s. Ebenezer and Ruth, Dec. 17, 1813.
- Levina, d. Ebenezer and Thankful, March 8, 1788.
- Mary-Henshaw, d. Erasmus-L. and Susan-R., April 22, 1837.
- Polly, d. Ebenezer and Thankful, Jan. 2, 1791.
- Sabrina, d. Ebenezer and Thankful, Aug. 1, 1795. At Sutton.
- Syrena, d. Ebenezer and Thankful, June 9, 1798.
- Wyman-Reed, s. Erasmus-L. and Susan-R., Jan. 2, 1836.
- Archibald, s. John and Martha, Dec. 18, 1779.
- John, s. John and Martha, Jan. 7, 1778.
- Leonard, s. Silas and Judith, Aug. 24, 1806.
- Sally, d. Silas and Judith, Feb. 15, 1808.
- Joseph-Henry, s. Charles-W. and Adaline, Nov. 11, 1832.
- Mary-Carteret, d. Charles-W. and Adaline, June 1, 1830.
- Mellissa-Lovira, d. John-M. and Mellissa-C., March 22, 1846.
- Azubah, d. Daniel and Elizabeth, Jan. 5, 1794.
- Benjamin, s. —— and ——, Nov. 18, 1804. At Woburn.
- Caroline-Relief, d. Leonard and Relief, Dec. 17, 1822.
- Charles-H., s. —— and ——, Oct. 5, 1829.
- Clarissa, d. Recompense and Anna, Sept. 19, 1797.
- Daniel, s. Ezra and Cynthia, Oct. 2, 1785.
- Eliza, d. Recompense and Anna, July 17, 1802.
- Ezra, s. Ezra and Cynthia, Aug. 7, 1782.
- Hariot-Eliza, d. Leonard and Hariot, Jan. 16, 1827.
- Leonard, s. Recompense and Anna, April 2, 1793.
- Luther, s. Ezra and Cynthia, June 2, 1777.
- Martha-Eliza, d. Leonard and Relief, Sept. 1, 1819.
- Mary-Ann, d. Leonard and Hariot, May 9, 1824.
- Preston-Moore, s. Leonard and Relief, Aug. 15, 1816.
- Susanna, d. Ezra and Cynthia, May 1, 1779.
- Zebulon, s. Recompense and Anna, July 26, 1790.
- Henry, s. Benjamin and Sally, Oct. 11, 1818.
- Mary-Morse, d. Benjamin and Sally, Jan. 7, 1812. At Upton.
- Sarah-Holt, d. Benjamin and Sally, Oct. 24, 1817.
- William, s. Benjamin and Sarah, March 8, 1813.
- Alfred-Brigham, s. —— and ——, April 16, 1831.
- Alfred-Lewis, s. Asa and Lucy, Feb. 14, 1836. At Oxford.
- Amos-Francis, s. Asa and Sarah-J., March 31, 1850.
- Anna, d. Ephraim and Bathsheba, June 11, 1790.
- Asa, s. Ephraim and Bathsheba, Nov. 16, 1778.
- Asa-Gates, s. Asa and Lucy, March 10, 1828.
- Bathsheba, d. Ephraim and Bathsheba, March 12, 1781.
- Betsey-Jones, d. Asa and Lucy, April 10, 1826.
- George-Edwin, s. Asa and Lucy, July 24, 1838. At Oxford.
- Hannah, d. Ephraim and Bathsheba, April 22, 1787.
- Lucy-Ann, d. Asa and Lucy, July 4, 1823.
- Lydia, d. Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 22, 1781.
- Maria-Hester, d. Asa and Lucy, July 28, 1821.
- Roxe, d. Ephraim and Bathsheba, Aug. 3, 1795.
- Sarah-Mehitable, d. Asa and Lucy, Sept. 15, 1833.
- Sophia, d. Asa and Lucy, Jan. 11, 1819.
- Sylvanus, s. of Ephraim and Bathsheba, Nov. 20, 1783.
- Otis-Thomas, s. Benjamin and Relief, Jan. 14, 1823.
- Adeline, d. John and Rhoda, April 8, 1805.
- Betsy, d. Samuel and Patty, Oct. 25, 1796.
- Byron-Baxter, s. Francis and ——, registered May 12, 1845.
- Cordelia-Adaline, d. John, Jr. and Sarah, Sept. 30, 1838.
- Elizabeth-Bancroft, d. John, Jr. and Sarah, Jan. 10, 1825.
- Elmyra, d. Samuel and Patty, July 15, 1806.
- Franklin, s. Francis and Wealthy, March 8, 1840.
- Hollis-Knowlton, s. Nathaniel-S. and Lucy-M., April 20, 1832.
- John, s. John and Rhoda, March 17, 1798.
- John-Rice, s. John, Jr. and Sarah, Feb. 21, 1833.
- Joseph, s. John and Rhoda, Aug. 12, 1801.
- Joseph-Stevens, s. John, Jr. and Sarah, Nov. 13, 1834.
- Lewis, s. John, Jr. and Sarah, Jan. 4, 1829.
- Lucy-Ann, d. Nathaniel-S. and Lucy, —— —, 1836? Entered Feb. 23, 1837.
- Lucy-Prentice, d. John and Rhoda, April 24, 1811.
- Lucy-Rice, d. John, Jr. and Sarah, May 23, 1844.
- Nathaniel-Henry, s. Nathaniel-S. and Lucy-M., Oct. 28, 1828.
- Nathaniel-Smith, s. Samuel and Patty, Aug. 10, 1803.
- Patty, d. Samuel and Patty, April 26, 1809.
- Polly, d. Samuel and Patty, Aug. 26, 1798.
- Polly, d. Samuel and Patty, March 3, 1801.
- Rhoda-Anna, d. John, Jr. and Sarah, Sept. 24, 1842.
- Sally-Brooks, d. John and Rhoda, Nov. 24, 1795.
- Samuel-Smith, s. Nathaniel-S. and Lucy, Feb. 14, 1834.
- Sarah-Frances, d. John, Jr. and Sarah, Jan. 4, 1831.
- Sophronia-Prentice, d. John, Jr. and Sarah, April 20, 1827.
- Stellah, d. Nathaniel-S. and Lucy-M., Sept. 13, 1830.
- George-Harris, s. William-C.-P. and Ruth-Daniels, Feb. 9, 1849.
- ——, d. Charles and Mary, March —, 1844.
- ——, d. Charles and ——, registered June 27, 1845.
- Andrew-James, s. Andrew-J. and Harriett, May 26, 1846.
- Harriett-Anna, d. Andrew-J. and Harriett-Ann, Dec. 28, 1848.
At Oxford.
- Abijah, s. Abijah and Sukey, Feb. 6, 1790.
- Patty, d. Abijah and Sukey, April 17, 1787.
- William, s. Abijah and Sukey, May 13, 1792.
- Henry-Clay, s. James-T. and Abby, June 18, 1850.
- John, s. Cyrus and Azubah, March 14, 1797.
- Mehitabel, d. Cyrus and Azubah, May 11, 1794.
- Sally, d. Cyrus and Azubah, March 17, 1794.
- One of the above in error as entered in the Town Book.
- Joanna, d. James and Betsey, Sept. 16, 1807.
- Jonathan, s. James and Betsey, Oct. 1, 1810.
- Molly, d. Paul and Sarah, June 10, 1777.
- Susanna, d. Paul and Sarah, May 21, 1779.
- Abner, s. Amasa and Sally, Jan. 1, 1808.
- Amasa, s. Daniel, Jr. and Rebecca, July 19, 1788.
- Asa, s. Daniel, Jr. and Rebecca, July 20, 1790.
- Candace-H., d. John and Catherine, May 6, 1829.
- Catharine, d. Daniel and Rebeckah, Aug. 20, 1803.
- Catharine, d. John and Catharine, Oct. 1, 1821.
- Charles-Coolidge, s. John-S. and Melinda, Oct. 14, 1845.
- Daniel, s. Daniel and Rachel, May 30, 1766.
- Daniel, s. Daniel and Rebecca, Jan. 1, 1793.
- Daniel, s. John and Catharine, May 24, 1816.
- David-Francis, s. John-S. and Malinda, Sept. 20, 1841.
- Dianthia, d. John and Catharine, March 29, 1823.
- Didama, d. Daniel and Rebecca, March 10, 1796.
- Eliphalet-H., s. John and Catharine, Dec. 2, 1813.
- Elisha, s. Daniel and Rachel, Jan. 22, 1768.
- Henrietta-Melinda, d. John-S. and Melinda, Dec. 15, 1846.
- Hester, d. Daniel and Rebecca, March 2, 1801.
- Jacob, s. Daniel and Rachel, Jan. 12, 1770.
- James-Monroe, s. John-S. and Melinda, March 5, 1838.
- John, s. Daniel and Rachel, Feb. 11, 1772.
- John, s. Daniel, Jr. and Rebecca, May 2, 1786.
- John, s. David and Sally, Oct. 11, 1811?
- John, s. John and Catharine, Dec. 25, 1824.
- Lucy-D., d. John and Catharine, Feb. 18, 1808.
- Lucy-Dagget, d. John and Catharine, Feb. 18, 1809.
- Probably the same as the one before.
- Lucy-D., d. John and Catharine, Oct. 16, 1819.
- Lucy-Tamar, d. John and Catharine, Oct. 16, 1831.
- Lydia, d. Daniel and Rachel, April 10, 1779.
- Mary, d. John and Catharine, May 6, 1829.
- Mary-S., d. David and Sally, May 10, 1819. At Berlin, Vt.
- Polly, d. Daniel and Rebecca, June 20, 1798.
- Preston, s. John and Catharine, June 10, 1818.
- Rachel, d. Daniel and Rachel, Feb. 3, 1776.
- Sally, d. David and Sally, Jan. 13, 1817.
- Sarah-Ann, d. Amasa and Sally, Oct. 22, 1812.
- Sarah-Stone, d. John-S. and Melinda, April 26, 1835. At
Montpelier, Vt.
- Simon, s. Daniel and Rachel, Aug. 8, 1781.
- Sophronia, d. David and Sally, Oct. 17, 1809.
- Safford, s. Daniel and Rachel, Aug. 10, 1787.
- Tamar, d. John and Catharine, Sept. 19, 1810.
- Bridget, d. John and Mary, June 21, 1850.
- Ephraim, s. Oliver and Judith, March 27, 1798.
- Bettey, d. Jonathan and Bette, July 13, 1779.
- David, s. Jonathan and Bette, Oct. 4, 1783.
- David-Marble, s. Amos and Zerviah, Oct. 18, 1811.
- Denny, s. Amos, Jr. and Zerviah, March 2, 1798.
- Horace, s. Amos and Zerviah, Nov. 18, 1813.
- John, s. Amos, Jr. and Zerviah, May 7, 1791. At Sutton.
- Julian, d. Amos and Zerviah, April 23, 1809.
- Leonard, s. Amos and Zerviah, Oct. 18, 1803.
- Lewis, s. Amos and Zerviah, June —, 1818.
- Luther, s. Amos, Jr. and Zerviah, Jan. 23, 1801.
- Moses, s. Jonathan and Bette, Aug. 2, 1778.
- Nathan, s. Nathan and Ruth, Sept. 14, 1779.
- Polly, d. Amos and Zerviah, June 5, 1806.
- Salem, s. Jonathan and Bette, May 24, 1782.
- Sally, d. Amos, Jr. and Zerviah, Nov. 27, 1793.
- Sipporah, d. Jonathan and Bette, April 26, 1786.
- Willard, s. Amos, Jr. and Zerviah, Jan. 31, 1796.
- Almira-Jane, d. William-D. and Jane, April 10, 1841.
- Mary-Louisa, d. William-D. and Jane, Feb. 3, 1846.
- Sarah-Elizabeth, d. William-D. and Jane, Sept. 7, 1838.
- George-Gregory, s. Brigham and Almira, July 20, 1848.
- John-Brigham, s. Brigham and Almira, Nov. 30, 1845.
- Abigail-Cudworth, d. Simeon and Dorothy, Oct. 11, 1810.
- William-Gray, s. Simeon and Dorothy, Jan. 4, 1812.
- Georgianna, d. Freeman-W. and Hannah, Dec. 13, 1845.
- William-Henry, s. John and Delia, Oct. 15, 1846.
- Absalom, s. James and Anna, Sept. 20, 1815.
- Jason, s. James and Anna, July 21, 1819.
- Jonah, s. James and Anna, Dec. 12, 1829.
- Mary-Ann, d. James and Anna, Jan. 19, 1827.
- Miranda, d. James and Anna, Feb. 18, 1822.
- William-Eustis, s. James and Anna, April 20, 1824.
- Asahel, s. Daniel, Jr. and Melisson, June 14, 1823.
- Daniel, s. Daniel and Elizabeth, Sept. 8, 1787.
- Lucinda, d. Daniel, Jr. and Mellison, Jan. 8, 1820.
- Patty, d. Daniel and Elizabeth, Nov. 25, 1790.
- Polly, d. Daniel and Elizabeth, April 18, 1794.
- Polly, d. Daniel and Elizabeth, June 16, 1798.
- Prudence, d. Daniel and Elizabeth, Oct. 12, 1804.
- Relief, d. Daniel and Elizabeth, Aug. 26, 1800.
- Joseph, s. John and Margaret, April 16, 1844.
- ——, s. John and Margaret, May 30, 1845.
- Edward, s. Joseph and Catharine, Oct. 20, 1786.
- ——, s. Daniel and Polly, March 1, 1845.
- Achsa, d. Thomas and Experience, June 13, 1784.
- Achsa, d. Thomas, Jr. and Mehitable, Aug. 31, 1809.
- Achsa, d. Thomas, Jr. and Betsey, Dec. 21, 1816.
- Addison, s. Thomas, Jr. and Mehitable, March 13, 1807.
- Almyra, twin d. Thomas, Jr. and Mehitable, March 21, 1805.
- Almira, d. Alvah and Mary, Feb. 1, 1837.
- Alva, s. Thomas, Jr. and Mehitable, July 2, 1796.
- Amory, s. Thomas, Jr. and Mehitable, April 5, 1798.
- Anna, d. Thomas and Experience, Feb. 1, 1767.
- Caroline, twin d. Thomas, Jr. and Mehitable, March 21, 1805.
- Enoch-Pond, s. Alvah and Mary, Jan. 27, 1837.
- George-Addison, s. Thomas, Jr. and Betsey, Oct. 12, 1822.
- Lucretia, d. Thomas and Experience, April 10, 1773.
- Mary, d. Thomas, Jr. and Betsey, March 4, 1814.
- Mary-Amelia, d. Alvah and Mary, Dec. 23, 1823.
- Phebe, d. Thomas and Experience, April 17, 1771.
- Susan, d. Alvah and Mary, Aug. 20, 1832.
- Susan-Mehitable, d. Alvah and Mary, Aug. 30, 1821.
- Thomas, s. Thomas and Experience, May 17, 1777.
- Thomas-Addison, s. Alvah and Mary, July 27, 1830.
- Wealthy-Hawes, d. Alvah and Mary, Jan. 31, 1826.
- William-Henry, s. Alvah and Mary, March 1, 1828.
- David, s. David and Lois, June 5, 1781.
- John, s. David and Lois, Jan. 27, 1780.
- Luther, s. David and Lois, June 12, 1783.
- Molley, d. David and Lois, July 3, 1774.
- Sarah, d. David and Lois, July 27, 1777.
- Henry-M., s. Marcus-M. and Lucinda, April 21, 1850.
- Addison, s. Samuel and Alace-E., July 14, 1821.
- Daniel-Temple, s. Thomas and Hannah, April 10, 1831.
- Elizabeth, d. Jonas and Lydia, June 25, 1797.
- Joseph, s. Jonas and Lydia, March 9, 1795.
- Joseph-Pierce, s. Thomas and Hannah, Nov. 7, 1839.
- Lydia-Adelia, d. Thomas and Hannah, July 24, 1834.
- Mary-Jane, d. Adolphus and Clarissa-B., Sept. —, 1836.
- Sarah, d. Jonas and Lydia, July 17, 1802.
- Reuben-Washburn, s. Samuel and Alace-E., Aug. 10, 1825.
- Thomas, s. Jonas and Lydia, Oct. 18, 1791.
- Thomas, twin s. Jonas and Lydia, Nov. 28, 1799.
- Thomas-Stowe, s. Thomas and Hannah, July 2, 1832.
- William, twin s. Jonas and Lydia, Nov. 28, 1799.
- ——, child Adolphus and Clarissa-B., Oct. 19, 1835.
- ——, child Adolphus and Clarissa-B., Sept. 1, 1838.
- Abigail, d. Levi and Sarah, May 4, 1771.
- Albert-Henry, s. Levi and Eliza-N., Sept. 28, 1848.
- Albert-Milo, s. Lewis and Almira, March 22, 1843.
- Almira-Amelia, d. Lewis and Almira, April 1, 1829.
- Amasa, s. Levi and Mary, March 19, 1798.
- Amos, s. Levi and Mary, Oct. 7, 1789.
- Artemas, s. Levi and Mary, Sept. 22, 1787.
- Charles, s. Daniel-P. and Lydia, Nov. 4, 1825.
- David, s. Levi and Sarah, Jan. 1, 1768.
- Eliphalet, s. Levi and Sarah, May 22, 1778.
- Eliphalet, s. Jesse and Betsy, Oct. 12, 1810.
- Eliza, d. Jesse and Betsey, Dec. 12, 1814.
- Eliza, d. James and Betsey, Nov. 14, 1830.
- Elizabeth, d. Levi and Sarah, Aug. 11, 1773.
- Ellen-Augusta, d. Samuel and Rhoda, Dec. 7, 1833.
- Emily-Senath, d. Lewis and Almira, Nov. 22, 1831.
- George, s. James and Betsey, April 23, 1827.
- Harriet-Newell, d. Daniel and Lydia, Oct. 4, 1816.
- Harvey, s. Levi and Mary, Sept. 7, 1794.
- Henry-Williams, s. Lewis and Almira, Oct. 17, 1826.
- Hiram, s. Jesse and Betsey, Sept. 25, 1808.
- Horace, s. Jesse and Betsey, March 14, 1812.
- Horace, s. Daniel-P. and Lydia, May 19, 1828.
- Isaac, s. Levi and Mary, Nov. 27, 1782.
- James, s. Samuel, Jr. and Sally, Aug. 31, 1791.
- James, s. Daniel-P. and Lydia, June 24, 1830.
- Jesse, s. Levi and Mary, May 18, 1781.
- Laura-Sophia, d. Samuel and Rhoda, Feb. 23, 1838.
- Leonard, s. Samuel and Sally, Nov. 13, 1807.
- Levi, s. Levi and Sarah, April 2, 1776.
- Levi, s. Jesse and Betsey, Oct. 11, 1817.
- Lewis, s. Samuel and Sally, Feb. 16, 1801.
- Lewis-Milton, s. Lewis and Almira, June 9, 1834.
- Luke, s. Levi and Mary, Nov. 12, 1785.
- Lydia, d. Samuel, Jr. and Sally, Nov. 12, 1793.
- Martha-Clark, d. James and Betsey, Oct. 4, 1817.
- Mary, d. Samuel and Sally, Feb. 7, 1806.
- Mary-Ann, d. Jesse and Betsey, Feb. 28, 1820.
- Mary-Frances, d. Lewis and Almira, Feb. 10, 1836.
- Mary-Stone, d. Samuel and Rhoda, Feb. 6, 1830.
- Nancy-Eliza, d. Lewis and Almira, April 16, 1824.
- Polly, d. Levi and Mary, Aug. 27, 1792.
- Rhoda-Mariah, d. Samuel and Rhoda, June 20, 1824.
- Sally, d. Samuel and Sally, Jan. 24, 1799.
- Samuel, s. Samuel, Jr. and Sally, Nov. 12, 1789.
- Samuel, s. Samuel, Jr. and Sally, July 19, 1796.
- Samuel, s. Samuel and Rhoda, Nov. 14, 1826.
- Samuel-Smith, s. Lewis and Almira, April 27, 1838.
- Sarah-Caroline, d. Samuel and Rhoda, July 22, 1832.
- Susanna, d. Samuel and Sally, Jan. 15, 1803.
- ——, s. Lewis and Almira, Feb. 23, 1845.
- Daniel-Frank, s. Daniel and Ellen, July 5, 1846.
- Mary-Clark, d. Thomas and Eliza, Nov. 5, 1830.
- William-Hovey, s. Thomas and Eliza, April 25, 1832.
- ——, d. Thomas and Eliza, Sept. 14, 1833.
- Amasa-Horace, s. Samuel and Phebe, Dec. 2, 1815.
- Edwin, s. Samuel and Phebe, Nov. 14, 1811.
- George-Russell, s. Samuel and Phebe, April 5, 1821.
- Harriet, d. Samuel and Phebe, Dec. 9, 1809.
- Mary, d. Samuel and Phebe, Sept. 5, 1818.
- Amanda-M., d. Arba and Mary, Oct. 6, 1821.
- Amory, s. Arba and Mary, May 28, 1825.
- Diantha, d. Daniel and Lydia, March 24, 1813.
- Elisha-Livermore, s. Daniel and Lydia, Jan. 16, 1819.
- At Worcester.
- Elijah-Bangs, s. Robert, Jr. and Lucy, Sept. 20, 1820.
- Elizabeth, d. Arba and Mary, Jan. 29, 1828.
- Emeline, d. Daniel, Jr. and Lydia, April 19, 1810.
- George, s. Arba and Julia, Dec. 28, 1829.
- Hannah-Bangs, d. Robert, Jr. and Lucy, Dec. 1, 1828.
- Lorinda, d. Daniel and Lydia, April 11, 1816.
- Mary-Ann, d. Arba and Mary, April 27, 1824.
- Nathan-Haskell, s. Robert, Jr. and Lucy, Dec. 23, 1823.
- Perry, s. Arba and Mary, Aug. 29, 1819.
- Polly, d. Robert, Jr. and Lucy, May 30, 1822.
- Sarah-Lucy, d. Robert, Jr. and Lucy, June 26, 1827.
- Tirzah, d. Daniel, Jr. and Lydia, May 11, 1808. At Charlton.
- Samuel-Harrington, s. Abel and Sukey, May 3, 1808.
- William-Selwyn, s. Joseph and Harriet, May 5, 1842.
- Abiel, s. David and Mary, Jan. 30, 1780.
- Elizabeth, d. David and Mary, May 7, 1782.
- John, s. David and Mary, Jan. 10, 1777.
- Martha, d. David and Mary, Oct. 7, 1785.
- Azubah-Maria, d. Lyman and Azubah, Aug. 29, 1824.
- Julia-Ann, d. Lyman and Azubah, Jan. 5, 1829.
- Thomas-Baird, s. Lyman and Azubah, Nov. 20, 1832.
- Joseph, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, Aug. 3, 1849.
- Joseph-Stone, s. Moses and Hannah, Feb. 20, 1791.
- Peter-Boyden, s. Moses and Hannah, Oct. 25, 1793.
- ——, s. Tilley and ——, registered June 27, 1845.
- Anna, d. Joseph and Mercy, July 13, 1776.
- Asa, s. David and Lydia, March 24, 1780.
- Clarissa, d. David, Jr. and China, April 1, 1791.
- Cynthia, d. David and Lydia, April 6, 1785.
- Cynthia, d. David, Jr. and China, March 20, 1799.
- David, s. David and Lydia, May 24, 1770.
- Elizabeth, twin d. Ezekiel and Esther, March 2, 1774.
- Eunice-Merriam, d. Ezra and Eunice, Jan. 11, 1805.
- Ezekiel, s. Ezekiel and Esther, Nov. 8, 1776.
- Ezra, s. David and Lydia, Oct. 30, 1777.
- Florinda, d. Ezra and Eunice, May 8, 1802.
- Jason, s. David, Jr. and China, March 3, 1804.
- John, s. Joseph, Jr. and Marcy, Oct. 13, 1779.
- John, s. David, Jr. and China, March 25, 1797. At Deer-Isle.
- Leander, s. David, Jr. and Sally, May 25, 1814.
- Lucretia, d. David and Lydia, Feb. 4, 1783.
- Lydia, d. Ezekiel and Esther, Nov. 13, 1779.
- Marcy, d. Joseph, Jr. and Marcy, March 24, 1771.
- Mary, d. David and Lydia, June 2, 1772.
- Merriam, d. David and Lydia, July 31, 1774.
- Naomi, d. Ezra and Marcey, Sept. 3, 1807.
- Nathaniel, s. Joseph, Jr. and Mercy, Nov. 1, 1773.
- Polly, d. David, Jr. and China, Oct. 26, 1792. At Deer Isle.
- Ruth, twin d. Ezekiel and Esther, March 2, 1774.
- Silas-Cumstock, s. David, Jr. and China, Jan. 25, 1795. At Swans-Isle.
- Susanna, d. David and Lydia, Sept. 30, 1768.
- John, s. Daniel and Eleanor, Aug. 20, 1788.
- Anna, d. Jonah and Grace, March 10, 1783.
- Betsy, d. Jonah and Grace, Feb. 11, 1792.
- Elmiry, d. Joseph and Sally, Oct. 22, 1801.
- Grace, d. Jonah and Grace, July 19, 1785.
- Grace, d. Joseph and Sally, Nov. 12, 1811.
- Joseph, s. Jonah and Grace, Jan. 15, 1778.
- Justus, s. Jonah and Grace, March 13, 1787.
- Polle, d. Jonah and Grace, Aug. 22, 1779.
- Relief, d. Jonah and Grace, May 9, 1781.
- Sally, d. Jonah and Grace, Jan. 27, 1790.
- Valorious-Joseph, s. Joseph and Sally, Sept. 17, 1814.
- Alice-Mariah, d. Daniel and Elizabeth, March 2, 1824.
- Anna, d. Daniel and Elizabeth, Feb. 7, 1817.
- Charles, s. John and Polly, Dec. 21, 1802.
- Hannah, d. Daniel and Elizabeth, Dec. 8, 1827.
- Isaac, s. Daniel and Elizabeth, Dec. 19, 1821.
- John, s. Thomas and Mary, May 30, 1779.
- John, s. Daniel and Elizabeth, Sept. 24, 1815.
- John-Porter, s. Charles and Amity, Aug. 3, 1835.
- Mary, d. Daniel and Elizabeth, Jan. 5, 1820.
- Mary-Elizabeth, d. Charles and Amity, Nov. 25, 1828.
- Nancy, d. Thomas and Mary, Jan. 9, 1794.
- Polly, d. Thomas and Mary, Jan. 1, 1781.
- Polly, d. Thomas and Mary, Oct. 6, 1791.
- Ralph-Emerson, s. Daniel and Elizabeth, Sept. 22, 1815.
- Sally, d. Thomas and Mary, Jan. 31, 1784.
- Sarah-Ann, d. Charles and Amity, June 18, 1826.
- Susan-Caroline, d. Charles and Amity, Nov. 23, 1823.
- Thomas-Peter, s. Thomas and Polly, Feb. 26, 1801.
- Thomas-Porter, s. Daniel and Elizabeth, April 11, 1818.
- Dan., s. Daniel and Mary, Jan. 3, 1779.
- ——, -. Thomas-S. and ——, registered May 29, 1848.
- Amasa, s. James, Jr. and Patty, Nov. 16, 1803.
- Betsy, d. Thomas and Betsy, Sept. 16, 1800.
- Clarissa-Smith, d. John, 2d and Mary-R., June 5, 1827.
- Comfort-Bancroft, twin d. James, Jr. and Patty, Nov. 28, 1814.
- Edward-Rice, twin s. James, Jr. and Patty, Nov. 28, 1814.
- Eliza-Barns, d. John and Betsy, May 28, 1804.
- James, s. John and Sarah, Feb. 16, 1784.
- James, s. Thomas and Betsy, March 31, 1795.
- John, s. John and Sarah, Aug. 22, 1776.
- John, s. Thomas and Betsy, May 26, 1798.
- John, s. John and Betsey, Aug. 14, 1811.
- Joseph, s. John and Sarah, July 15, 1780.
- Lewis, s. James, Jr. and Patty, Oct. 29, 1806.
- Lorin, s. James, Jr. and Patty, Sept. 16, 1808. At Worcester.
- Lydia, d. Thomas and Betsy, June 15, 1804.
- Lydia, d. John, 2d and Mary, April 19, 1829.
- Martha, d. John and Sarah, April 2, 1778.
- Martha-Rice, d. Amasa and Marinda, March 11, 1833.
- Mary, d. James, Jr. and Patty, Aug. 7, 1797.
- Mary-Ann, d. John and Betsey, Feb. 11, 1802.
- Patty, d. James, Jr. and Patty, July 6, 1799.
- Peter, s. Thomas and Betsy, April 24, 1809.
- Sarah-Eddy, d. James, Jr. and Patty, Jan. 7, 1810.
- Thomas-Henry, s. John, 2d and Mary, July 20, 1831.
- Thomas-Rice, s. Thomas and Betsy, Sept. 10, 1796.
- Benjamin-F., s. Benjamin and Susan, Jan. 10, 1845.
- Alvin, s. Joseph and Relief, March 3, 1814.
- Amasa, s. Joseph and Relief, July 25, 1802.
- Austin-Flint, s. Joseph and Relief, March 22, 1818.
- Daniel, s. Joseph and Relief, Feb. 9, 1811.
- Dexter, s. Joseph and Relief, March 10, 1810.
- Joseph-Sumner, s. Joseph and Relief, Dec. 26, 1806.
- Justus-Goulding, s. Joseph and Relief, Feb. 18, 1801.
- William, s. Joseph and Relief, March 3, 1808.
- Achsa, d. Daniel and Rachel, Nov. 14, 1808.
- Daniel, s. Daniel and Rachel, April 23, 1799. At Sutton.
- Eliphalet, s. Daniel and Rachel, May 29, 1802.
- Francis-Holman, s. William and Abigail, May 29, 1814.
- Lurane, d. William and Abigail, March 13, 1809. At Sutton.
- Lydia, d. Daniel and Rachel, Dec. 4, 1800. At Sutton.
- Mary, d. Daniel and Rachel, May 23, 1806.
- Rachel, d. Daniel and Rachel, Jan. 20, 1798. At Oxford.
- Roseltha-Angela, d. Orison and Phebe, Feb. 14, 1837.
- Sally, d. William and Abigail, June 8, 1811. At Northbridge.
- Simon, s. Daniel and Rachel, July 17, 1804.
- Elisha-Dodge, s. Elisha Hill and Betsey Dodge, Nov. 17, 1809.
- ["Spurious child."]
- Julia-Maria, d. Jason-C. and Julia, May 23, 1830.
- Abel, s. Moses and Olive, July 12, 1823.
- Albert-Preston, s. Preston and Henrietta, Dec. 25, 1848. At Worcester.
- Alexander, s. John and Deborah, Jan. 24, 1800.
- Amos-Rich, s. Simeon and Sally, Aug. 30, 1813.
- Betsey-Carriel, d. Moses and Olive, Aug. 1, 1810.
- Candace-Stone, d. Simeon and Candace, June 16, 1829.
- Catharine, d. Eliphalet and Tamar, Dec. 3, 1789.
- Clark, s. John and Deborah, Dec. 16, 1804.
- Cynthia, d. John and Deborah, Jan. 26, 1810.
- Daniel-Carriel, s. Moses and Olive, Jan. 11, 1815.
- Francis-Hardy, s. John and Deborah, May 21, 1807.
- Francis-Hardy, s. John and Deborah, Nov. 22, 1813.
- George-Owen, s. Preston and Henrietta, Oct. 28, 1845. At Baltimore, Md.
- Hannah-Hardy, d. Moses and Olive, Feb. 20, 1806.
- Horace, s. Moses and Olive, Jan. 2, 1817.
- Horace, s. Moses and Olive, Sept. 2, 1821.
- Jacob, s. Samuel and Hannah, Feb. 14, 1788.
- John, s. Abel and Hannah, July 7, 1776.
- John, s. Samuel and Hannah, March 12, 1792.
- John, s. John and Deborah, July 16, 1802.
- Laura-Elizabeth, d. Sumner and Calista, Sept. 3, 1848.
- Laura-Virginia, d. Preston and Henrietta, Jan. 1, 1840. At Baltimore, Md.
- Luke, s. Samuel and Hannah, March 13, 1785.
- Moses, s. Abel and Hannah, May 11, 1778.
- Moses, s. Moses and Olive, March 13, 1805.
- Moses, s. Moses and Olive, Dec. 9, 1808.
- Nancy, d. Parley and Nancy, Nov. 19, 1818.
- Nathan, s. Parley and Nancy, Oct. 7, 1816.
- Olive, d. Moses and Olive, May 27, 1802.
- Parley, s. Parley and Nancy, July 5, 1813. At Sutton.
- Polly, d. Samuel and Hannah, May 9, 1790.
- Preston, s. Moses and Olive, Oct. 28, 1818.
- Rube, d. Jacob and Hannah, Jan. 18, 1821.
- Rube-Cummings, d. Samuel and Hannah, Nov. 11, 1780. At Sutton.
- Sally, d. John and Deborah, July 3, 1816.
- Sarah, d. Simeon and Candace, Aug. 26, 1822.
- Simeon, s. Eliphalet and Tamar, March 9, 1788.
- Simeon-Dagget, s. Simeon and Sally, Sept. 29, 1815.
- Simeon-Dagget, s. Simeon and Candace, March 22, 1821.
- Sumner, s. Simeon and Candace, Oct. 18, 1818.
- Tamar, d. Eliphalet and Tamar, Nov. 28, 1798.
- William-Henry-McAllister, s. Preston and Henrietta, Sept. 16, 1841. At Baltimore, Md.
- William-Young, s. Parley and Nancy, Oct. 24, 1811. At Worcester.
- Abby, d. Rev. Henry-B. and ——, Nov. 23, 1846.
- Eli, s. Daniel and Sarah, June 8, 1781.
- Levina, d. Daniel and Sarah, July 28, 1779.
- Lorenzo, s. Alfred and ——, March 10, 1844.
- Albert-Waldo, s. Albert and Lavinia, registered May 22, 1844. At Hanover, N.Y.
- Clarissa, d. Abner and Almira, Jan. 18, 1836.
- Mary-Ann, d. Abner and Almira, March 6, 1844.
- Mary-Elizabeth, d. Abner and Almira, May 17, 1837.
- ——, s. Abner and Almira, June 7, 1841.
- Amasa-Cummings, s. Samuel and Ruth, Aug. 17, 1804.
- Gardiner, s. Samuel and Ruth, March 3, 1806.
- Hannah, d. James and Judea, March 2, 1809.
- Ira, s. Samuel and Ruth, Oct. 22, 1801.
- Israel, s. Israel and Anna, July 10, 1804.
- James-Nelson, s. John and Patty, Feb. 22, 1829.
- John, s. Israel and Anna, Dec. 17, 1798.
- John, s. Jacob and Anna, Nov. 21, 1801.
- Jonathan, s. James and Judea, Jan. 14, 1807.
- Loring, s. Israel and Anna, Oct. 6, 1806.
- Miranda, d. Samuel and Ruth, June 25, 1812.
- Polly, d. Samuel and Ruth, July 25, 1800.
- Sally, d. James and Judea, April 5, 1804.
- Samuel, s. Samuel and Ruth, Feb. 24, 1803.
- Simon, s. Israel and Anna, May 19, 1794.
- Simeon-T., s. John and Patty, May 14, 1826.
- Sumner, s. Israel and Anna, June 10, 1809.
- Sumner, s. Samuel and Ruth, June 3, 1810.
- Sullivan, s. Samuel and Ruth, Oct. 18, 1807.
- Achsa, d. Nathaniel and Catharine, July 22, 1804.
- Anna, d. Peter and Mehitabel, April 30, 1782.
- Caroline, d. Nathaniel and Catharine, July 2, 1811.
- Chloe, d. Joseph and Hannah, Jan. 26, 1817.
- Chloe, d. of Joseph and Hannah, Feb. 24, 1833.
- Daniel, s. Daniel and Molly, June 27, 1791.
- Daniel, s. Joseph and Hannah, Feb. 16, 1818.
- Daniel-Ambrose, s. Samuel and Roxana, June 5, 1840.
- Elmer, d. Samuel and Roxana, Aug. 15, 1844.
- Emily, d. Samuel and Roxana, April 23, 1838.
- Gardner, s. Daniel and Molly, Oct. 25, 1797.
- Hannah-Elizabeth, d. Daniel and Juliann, April 25, 1841.
- John-D., s. Joseph and Hannah, Dec. 9, 1836.
- Joseph, s. Daniel and Molly, May 27, 1784.
- Joseph, s. Joseph and Hannah, March 16, 1820.
- Laura-Francelia, d. Samuel and Roxana, Sept. 18, 1846.
- Lewis, s. Nathaniel and Catharine, April 8, 1802.
- Lewis, s. Joseph and Hannah, Aug. 9, 1831.
- Lucy, d. Peter and Mehitable, March 29, 1769.
- Lucy, d. Nathaniel and Catharine, March 2, 1807.
- Luther, s. Peter and Mehitable, May 11, 1779.
- Mayrick, s. Daniel and Molley, March 14, 1781.
- Maverick, s. Joseph and Hannah, May 17, 1811.
- Mary-Ann, d. Joseph and Hannah, Aug. 18, 1822.
- Mary-Riant, d. Joseph and Hannah, Dec. 23, 1814.
- Mehitable, d. Peter and Mehitable, Feb. 11, 1773.
- Nancy-Minerva, d. Joseph and Hannah, April 4, 1813.
- Nathaniel, s. Daniel and Molley, Dec. 7, 1778.
- Orrin-Daniel, s. Daniel and Julia, Aug. 20, 1845.
- Peter, s. Peter and Mehitable, March 27, 1771.
- Polly, d. Daniel and Molley, May 11, 1783.
- Polly, d. Daniel and Molley, Feb. 8, 1787.
- Prudence, d. Daniel and Molley, March 31, 1794.
- Reuben, s. Nathaniel and Catharine, Feb. 24, 1800.
- Richard-Boardman, s. Samuel and Roxana, May 17, 1842.
- Roxana-Sophia, d. Samuel and Roxana, Nov. 10, 1835.
- Rufus, s. Peter and Mehitable, March 20, 1777.
- Sally, d. Daniel and Molley, May 19, 1789.
- Samuel, s. Joseph and Hannah, June 21, 1803.
- Sarah, d. Joseph and Hannah, Nov. 14, 1834.
- Susanna, d. Joseph and Hannah, Dec. 8, 1809.
- Sylvanus, s. Peter and Mehitable, June 28, 1784.
- Twist, s. Peter and Mehitable, March 26, 1775.
- Elizabeth, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, Jan. 11, 1847.
- Jerome, s. Daniel and Betsy, Aug. 10, 1844.
- George-Albert, s. Erastus-C. and Ann, March 21, 1845.
- Lydia-Elizabeth, d. Danforth and Betsey, Jan. 1, 1829.
- Samuel-Rice, twin s. Danforth and Betsey, June 15, 1834.
- Stephen-Marshall, s. Danforth and Betsey, June 15, 1831.
- Thomas-Hart, twin s. Danforth and Betsey, June 15, 1834.
- Abby, d. Albert and Deborah-I., June 15, 1847.
- Hannah-Dennis, d. Albert and Deborah, Nov. 15, 1843.
- Seth, s. Albert and Deborah, Aug. 1, 1845.
- Betsey, d. Stephen and ——, Oct. 20, 1824.
- Lawson, s. Stephen and Sally, Jan. 13, 1811.
- Leonard, s. Stephen and Sally, Jan. 14, 1820.
- Lyman, s. Stephen and ——, Feb. 12, 1827.
- Relief, d. Stephen and Sally, March 20, 1816.
- Sally-Stockwell, d. of Stephen and ——, May 16, 1823.
- Uri, s. Stephen and Sally, March 17, 1814.
- Sarah, d. Gilbert and ——, Aug. 6, 1849.
- John-Eayres, s. John and Rebekah, Aug. 11, 1792.
- Alice, d. Thomas, Jr. and Esther, Nov. 23, 1810.
- Benjamin-Clark, s. Thomas and Esther, Jan. 29, 1816.
- Elijah, s. Thomas and Esther, Sept. 1, 1804.
- Elisha-Mirick, s. Thomas and Esther, Oct. 30, 1800.
- Elisha-Sprague, s. Elisha-M. and Eunice, April 20, 1838.
- Ellen, d. Elisha-M. and Eunice, July 12, 1835.
- Julia-Frances, d. Elisha-M. and Eunice, Oct. 7, 1847.
- Margaret-Caroline, d. Elisha-M. and Eliza, Dec. 21, 1829.
- Mariah, d. Elisha-M. and Eunice, July 2, 1842.
- Mary-E., d. Elisha-M. and Eliza, Nov. 4, 1827.
- William, s. Elisha-M. and Eliza, July 23, 1832.
- John-Pomroy, s. Ashael and Sophronia, Oct. 8, 1839.
- Marcia-Ann, d. Ashael and Sophronia, Jan. 20, 1842.
- Mariah-Augusta, d. Swan and Sarah, April 6, 1840.
- Nathan-Maynard, s. Swan and Sarah, Dec. 5, 1836.
- Sarah-Ann, d. Swan and Sarah, Jan. 4, 1832.
- Sarah-Sophronia, d. Ashael and Sophronia, Sept. 19, 1836. At Oxford.
- Emma, d. Betsy Baird, March 4, 1791.
- Joseph, s. Moses and Mary, Nov. 30, 1850.
- Napoleon, s. Leniz and Mary, Nov. 27, 1849.
- Benjamin-Forbes, s. Ebenezer and Cynthia, Feb. 18, 1821.
- Benjamin-F., s. Ebenezer and Cynthia, July 24, 1828.
- Cynthia-Elvira, d. Ebenezer and Cynthia, March 14, 1826.
- Ebenezer, s. Hanes and Polly, Oct. 15, 1780.
- Eliza, d. Davis and Eliza, Nov. 1, 1804.
- Hanes, s. Hanes and Polly, June 21, 1784.
- Joel, s. Hanes and Polly, May 15, 1786.
- Lewis, s. Ebenezer and Cynthia, July 14, 1823.
- Mary-Lovice, d. Ebenezer and Cynthia, Nov. 27, 1830.
- Lucian-Wood, s. Ebenezer and Cynthia, March 12, 1819.
- Nabby, d. Hanes and Polly, April 20, 1779.
- Polly, d. Hanes and Polly, June 11, 1782.
- Rufus-Davis, s. Ebenezer and Cynthia, June 12, 1817.
- Silvester, s. Jeremiah and Polly Scott, Dec. 24, 1808.
- Spurious.
- Daniel, s. Levi-C. and Lydia, March 25, 1814.
- George, s. Levi and Lydia, Feb. 8, 1804.
- Joel, s. Levi-C. and Lydia, June 3, 1819.
- Joel-Alvin, s. Joel and Harriett, Feb. 24, 1847.
- Joseph, s. Levi and Lydia, Feb. 25, 1801.
- Levi, s. Levi and Lydia, July 20, 1807.
- Lydia, d. Levi-C. and Lydia, Aug. 4, 1810.
- Lydia, d. Levi-C. and Lydia, Aug. 1, 1811.
- Probably a mistake in the record.
- Lydia-Harriett, d. Joel and Harriett, Jan. 19, 1850.
- Mary, d. Levi-C. and Lydia, March 16, 1822.
- Mary-Ann-Frances, d. Joel and Harriett-N., July 20, 1848.
- Sarah, d. Levi-C. and Lydia, April 11, 1812.
- Susan-Maria, d. Levi and Roxana, Aug. 20, 1833.
- Addison, s. Paul and Sally, Dec. 9, 1810.
- Augustia, d. Silvanus and Maria, March 2, 1817.
- Betsy, d. Elisha and Ruth, Aug. 23, 1778.
- Edwin, s. Paul and Sally, Jan. 21, 1813.
- Elisha, s. Elisha and Ruth, July 26, 1788.
- Louisa, d. Paul and Sally, Oct. 10, 1808.
- Lucy, d. Elisha and Ruth, Sept. 16, 1802.
- Lydia, d. Elisha and Ruth, Feb. 2, 1786.
- Paris, d. Elisha and Ruth, March 10, 1794.
- Paul, s. Elisha and Ruth, June 28, 1783.
- Persis, d. Paul and Sally, Jan. 8, 1815.
- Ruth, d. Elisha and Ruth, May 12, 1776.
- Roxana, d. Paul and Sally, Nov. 16, 1816.
- Silas, s. Elisha and Ruth, March 28, 1781.
- Silvanus, s. Elisha and Ruth, Sept. 16, 1796.
- Mary-Jane, d. John-R. and Mary-G., Nov. 17, 1829.
- Sarah-Caroline, d. John-R. and Mary-G., July 23, 1827.
- Joseph-Leniz, s. Edward and Tercel, Feb. 21, 1849.
- Almira, d. Andrew and Phebe, April 8, 1844.
- Lydia-Sophronia, d. Andrew and Lydia, Sept. 10, 1849.
- ——, d. Andrew and Lydia, Feb. 15, 1846.
- Angenette, d. Solomon and Mary, June 12, 1837.
- Joel-Phillips, s. James and Huldah, April 26, 1817.
- Julia-Sophia, d. John-H. and Abigail, Oct. 4, 1848.
- George-Herbert, s. John and Cyrene-S., Feb. 5, 1840.
- Mary-Louisa, d. John and Cyrene-S., Jan. 11, 1842.
- Adolphus, s. James, Jr. and Anna, April 5, 1802.
- Caroline-Wright, d. Cyrel and Eunice, Feb. 14, 1827.
- Ellen-Elizabeth, d. Cyrel and Eunice, March 23, 1837.
- Eunice-Lovell, d. Isaac-S. and Josephine-B., Aug. 20, 1849.
- Ezra-Gleason, s. Cyrel and Eunice, Sept. 12, 1831.
- Josephine-E., d. Isaac-S. and Josephine-B., Jan. 2, 1845.
- Lucinda, d. Cyrel and Eunice, April 16, 1829.
- Mary-Lucretia, d. Cyrel and Eunice, July 26, 1824.
- Sarah-Lucy, d. Isaac-S. and Josephine-B., Jan. 27, 1843. At Macon, Bibb County, Georgia.
- Thomas, s. Isaac-S. and Josephine-B., Feb. 12, 1841. At Websterville, Bibb County, Georgia.
- Mary-Antinette, d. Elisha and Sabrina-G., Jan. 25, 1843.
- Sarah-Ruthena, d. Elisha and Sabrina, Dec. 1, 1844.
- Brigham-Wheelock, s. Aaron and Diadama, Sept. 3, 1813. At Charlton.
- Diana, d. Aaron and Diadama, Nov. 26, 1815.
- Mary-Vose, d. Willard-P. and Lucy-Ann, Sept. 30, 1848.
- Clarissa-Angeline, d. Dr. John-N. and Amanda, Nov. 4, 1850.
- Charles, s. Nathan and Molly, Sept. 12, 1801.
- Clarissa-Wight, d. Nathan and Nancy, Dec. 7, 1818.
- Elisha, s. Jonathan and Melatiah, April 25, 1800.
- Elias-Cornelius, twin s. Nathan and Nancy, Dec. 3, 1831.
- Jeremiah-Evarts, twin s. Nathan and Nancy, Dec. 3, 1831.
- John-Henry, s. Nathan and Nancy, Nov. 18, 1826.
- Jonathan, s. Nathan and Molly, April 1, 1799.
- Mary-Georgiana, d. Nathan and Nancy, Dec. 26, 1829.
- Nathan, s. Nathan and Molly, Feb. 11, 1804.
- Nathan-Mills, s. Nathan and Nancy, June 14, 1822.
- Nancy-Wright, d. Nathan and Nancy, March 21, 1817.
- Sarah-Maria, d. Nathan and Nancy, July 20, 1820.
- Sarah-Mariah, d. Nathan and Nancy, April 3, 1824.
- Solomon, s. Nathan and Nancy, Oct. —, 1836.
- Alfred-Boardman, s. Amos-P. and Polly, Aug. 25, 1835.
- Caroline-Porter, d. Samuel-A. and Mary-W., June 13, 1837.
- Ella-Jane, d. Samuel-A. and Mary-W., July 17, 1849.
- Ellen-Samaria, d. Amos-P. and Mary, Aug. 10, 1838.
- Eugene-Herbert, s. Samuel-A. and Mary, Sept. 5, 1842.
- George, s. Lydia Hart, registered Dec. 1, 1845.
- Henry-Gregory, s. Ebenezer and Sarah, Jan. 12, 1841.
- John-Paine, s. Amos-P. and Mary, Aug. 14, 1841.
- Lucy-Miles, d. Samuel-A. and Mary-W., Nov. 8, 1834.
- Mary-Jane, d. Amos-P. and Polly, Dec. 29, 1833.
- Samuel-A., s. Samuel-A. and Mary, Oct. 12, 1839.
- Sereno, s. Amos-P. and Mary, May 12, 1837.
- Charlotte, d. Jabez and Cynthia, Nov. 6, 1816.
- Elvira, d. Jabez and Cynthia, July 29, 1811.
- Freedom, s. Jabez and Cynthia, Aug. 4, 1805.
- Hannah, d. Jonas and Hannah, Aug. 14, 1779.
- Hannah, d. Jabez and Cynthia, Dec. 25, 1813.
- James, s. Thomas and Dolly, June 2, 1785.
- Jesse, s. Jonas and Hannah, Oct. 24, 1785.
- John. s. Thomas and Dolly, Nov. 18, 1782.
- Lydia, d. Jonas and Hannah, Nov. 14, 1773.
- Nahum, s. Thomas and Dolly, Oct. 5, 1791.
- Nancy, d. Jonas and Hannah, Feb. 9, 1782.
- Peter, s. Jonas and Hannah, Dec. 14, 1776.
- Winthrop, s. Joshua and Tamar, Sept. 12, 1815.
- Joseph-Bradey, s. Henry-H. and Abby-A., July 9, 1850.
- Mary, d. Rev. John and Olive, June 2, 1831.
- Caroline-Amelia, d. William-W. and Elizabeth, April 5, 1833.
- Sarah-Putnam, d. William-W. and Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1834.
- Amos, s. Amos and Abigail, Jan. 12, 1785.
- Bettee, d. Amos and Abigail, June 18, 1782.
- Betsey, d. Abel and Sarah, Feb. 3, 1802.
- Polly, d. Abel and Sarah, July 30, 1804.
- Marcus-Lowell, s. Henry and Cynthia, Oct. 12, 1830.
- Daniel, s. Israel and Huldah, March 1, 1776.
- Israel, s. Israel and Huldah, April 7, 1771.
- John, s. Israel and Huldah, May 2, 1768.
- Martha, d. Israel and Huldah, Sept. 24, 1763.
- Rufus, s. Israel and Huldah, Aug. 31, 1773.
- Ruth, d. Israel and Huldah, Sept. 25, 1761.
- Simon, s. Israel and Huldah, Jan. 6, 1766.
- Catharine, d. Calvin-W. and Catharine, May 10, 1838.
- Ebenezer, s. Jonathan and Phebe, Sept. 17, 1792.
- Edward, s. Calvin-W. and Catharine, Feb. 13, 1836.
- Israel, s. Jonathan and Phebe, Sept. 21, 1788. At Sutton.
- John, s. Jonathan and Phebe, April 24, 1790.
- Samuel, s. Calvin-W. and Catharine, May 31, 1834.
- Phillips, s. Ebenezer and Mary, Jan. 30, 1782.
- Prudence, d. Ebenezer and Mary, Oct. 1, 1779.
- Ruth, d. Ebenezer and Lydia, Dec. 15, 1783.
- Caroline, d. Enoch and Wealthy, Oct. 12, 1817.
- Elizabeth-Maltby, d. Enoch and Julia-Ann, May 16, 1826.
- Enoch, s. Enoch and Wealthy, April 21, 1816.
- Enoch, s. Enoch and Wealthy, June 20, 1820.
- William-Emmons, s. Enoch and Wealthy, July 8, 1822.
- Wealthy-Ann, d. Enoch and Wealthy, March 24, 1815.
- Alvah-Drury, s. Rev. Miner-G. and Caroline, March 17, 1841.
- Caroline-Elizabeth, d. Rev. Miner-G. and Caroline, Jan. 8, 1834.
- Edwards-Herrick, s. Rev. Miner-G. and Caroline, Dec. 20, 1836.
- Frances-Eliza, d. Rev. Miner-G. and Caroline, June 11, 1844.
- Sarah-Mehitable, d. Rev. Miner-G. and Caroline, April 28, 1839.
- Susan-Almira, d. Rev. Miner-G. and Caroline, June 4, 1832.
- ——, s. Rev. Miner-G. and Caroline, May 24, 1830.
- ——, s. Rev. Miner-G. and Caroline, May 10, 1843.
- ——, d. Rev. Miner-G. and Caroline, Aug. 24, 1850.
- Adaline-Ophelia, d. John and Harriett, Nov. 20, 1843.
- Brooks-Alonzo, s. Elijah and Betsy, Feb. 1, 1819.
- Chester-Barton, s. John and Harriet-A., April 5, 1836.
- Elijah, s. John and Sarah, Dec. 26, 1776.
- Eliza, d. Elijah and Betsey, July 4, 1802.
- Eliza-Eldora, d. Josiah-S. and Luana, Dec. 22, 1844.
- Francis-Edgar, s. Josiah-S. and Luana, Jan. 12, 1849.
- Freeman, s. Elijah and Betsey, July 25, 1812.
- Henry-Hubbard, s. John and Harriet-A., March 15, 1830.
- Jane-Louisa, d. John and Harriet, April 14, 1841.
- John, s. John and Rebecca, Feb. 27, 1784.
- John, s. John and Rebecca, April 25, 1786.
- John, s. Elijah and Betsey, Jan. 16, 1805.
- John-Brooks, s. John and Harriet-A., March 13, 1833. At Winsted, Conn.
- Joseph-Milton, s. John and Harriet, April 20, 1838.
- Josiah-Sartel, s. John and Sarah, Dec. 27, 1778.
- Josiah-Sartle, s. Elijah and Betsey, Sept. 20, 1814.
- Lucy, d. John and Sarah, Nov. 27, 1768.
- Lucy-Howard, d. Josiah-Sartle and Nancy, July 18, 1802.
- Mary-Eveline, d. Josiah-S. and Luana, Feb. 20, 1845.
- Otis, s. John and Sarah, Oct. 31, 1770.
- Rhoda, d. John and Sarah, Jan. 14, 1775.
- Sarah, d. John and Sarah, June 3, 1765.
- Sophronia, d. Josiah-Sartle and Nancy, July 29, 1804.
- Abby-Emergene, d. Austin and Roxana, Oct. 11, 1850.
- Anderson, s. Tyler and Mary, Jan. 25, 1817.
- Austin, s. Tyler and Mary, Jan. 21, 1818.
- Betsey, d. John and Huldah, Jan. 11, 1784.
- Edgar-Willard, s. Rufus-W. and Mary-Esther, Dec. 20, 1849.
- Huldah, d. John and Huldah, Oct. 27, 1785.
- John, s. John and Huldah, Feb. 1, 1789.
- Mary-Almira, d. Rufus-Willard and Mary-Esther, Feb. 28, 1845.
- Nancy, d. John and Huldah, Oct. 9, 1781. At Sutton.
- Polly, d. John and Huldah, June 24, 1795.
- Rufus-Willard, s. Tyler and Mary, Aug. 8, 1814.
- Sally, d. John and Huldah, March 10, 1793.
- Sylvanus, s. John and Huldah, Jan. 24, 1791.
- Adaline-Hawes, d. Leonard and Charlotte-D., Jan. 15, 1829.
- Aldin, s. Comfort and Lucinda, Dec. 10, 1832.
- Caroline-Drury, d. Leonard and Charlotte-D., Oct. 1, 1825.
- Chester, s. Darius and Hannah, May 31, 1796.
- Comfort, s. Darius and Hannah, May 11, 1798.
- Cynthia, d. Edward and Miriam, Aug. 9, 1799.
- Darius, s. Darius and Hannah, July 29, 1804.
- Darius, s. Edward and Miriam, Aug. 6, 1808.
- Ellen-Frances, d. James-Austin and Clarissa, Feb. 5, 1850.
- Emily-Meriam, d. Ezra and Luthera, July 27, 1838.
- Ezra, s. Edward and Meriam, Nov. 25, 1810.
- Frances, d. Israel and Charlotte, May 11, 1813.
- George-Dwight, s. Ezra and Luthera, April 16, 1842.
- Harriet-Pond, d. Samuel and Mary-Snow, Aug. 27, 1831.
- Israel, s. Jonathan and Polly, April 5, 1789.
- James-Austin, s. Comfort and Lucinda, Sept. 21, 1824. At Millbury.
- Jane-Daggett, d. Leonard and Charlotte-D., July 26, 1830.
- John, s. Jonathan and Polly, Jan. 4, 1787.
- John, s. Israel and Charlotte, Nov. 3, 1814.
- John, s. Comfort and Lucinda, Nov. 15, 1836.
- Leonard, s. Edward and Miriam, Oct. 5, 1801.
- Lydia, d. Edward and Miriam, Aug. 14, 1796.
- Malinda-Ann, d. Comfort and Lucinda, June 25, 1826. At Millbury.
- Mary, d. Jonathan and Polly, March 27, 1798.
- Mary, d. Jonathan and Mary, April 13, 1799.
- Mary-Anna, d. Comfort and Lucinda, Jan. 8, 1845.
- Martha, d. Edward and Merriam, Sept. 9, 1813.
- Merriam, d. Edward and Merriam, July 27, 1803.
- Nancy-Feronia, d. Ezra and Luthera, July 28, 1840.
- Nancy-Stone, d. Edward and Meriam, Sept. 20, 1819.
- Patty, d. Comfort and Martha, July 14, 1777.
- Patty, d. Peter and Polly, Feb. 9, 1801.
- Persis, d. John and Senta, June 2, 1811.
- Peter, s. —— and Sally Baird, Jan. 26, 1790.
- Spurious.
- Peter, s. Jonathan and Polly, Aug. 24, 1791. At Sturbridge.
- Polly, d. Peter and Polly, April 14, 1796.
- Rufus. s. Comfort and Lucinda, Feb. 18, 1834.
- Sabrina, d. Edward and Meriam, April 6, 1817.
- Salina-Almeda, d. Ezra and Luthera, June 20, 1844.
- Sally, d. Jonathan and Mary, Oct. 30, 1803.
- Samuel, s. Jonathan and Mary, March 7, 1809.
- Samuel, s. Comfort and Lucinda, June 4, 1831.
- Sarah-Mariah, d. Comfort and Lucinda, Aug. 20, 1839.
- Susanna, d. Edward and Meriam, June 7, 1806.
- Susan-Luthera, d. Ezra and Luthera, Aug. 17, 1834.
- Thomas, s. Peter and Polly, June 24, 1793.
- Thomas-Hart, s. Peter and Polly, March 10, 1803.
- Timothy-Bancroft, s. Jonathan and Polly, April 12, 1795.
- Timothy-Henry, s. Samuel and Mary-Snow, Jan. 8, 1830.
- William-Chester, s. Comfort and Lucinda, Dec. 28, 1829.
- William-Edward, s. Leonard and Charlotte-D., Jan. 4, 1834.
- Mercy, d. Reuben and Anna, April 23, 1799.
- Mercy, d. Reuben and Anna, Sept. 1, 1803.
- Calvin, s. Peter and Phebe, May 20, 1799.
- Charles, senior, s. —— and ——, July 27, 1710.
- [Place not given.]
- Cyrus, s. Joseph and Hannah, April 16, 1805.
- Cyrus-Emmons, s. Leonard and Susanna, March 19, 1832.
- Hannah-Chase, d. Joseph and Anna-Maria, Dec. 26, 1832.
- John, s. Charles and Hepzibath, Jan. 26, 1820.
- Joseph, s. Charles, Jr. and Susanna, Oct. 27, 1779.
- Joseph, s. Joseph and Hannah, May 9, 1817.
- Leonard, s. Joseph and Hannah, March 20, 1807.
- Leonard-Edmunds, s. Leonard and Susanna, Oct. 15, 1833.
- Peter, s. Peter and Phebe, June 13, 1793.
- Peter, s. Peter and Phebe, Aug. 26, 1796.
- Polley, d. Charles, Jr. and Susanna, Oct. 24, 1777.
- Sally, d. Charles, Jr. and Susanna, March 20, 1782.
- Selby, s. Joseph and Hannah, April 20, 1811.
- Thomas, s. Peter and Phebe, April 8, 1795.
- Thomas, s. Peter and Phebe, Aug. 28, 1796.
- Elias, s. Frost and Sarah, Jan. 1, 1778.
- Rebecca, d. Frost and Sarah, June 15, 1783.
- Sarah, d. Frost and Sarah, Oct. 12, 1779.
- Warren, s. Frost and Sarah, July 22, 1781.
- George-Hiram, s. Anson and Hannah-R., Dec. 31, 1846.
- Lucy-Frances, d. Anson and Hannah-R., March —, 1848.
- Eliza, d. Samuel and Betsey, Sept. 20, 1815.
- Amelia-Sophia, d. Samuel-R. and Elizabeth, Feb. 10, 1836.
- Asa, s. Thomas and Mary, Aug. 23, 1767. At Leicester.
- Catharine, twin d. Thomas and Mary, Jan. 18, 1777. At Leicester.
- Charles-Nelson, s. Nelson-R. and Maria, April 6, 1846.
- David, s. Thomas and Mary, Nov. 1, 1779.
- Elizabeth, d. Thomas and Mary, Jan. 6, 1771. At Leicester.
- James, s. John and Polly, Jan. 30, 1788.
- Jerushe, d. Thomas and Mary, April 17, 1783.
- John, s. John and Polly, Dec. 22, 1790.
- Lucretia, twin d. Thomas and Mary, Jan. 18, 1777. At Leicester.
- Mary, d. Thomas and Mary, Feb. 4, 1781.
- Nancy, d. Thomas and Mary, Dec. 27, 1774. At Leicester.
- Polly, d. John and Polly, Dec. 12, 1786.
- Reuben, s. Thomas and Mary, Dec. 29, 1772. At Leicester.
- Sally, d. John and Polly, March 2, 1785.
- Thomas, s. Thomas and Mary, March 13, 1769. At Leicester.
- Amanda, d. Curtis and Tamar, Jan. 2, 1806.
- Harvey, s. Thomas and Lucretia, Aug. 7, 1789.
- John, s. Stephen and Daphne, Nov. 4, 1832.
- Joseph-Emerson, s. Stephen and Daphne, April 17, 1828.
- Judea, d. Thomas and Lucretia, Nov. 5, 1781.
- Louisa, d. Stephen and Daphne, March 27, 1820.
- Lucretia, d. Thomas and Lucretia, Sept. 5, 1783.
- Meriam, d. Stephen and Daphne, April 16, 1823.
- Nancy, d. Stephen and Daphne, June 16, 1817.
- Phebe, d. Thomas and Lucretia, Dec. 14, 1785.
- Stephen-Augustus, s. Stephen and Daphne, Oct. 19, 1825.
- Willard-W., s. Samuel and Hannah, Feb. 10, 1822.
- Adaline, d. Lyman and Lucy, Dec. 18, 1811.
- Charles, s. Lyman and Lucy, Jan. 23, 1805.
- Clara-Sophronia, d. Stephen and Charlotte-R.-P., Nov. 8, 1849.
- Clarissa, d. Lyman and Lucy, April 6, 1803.
- Francis-Stephen, s. Stephen and Charlotte-R., Dec. 26, 1839.
- Freeman-Knowlton, s. Aaron and Sally, Dec. 28, 1825.
- George-Herbert, s. Stephen and Charlotte-Reed, Aug. —, 1844.
- Hester, d. Solomon and Sally, June 19, 1799.
- John, s. Solomon and Sally, Feb. 20, 1818.
- John-Reed, s. Stephen and Charlotte-R., April 18, 1838.
- Lewis, s. Solomon and Sally, July 8, 1801.
- Martha-P., d. Stephen and Charlotte-R., Nov. 16, 1841.
- Mary, d. Solomon and Sally, Aug. 25, 1810.
- Mary, d. Warren and Susan, March 13, 1847.
- Mary-Adaline, d. Isaac and Mary, Nov. 24, 1810.
- Mary-C., d. Stephen and Charlotte-R.-P., May 18, 1847.
- Mary-Elizabeth, d. Isaac-T. and Nancy-H., Dec. 18, 1834.
- Persis-Ann, d. Warren and Susan Lucretia, Jan. 17, 1846.
- Sally, d. Solomon and Sally, Aug. 1, 1803.
- Sherman, s. Lyman and Lucy, Dec. 3, 1806.
- Silence-Eveline, d. Ezra and Mercy, Dec. 10, 1818.
- Solomon, s. Solomon and Sally, June 14, 1808.
- Stephen, s. Solomon and Sally, July 26, 1805.
- Taft, s. Ezra and Mercy, Feb. 3, 1817.
- Warren, s. Aaron and Persis, Feb. 10, 1819.
- Warren-Hobert, s. Warren and Susan-L., Sept. 10, 1849.
- Azubah, d. David and Abigail, Dec. 10, 1790.
- Ebenezer, s. David and Abigail, Aug. 22, 1788.
- Ebenezer, s. Abial and Lucy, July 3, 1811.
- Thankful, d. David and Abigail, Oct. 4, 1786.
- Anna, d. Simeon and Anna, April 24, 1801.
- Anson, s. Nathaniel and Patience, July 30, 1794.
- Betsy, d. Simeon and Anna, July 12, 1799. At Worcester.
- Marshall, s. Nathaniel and Patience, March 14, 1796.
- Martha, d. Nathaniel and Patience, Feb. 12, 1798.
- Emma-Francelia, d. Sumner and Mary-Ann, Oct. 8, 1850.
- Orison-Sumner, s. Sumner and Mary, May 27, 1848.
- Brooksey, d. William and Rhoda, June 23, 1807.
- Deborah, d. Phinehas and Lois, Jan. 30, 1781?
- Hester, d. Francis and Mary, Aug. 11, 1792.
- Laurinda, d. Francis and Mary, May 8, 1799.
- Lucinda, d. Francis and Mary, May 16, 1788.
- Martha, d. Phinehas and Lois, Jan. 16, 1780.
- Patty, d. Francis and Mary, Sept. 1, 1785.
- Polly, d. Francis and Mary, July 21, 1794.
- Samuel, s. Francis and Mary, April 21, 1790.
- Thomas, s. Phinehas and Lois, May 16, 1778.
- Frances-Eddy, d. Sylvester and Mary-Ann, Dec. 16, 1838.
- James-Nelson, s. James and Prudence, June 27, 1832.
- Martha-Matilda, d. James and Prudence, Oct. 1, 1830.
- Susan-Elvira, d. James and Prudence, Aug. 6, 1827.
- Tirzah, d. Calvin and Lucy, March 9, 1822.
- ——, child Darius-R. and Harriet, Oct. 11, 1837.
- Abigail-Mary, d. Lomis and Elizabeth, Nov. 22, 1836.
- Alva-Augustus, s. Israel, Jr. and Hannah, Aug. 22, 1817.
- Azubah, d. Israel, Jr. and Hannah, March 1, 1824.
- Brigham, s. Lomis and Elizabeth, Nov. 5, 1834.
- Calvin, s. Israel and Tryphena, March 3, 1777.
- Darius, s. John and Nancy, Oct. 15, 1800.
- Daniel, s. Israel and Tryphena, Nov. 11, 1790.
- Isaac-Drury, s. Isaac and Lucretia, Sept. 27, 1795.
- Elias, s. Israel and Tryphena, Dec. 1, 1778.
- Elijah, s. Jonathan, Jr. and Sarah, April 22, 1802.
- Elisha-Jacobs, s. Nathaniel, Jr. and Betsy, May 20, 1822.
- Elizabeth-Esther, d. Lomis and Elizabeth, May 19, 1831.
- Emory, s. Jonathan and Abigail, March 9, 1827.
- Erastus, s. Isaac and Lucretia, Sept. 11, 1804.
- Gardiner, s. Isaac and Lucretia, July 25, 1793.
- Gardner-D., s. Lomis and Elizabeth, Aug. 6, 1833.
- Hannah, d. Israel, Jr. and Hannah, April 13, 1822.
- Harriot, d. Elias and Abigail, June 11, 1804.
- Herbert-Emory, s. Emory and Catherine, Sept. 23, 1848.
- Horace-Brigham, s. Isaac and Lydia, Aug. 29, 1818. At Oxford.
- Israel, s. Israel and Tryphena, March 27, 1783.
- Israel, s. Israel and Tryphena, Dec. 9, 1785.
- Israel-Town, s. Israel and Hannah, Nov. 28, 1810.
- Jason-Bemis, s. John and Pamela, Sept. 25, 1826.
- Jeremy, s. Isaac and Lucretia, May 14, 1798.
- Jesse, s. John and Nancy, May 1, 1789.
- John, s. John and Nancy, Nov. 26, 1786.
- John, s. Nathaniel and Sally, March 24, 1798.
- John-Elbridge, s. John and Pamela, April 25, 1832.
- Jonathan, s. Jonathan, Jr. and Sarah, April 4, 1793.
- Joseph-Augustus, s. Alvah-G. and Mary-Ann, April 17, 1842. At Westfield, Chautauqua Co., N.Y.
- Joseph-Jackson, s. Jonathan and Abigail, Dec. 26, 1816.
- Lewis-Cutting, s. Jonathan and Abigail, April 22, 1823.
- Lovina, d. Israel, Jr. and Hannah, Feb. 6, 1812.
- Lucretia, d. Isaac and Lydia, Jan. 10, 1814.
- Lucy, d. Isaac and Lucretia, Dec. 6, 1789.
- Lusenath, d. Daniel and Rebekah, Aug. 20, 1808. At Charlton.
- Luther, s. John and Pamela, Jan. 14, 1828.
- Lydia-Elvira, d. Isaac and Lydia, Feb. 25, 1817. At Oxford.
- Maria-Louisa, d. Israel, Jr. and Hannah, April 28, 1815.
- Maria-Louisa, d. Phineas-T. and Sarah-M., Oct. 13, 1838.
- Mary, wife Jonathan, Jr., born at Worcester Dec. 31, 1753.
- Mary-Ann, d. Israel, Jr. and Hannah, June 24, 1826.
- Mary-Jane, d. Oliver and Mary, May 5, 1846. At New Boston.
- Mary-Harrington, d. Jonathan, Jr. and Sarah, June 22, 1795.
- Mary-Henrietta, d. Alvah-A. and Mary-Ann, Feb. 3, 1846.
- Mary-Williams, d. Nathaniel, Jr. and Betsey, Aug. 5, 1819.
- Milton-Gardner, s. Marshall and Elsei, June 2, 1850.
- Moriah-Elvira, d. John and Pamela, July 23, 1830.
- Nabby, d. Nathaniel and Sally, April 20, 1791.
- Nancy, d. John and Nancy, Jan. 20, 1794.
- Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Sally, March 11, 1793.
- Olive, d. Israel and Tryphena, Jan. 19, 1781.
- Oliver, s. Jonathan, Jr. and Sarah, March 4, 1798.
- Oliver, s. Jonathan and Abigail, Aug. 22, 1815.
- Oren, s. John and Nancy, Feb. 24, 1802.
- Polly, d. William and Sarah, June 23, 1780.
- Polly, d. John and Nancy, Dec. 2, 1784.
- Polly, d. Nathaniel and Sally, Feb. 1, 1795.
- Prescott-Bainbridge, s. Jonathan and Abigail, July 13, 1819.
- Rhoda, d. Israel and Tryphena, Jan. 31, 1797.
- Rufus, s. William and Sarah, April 22, 1782.
- Sally, d. William and Sarah, Nov. —, 1785.
- Sally, d. Nathaniel and Sally, Nov. 23, 1789.
- Samuel, s. Moses and Pamela, Nov. 11, 1795.
- Sarah-Eaton, d. Nathaniel, Jr. and Betsey, Aug. 23, 1824.
- Sarah-Lucinda, d. Jonathan and Abigail, Feb. 1, 1822.
- Sarah-Pamela, d. John and Pamela, Aug. 4, 1835.
- Sarah-Pamela, twin d. John and Pamela, Nov. 13, 1839.
- Sinai, d. Nathaniel and Sally, July 25, 1796.
- Sumner, s. John and Nancy, May 26, 1798.
- Susan, d. Israel, Jr. and Hannah, April 8, 1813.
- Susan-Cordelia, twin d. John and Pamela, Nov. 13, 1839.
- Tryphena, d. Israel, Jr. and Hannah, June 15, 1819.
- William, s. William and Sarah, Dec. 11, 1783.
- William, s. Nathaniel and Betsey, April 13, 1827.
- William-Bemis, s. Lomis and Elizabeth, July 31, 1832.
- William-Marshall, s. Jonathan and Abigail, April 19, 1828.
- ——, s. Israel, Jr. and Hannah, Nov. 4, 1830.
- Martha-Ann, d. Joseph and Caroline-M., March 13, 1842.
- Eliphalet, s. Samuel and Susanna, Aug. 14, 1784.
- John-Howard, s. James and Julia-Ann, Oct. 6, 1838.
- Dianthe-Thatcher, d. Paul and Hannah, Dec. 23, 1790.
- Elihu-Cleverly, s. Paul and Hannah, Feb. 12, 1784.
- Jonathan-Grindall, s. Paul and Hannah, July 8, 1782.
- Azubah, d. Phineas and Levina, April 14, 1788.
- Hannah, d. Phineas and Levina, Aug. 27, 1786.
- Sally, d. Phineas and Levina, Sept. 13, 1789.
- Henry, s. John and Lucy, Nov. 26, 1845.
- Freeman-Lorenzo, s. William-N. and Mary, Dec. 2, 1844.
- Maria, d. Ebenezer and Tamar, March 31, 1814.
- Vester, s. Benjamin and Mary, July 1, 1809.
- Elisha, illegitimate s. Hannah, born County Gore, between Worcester and Grafton, Dec. 20, 1784.
- Althene, d. Gideon and Polly, March 8, 1809. At Croydon, N.H.
- Caroline, d. Gideon and Polly, Jan. 30, 1811. At Croydon, N.H.
- Mary, d. Gideon and Polly, Oct. 8, 1805. At Croydon, N.H.
- Mary-Ann, d. Gideon and Polly, July 30, 1807. At Croydon, N.H.
- Sumner, s. Gideon and Polly, Nov. 15, 1813. At Croydon, N.H.
- Tylor, s. Gideon and Polly, March 5, 1815.
- Ann-Eliza, d. Waterman-G. and Mary, Feb. 13, 1832.
- Berthier, s. Waterman-G. and Mary, entered March 6, 1837.
- Elbridge, s. Samuel and Sally, March 27, 1810.
- Elbridge-Gerry, s. Elbridge-Gerry and Lydia-Elvira, Oct. 31, 1840.
- Erastus-Stone, s. Elbridge-G. and Elvira, Dec. 6, 1835.
- George, s. Samuel and Sally, Dec. 9, 1831.
- Henry-Waterman, s. Waterman-G. and Mary, March 18, 1838.
- John, s. Samuel and Sally, Nov. 27, 1819.
- John-Frederick, s. John and Caroline-S., Aug. 1, 1846.
- Jonah-Goulding, s. Samuel and Sally, Sept. 11, 1812.
- Jonah-Goulding, s. Elbridge-G. and Lydia-Elvira, Oct. 12, 1838.
- Lydia-Ann, d. E.-G. and L.-E., March 8, 1848.
- Mary-Lucretia, d. Elbridge-G. and Elvira, March 15, 1844.
- Samuel, s. Samuel and Sally, Oct. 31, 1817.
- Samuel, s. Waterman-G. and Mary, Oct. 15, 1834.
- Sarah-Jane, d. Samuel and Sally, April 10, 1825.
- Sherman-Hall, s. Elbridge-G. and Elvira, Nov. 27, 1845.
- Susan-Eddy, d. Waterman-G. and Mary, March 26, 1833.
- Waterman-Goulding, s. Samuel and Sally, May 16, 1807.
- Abigail, d. Judah and Olive, April 20, 1795.
- Daniel, s. Judah and Olive, June 5, 1797.
- George-Washington, s. Judah and Olive, July 29, 1799.
- Sarah, d. Judah and Olive, Nov. 20, 1801.
- Adaline-H., d. Reuben and Sophia, Nov. 24, 1821.
- Martha-A., d. Reuben and Sophia, May 21, 1824.
- Ann-Maria, d. Samuel and Desire, May 17, 1813.
- Francis, s. Samuel and Desire, Aug. 9, 1817.
- Jane, d. Samuel and Desire, Feb. 13, 1815.
- Julia, d. Silas and Sally, Jan. 13, 1804.
- Nathan, s. Samuel and Desire, Aug. 5, 1809.
- Elizabeth-Parkinson, d. Rev. M. G. and Frances-C.-P., Nov. 8, 1849.
- Benjamin-Franklin, s. Benjamin and Phebe, June 2, 1823.
- Clarissa-Bailey, d. Benjamin and Phebe, Nov. 16, 1813.
- ——, child George and Mary, Oct. 9, 1830.
- Clarissa-Elizabeth, d. John and Sarah, Aug. 29, 1848.
- ——, d. Alonzo and Jerusha, Nov. 16, 1847.
- George-Stephens, s. Willard and Mary, June 4, 1817.
- Henry-Sargent, s. Willard and Mary, June 19, 1819.
- ——, d. S.-B. and S.-M., April 15, 1845.
- Alice, d. William, Jr. and Silence, May 10, 1815.
- Hannah, d. William and ——, Sept. 27, 1782.
- Hannah, d. William, Jr. and Silence, May 10, 1814.
- John, s. William, Jr. and Silence, Nov. 10, 1817.
- Lewis, s. Timothy and Sally, Aug. 24, 1812.
- Martha, d. William and ——, Nov. 18, 1776.
- Phebe, d. William and ——, Nov. 6, 1772.
- Nancy, d. William and Phebe, March 4, 1790.
- Nathaniel-Owen, s. Lewis and Elizabeth, March 3, 1849.
- Phebe-Green, d. William, Jr. and Silence, Sept. 30, 1810.
- Robert, s. William and ——, Feb. 20, 1779.
- Sally, d. Timothy and Sally, Nov. 6, 1814.
- Silence, d. William, Jr. and Silence, May 16, 1820.
- Timothy, s. William and Phebe, Feb. 28, 1788.
- William, s. William and ——, Sept. 5, 1784.
- Winthrop, s. William, Jr. and Silence, Dec. 29, 1807.
Number of Births recorded, 1,261.
Auburn Marriages.
Auburn Marriages,
To the end of the year 1850.
- Andrew of Wilbraham and Rebecca Putnam of Worcester, Sept. 13, 1789.
- John of Northbridge and Mrs. Elizabeth Hubbard, Nov. 13, 1787.
- Marilla and Harrison Benson, Feb. 21, 1841. At North Oxford by Rev. A.-Smith Lyon.
- Polly and Amos-P. Newton, April 20, 1831.
- Abner of Petersham and Philadelphia Crowl, Aug. 13, 1793.
- Merrick of Southbridge and Lucy Cheney, April 11, 1843.
- James of Princeton and Elizabeth Hartwell, May 8, 1780. At Sutton.
- Stephen of Worcester and Amity Lamb, May 6, 1812.
- Mary and Willard Brown of Worcester, June 16, 1817.
- Azubah and Cyrus Crowl, May 26, 1791.
- Azubah and Lyman Gale, June 9, 1818.
- Betsey and John Hart, July 28, 1801.
- Earl and Ruth Green, June 11, 1792. At Leicester, married by William Henshaw, J.P.
- Jane-R. and Jared-F. Brainard of Enfield, Conn., Sept. 14, 1842.
- Martha and Zebulon Cary, May 26, 1812.
- Mehitable and Thomas Drury, Jr., March 1, 1796.
- Polly and Zophar Sturtevant of Worcester, Dec. 18, 1798.
- Relief and Leonard Gary, Jan. 11, 1816.
- Samuel-E. and Mary-Ann Stone, Oct. 29, 1845.
- Mrs. Sarah and Swan Knowlton, April 14, 1829.
- Sophia and Elijah Bond, Oct. 1, 1828. At Leicester.
- Thomas, Jr. and Polly Ingraham, Oct. 8, 1789.
- Thomas and Hannah Severy, Feb. 1, 1810.
- Thomas, Jr. and Sarah Eddy, March 15, 1821.
- Preserved and Lydia Cummings, Sept. 7, 1800.
- Samuel of Charlton and Mrs. Joanna Parsons, May 3, 1781.
- Smith of Grafton and Nancy Savary, Oct. 9, 1838.
- Almira and John Holman, Jr., Nov. 27, 1828.
- Anna-E. and Jaalam Gates of Worcester, Aug. 23, 1849.
- Benjamin and Mrs. Hannah Bancroft, Sept. 18, 1780. Inten'n.
- Charlotte and James Boyden, May 4, 1823.
- David and Mrs. Ruth Stone, Oct. 14, 1779.
- David, Jr. and Betty Chase of Sutton, July 6, 1780. At Sutton.
- Mrs. Hannah and Benjamin Bancroft, Sept. 18, 1780. Intention.
- Hannah and Thirsten Sibley, Oct. 9, 1822.
- Harvey and Polly Carriel of Sutton, Nov. 20, 1794. At Sutton.
- Jonas, 2d and Esther Merryfield of Oxford, April 2, 1781. Intention.
- Lucy-C. and Alfred Chapin, April 4, 1844.
- Mary-C. and Smiley Bancroft, April 20, 1831.
- Moses of Sutton and Tamar King, June 30, 1806.
- Nathan and Charloty Cooper of Northbridge, June 8, 1796. At Northbridge, by Rev. John Crane.
- Nathan and Clary Whitmore of Sutton, July 11, 1799. At Sutton.
- Sally and Samuel Bancroft of Chittenden, Vt., Aug. 26, 1797. Intention.
- Samuel, see next above.
- Smiley and Mary-C. Bancroft, April 20, 1831.
- Susannah and Charles Woolson, July 27, 1794.
- Timothy, Jr. and Mary Clark, June 6, 1820.
- Timothy, and Mrs. Mary Rice, June 13, 1782.
- Warren and Polly Jennison, March 12, 1806.
- George-W. and Sarah-L. Stone, Aug. 28, 1842.
- John-G. and Betsey Dodge, Jan. 8, 1810.
- William and Alice Emerson, Aug. 24, 1819.
- Nancy and Frederick-T. Byrns, Sept. 21, 1846.
- Almira and Abner Huntington, Nov. 27, 1834.
- Artemas of Holden and Priscilla Boyden, June 9, 1796.
- Eliza and Thomas Emerson of Leicester, Jan. 5, 1830.
- Mrs. Esther of Holden and Dea. Isaac Stone, Dec. 16, 1835.
- John and Eunice Nichols, Nov. 12, 1792.
- Betsey and William Young, April 1, 1821.
- Stephen and Widow Louis Chase of Charlton, Jan. 31, 1796.
- Zedekiah of Worcester and Elizabeth Wait, Sept. 8, 1778. By John Child, J.P.
- Harrison and Marilla Adams, Feb. 21, 1841. At N. Oxford, by Rev. A.-Smith Lyon.
- Mary of Worcester and Hon. Samuel Parker of District of Berlin, April 20, 1786.
- Betsy of Worcester and Isaac Pratt, Feb. 21, 1786.
- Nancy of Sutton and Israel Jacobs, July 13, 1793. Intention.
- Eli-C. of New York and Mary-R. Chapin, Aug. 6, 1830.
- Asa and Lydia Nichols, March 18, 1790.
- Barnard and Phebe Young, Feb. 9, 1792.
- Beulah and Kimball Ramsdell, Nov. 24, 1780. Intention.
- Polly and Baxter Clark, May 3, 1797.
- Ashael and Widow Polly Lilley, both of Oxford South Gore, July 5, 1815.
- Elijah and Sophia Baird, Oct. 1, 1828. At Leicester.
- Alexander and Roxana Cheney, July 7, 1815.
- Mrs. Roxana and Joseph Hart, Nov. 10, 1808.
- Darius and Betsy Stone, May 22, 1788.
- Mrs. Dorothy and Thomas Nichols, April 1, 1782. Intention.
- Esther and Amasa Stone, April 5, 1802.
- Widow Hannah and Joseph Stone, April 17, 1779. Intention.
- Hannah and Moses Gilbert, Feb. 21, 1790.
- James and Charlotte Bancroft, May 4, 1823.
- Joseph and Molly Knowlton of Shrewsbury, Dec. 15, 1785. At Shrewsbury, by Rev. Joseph Sumner.
- Widow Levina and Phineas Town, July 16, 1785. Intention.
- Levina and Jonas Chase of Sutton, Aug. 29, 1805.
- Priscilla and Artemas Bartlett of Holden, June 9, 1796.
- Samuel and Sally Curtis of Worcester, Dec. 1, 1791.
- Sarah-L. and David Cummings of Montpelier, Vt., May 26, 1839.
- Jared-F. of Enfield, Conn. and Jane-R. Baird, Sept. 14, 1842.
- Stephen of Cheshire and Nabby Eddy, May 29, 1796.
- Arnold of Benson, Vt. and Anna Wedge, March 1, 1798.
- Elizabeth and Hyrum Tyler of Stamford, Conn., Aug. 29, 1794. Intention.
- Mrs. Elizabeth and Elijah Roper of Shrewsbury, May 28, 1785. Intention.
- Sarah-M. and Phineas-T. Stone, Jan. 1, 1837. At New Haven.
- Willard of Worcester and Mary Bacon, June 16, 1817.
- William-F. and Betsey-M. Dunn, Sept. 27, 1843.
- Mrs. Rebeckah and Daniel Cummings, Oct. 2, 1785.
- Thomas-A. and Maria Gale, March 14, 1848.
- Dexter and Nancy-Maria Hewett, July 5, 1834.
- Jedediah of Millbury and Merriam Rice, March 25, 1826.
- Mrs. Abigail of Oxford and Joseph Titus of Douglas, March 20, 1788.
- Gardner-S. of Worcester and Mary Sibley, June —, 1837.
- Erasmus-L. and Susan-R. Hawes, Dec. 17, 1834.
- Alvan-T. of Worcester and Sarah-E. Stone, May 2, 1848.
- Frederick-T. and Nancy Barnes, Sept. 21, 1846.
- Silas and Judith Richardson, June 6, 1805.
- Sylvania-L. and Henry-F. Coggshall, Dec. 3, 1846.
- Lucinda and Nathaniel Cutler of Worcester, Sept. 1, 1803. Intention.
- Nathaniel of Sutton and Rebekah Goulding of Worcester, Jan. 6, 1795.
- Olive and Moses Holman, both of Sutton, March 25, 1802.
- Polly of Sutton and Harvey Bancroft, Nov. 20, 1794. At Sutton.
- Sally and Simon Cummings, Dec. 14, 1803.
- Joshua and Sarah Putnam, both of Sutton, Jan. 31, 1793.
- Caroline-R. and William-P. Haskell, both of North Brookfield, Jan. 15, 1840.
- Clarissa and Rev. Isaac Oaks of Westfield, N.Y., Sept. 29, 1824?
- James-M. and Ruth-F. Fulford, April 25, 1834.
- Leonard and Relief Baird, Jan. 11, 1816.
- Leonard and Harriot Hibbard, —— —, 1824?
- Recompense and Anna Drury, April 20, 1789.
- Zebulon and Martha Baird, May 26, 1812.
- John and Lydia Stockwell, both of Sutton, Sept. 10, 1794.
- Alfred and Lucy-C. Bancroft, April 4, 1844.
- Alice and Isaac Sawin, Sept. 2, 1846.
- Mary-R. and Eli-C. Blake of New York, Aug. 6, 1830.
- Benjamin and Sally Town, Sept. 12, 1810.
- Betty of Sutton and David Bancroft, Jr., July 6, 1780. At Sutton.
- Hannah of Sutton and Joseph Richardson, March 2, 1802. Intention.
- Jonas of Sutton and Levina Boyden, Aug. 29, 1805.
- Judith of Sutton and Aaron Parker, Nov. 27, 1782. At Sutton.
- Judith of Sutton and Oliver Curtis, June 29, 1797. At Sutton.
- Widow Louis of Charlton and Stephen Belknap, Jan. 31, 1791. Intention.
- Anna and James Dispeau of Milford, Aug. 25, 1811.
- Asa and Mrs. Lucy Jones, Sept. 4, 1816.
- Asa-G. and Sarah-P. Ingraham, Nov. 27, 1849.
- Bathsheba and David Woodard of County Gore, Oct. 1, 1801.
- Hannah and Dana Newton of Shrewsbury, Feb. 7, 1808.
- Levi and Mary Hart, Jan. 17, 1825.
- Lucy and Merrick Ammidown of Southbridge, April 11, 1843.
- Lydia and Levi Lawrence, Dec. 29, 1800.
- Maria and Aaron Park of Sutton, Oct. 3, 1810.
- Maria-H. and Addison-P. Tuck, June 20, 1844.
- Roxana and Alexander Bonzey, July 7, 1815.
- Almira and William Cutting of Leicester, Sept. 17, 1828.
- Baxter and Polly Blood, May 3, 1797.
- Betsey and James Eddy, March 13, 1817.
- Elizabeth-B. and Thomas-R. Lees, Oct. 15, 1844.
- John and Rhoda Prentice, April 9, 1795.
- John, Jr. and Sarah Rice, March 31, 1824?
- Mary and Timothy Bancroft, Jr., June 6, 1820.
- Mrs. Rebeccah and Elijah Hawes of Worcester, March 25, 1784. Intention.
- Samuel and Patty Young, May 8, 1796.
- Sarah and William Stone, March 9, 1780.
- Hiram of Worcester and Sophia Parker of Leicester, —— —, 1821?
- Henry-F. and Sylvania-L. Carpenter, Dec. 3, 1846.
- Simon of Brookfield, Vt. and Hannah Young, Nov. 7, 1811.
- China of Leicester and David Gleason, Jr., Aug. 5, 1790.
- Silas-Jonathan and Bethiah Crosby of Worcester, April 28, 1792.
- Nicholas of Mendon and Patty Stone, Aug. 18, 1805.
- Charloty of Northbridge and Nathan Bancroft, June 8, 1796. At Northbridge by Rev. John Crane.
- Andrew-J. of Oxford and Harriet Eddy, Sept. 6, 1842.
- Jesse-W. and Susanna Perry, both of Oxford, Sept. 6, 1842.
- Abijah and Sukey Phips, Aug. 29, 1786.
- Amos of Leicester and Phebe Jacobs, Nov. 19, 1795.
- Polly and Gideon Hovey, both of Oxford, March 17, 1789.
- James-T. and Abby-M. Mann, March 8, 1846.
- Bethiah of Worcester and Silas-Jonathan Comstock, April 28, 1792.
- Elmira and David Scott, June 24, 1841. At Leicester by Rev. Moses Harrington.
- Maria-E. and Nelson-R. Scott, June 5, 1845.
- Cyrus and Azubah Baird, May 26, 1791.
- Eleanor and Daniel Gould, May 9, 1788.
- Philadelphia and Abner Allen of Petersham, Aug. 13, 1793.
- Chloe and Eber Davis of Thompson, Conn., Sept. 29, 1841?
- Dorothy and Simeon Davison of Spencer, April 5, 1810.
- James and Betsy Fitts, Feb. 26, 1801.
- John and Tabitha Cutler of Sutton, July 4, 1798. At Sutton.
- Molly and Hanover Pitts, March 15, 1796. At Oxford by Sylvanus Larned.
- Warren and Esther Williams of Oxford, Nov. 29, 1793. At Oxford by Ebenezer Learned, Esq.
- Catharine and Samuel Harding, April 8, 1840. At Worcester.
- Daniel and Rebecah Buck, Oct. 2, 1785.
- David and Sally Stone, March 21, 1809.
- David of Montpelier, Vt. and Sarah-L. Boyden, May 26, 1839.
- Elisha of Montpelier, Vt. and Rachel Eddy of Oxford, Feb. 3, 1796.
- John and Catharine Holman, Nov. 9, 1808.
- Lucy and Zadock Woodbury, both of Sutton, April 19, 1812.
- Lydia and Preserved Baker, Sept. 7, 1800.
- Rachel and Daniel Hart, April 27, 1797.
- Sarah-S. and John Wilson, June 8, 1843.
- Simon and Sally Carriel, Dec. 14, 1803.
- Sophronia and Asahel Knowlton, Jan. 19, 1832.
- Benjamin-F. of Worcester and Hannah-S. Wakefield, April 4, 1831.
- Elijah, Jr. and Anna Stockwell, Feb. 21, 1782.
- Oliver and Judith Chase of Sutton, June 29, 1797. At Sutton.
- Sally of Worcester and Samuel Boyden, Dec. 1, 1791.
- Abigail and Phineas Parker of Oxford, Nov. 20, 1788.
- Nathaniel of Worcester and Lucinda Carriel, Sept. 1, 1803. Intention.
- Tabitha of Sutton and John Cudworth, July 4, 1798. At Sutton.
- Sally and Simeon Morse of Oxford, May 28, 1816.
- Jonah and Mrs. Sarah Stow, Dec. 31, 1787.
- William of Leicester and Almira Clark, Sept. 17, 1828.
- Gideon of Sutton and Elizabeth Pratt, Nov. 15, 1787.
- Tamar and Eliphalet Holman, both of Sutton, Jan. 4, 1787.
- Sally of Dudley and Joseph Goulding, March 22, 1800. Intention.
- William-D. and Jane Tool, Nov. 8, 1838.
- Nathan and Alice-Maria Greene, Sept. 7, 1846.
- George-W. and Louisa Savary, Jan. 1, 1845.
- Abigail and Jeremy Stone, Jan. 24, 1799.
- Brigham and Lydia-M. Gregory of Princeton, Sept. 1, 1841. At Princeton by Rev. George Waters.
- Brigham and Elmira Gregory, Jan. 1, 1845.
- Jonathan-R. and Mary-L. Meriam, Dec. 25, 1844.
- Ann and Marshall-W. Stoddard, Feb. 14, 1848.
- Eber of Thompson, Conn. and Chloe Cudworth, Sept. 29, 1841?
- Simeon of Spencer and Dorothy Cudworth, April 5, 1810.
- Esther and William Smith, Dec. 30, 1778. At Oxford by Rev. Joseph Bowman.
- James of Milford and Anna Cheney, Aug. 25, 1811.
- Miranda and Leander Wesson, June 17, 1840.
- Betsey and John-G. Barnard, Jan. 8, 1810.
- Daniel and Elizabeth Persons of Oxford, Feb. 21, 1785.
- Prudence and James Stockwell, Nov. 24, 1825.
- Achsa and Samuel Watson of Leicester, Feb. 17, 1807.
- Almira and Rev. David Perry of Cambridgeport, Sept. 8, 1829.
- Alvah and Mary Hawes, Oct. 17, 1820.
- Anna and Recompense Cary, April 20, 1789.
- Mrs. Elizabeth and Samuel Hubbard, Dec. 9, 1779.
- Lucretia and Isaac Stone, June 23, 1789.
- Phebe and Rev. Zephaniah Swift Moore, Feb. 21, 1799.
- Thomas, Jr. and Mehitable Baird, March 1, 1796.
- Anna of Douglas and Reuben Rich, Nov. 24, 1798. Intention.
- Ebenezer of Leicester and Polly Goulding, Nov. 25, 1802.
- Betsey-M. and William-F. Brown, Sept. 27, 1843.
- John-F. of Hardwick and Chloe Keith, May 20, 1828.
- Adolphus and Clarissa White, April 2, 1834.
- Betsey and Nathaniel Stone, Jr., Oct. 23, 1818.
- Elizabeth-W. and Jarius Elder of Worcester, April 17, 1826.
- Mary and Sewell Elder of Worcester, May —, 1822.
- Caroline-S. and John Warren, Sept. 10, 1845.
- Daniel-P. of Oxford and Lydia Eddy, Oct. 22, 1815.
- George and Sarah-E. Pierce, Aug. 26, 1850.
- Harriet and Andrew-J. Copp of Oxford, Sept. 6, 1842.
- Isaac and Hannah Parker of Oxford, Feb. 25, 1805.
- James and Betsey Clark, March 13, 1817.
- Jesse and Betsy Pitts, Jan. 6, 1808.
- John and Elizabeth Scott, Oct. 20, 1791.
- Levi and Mrs. Molley Pratt, Sept. 13, 1780.
- Lewis and Almira Smith of Oxford, May 14, 1823.
- Lydia, see Daniel-P. above.
- Mary and Waterman-G. Warren, April 22, 1830.
- Nabby and Stephen Brayton of Chelsea, May 29, 1796.
- Rachel of Oxford and Elisha Cummings of Montpelier, Vt., Feb. 3, 1796.
- Ruth and William Merriam of Oxford, Aug. 27, 1795.
- Samuel and Sally Hart, Dec. 18, 1788.
- Samuel and Rhoda Stone, April 1, 1821.
- Sarah and Thomas Baird, Jr., March 15, 1821.
- Susannah and Benjamin Stow of Charlton, Nov. 19, 1795.
- Jarius of Worcester and Elizabeth-W. Eaton, April 17, 1826.
- Sewell of Worcester and Mary Eaton, May —, 1822.
- Elsei and Marshall Stone, July 29, 1849.
- Polly and Elias Rockwood, Feb. 7, 1797.
- Alice and William Barnard, Aug. 24, 1819.
- Elizabeth and Daniel Green, Jan. 13, 1814.
- Thomas of Leicester and Eliza Bartlett, Jan. 5, 1830.
- Col. William of Hollis, N. H. and Mary Rice, Feb. 15, 1838.
- Samuel and Mrs. Phebe Marsh, both of Sutton, Sept. 9, 1808.
- Sarah of Oxford and Nathaniel Woodard of Leicester, June 6, 1790.
- Ziba of Sutton and Polly Phillips, Nov. 30, 1806.
- Richard and Mrs. Rebecca Severy of Sutton, Feb. 24, 1781.
- Anna and Porter Nutting of Leverett, Jan. 22, 1809.
- Arba and Mary Hosmer, Feb. 20, 1817.
- Betsey and James Cudworth, Feb. 26, 1801.
- Daniel, Jr. of Oxford and Lydia Livermore, Jan. 17, 1808.
- Martha and Stephen-G. Livermore of Oxford, April 20, 1817.
- Phebe and Alden Wood of Leverett, Jan. 15, 1818.
- Lucy-Ann and Willard-Parmenter Morse, Nov. 8, 1846.
- Julia-Ann and James Tool, Dec. 6, 1837.
- John and Lucinda Tracy, Jan. 28, 1803.
- Ruth-F. and James-M. Cary, April 25, 1834.
- Eber of Oxford and Sally Stone of Oxford Gore, Feb. 16, 1808.
- Enoch of Oxford and Jerusha Scott, Jan. 21, 1802.
- Lyman and Azubah Baird, June 9, 1818.
- Maria and Thomas-A. Buffum, March 14, 1848.
- Jaalam of Worcester and Anna-E. Bancroft, Aug. 23, 1849.
- Moses and Hannah Boyden, Feb. 21, 1790.
- Pamelia and Moses Stone, Feb. 26, 1795.
- David, Jr. and China Comstock of Leicester, Aug. 5, 1790.
- David, Jr. and Sally Knowlton, Oct. 30, 1811.
- Eunice and Cyrel Merriam of Oxford, Jan. 15, 1824.
- Ezra and Eunice Meriam of the Country Gore, Jan. 31, 1801. Intention.
- Ezra and Mrs. Marcy Merriam of County Gore, May 2, 1806. Intention.
- Lucretia and John Marsh of Sutton, April 30, 1801.
- Mrs. Lydia and James Lyndes of Glocester, R. I., April 24, 1779. Intention.
- Mary and Elijah Harrington of Worcester, May 4, 1785.
- Mary and Capt. Daniel Jenison, Oct. 25, 1813.
- Miriam and Edward Rice, May 25, 1795.
- Mrs. Sarah and Aaron Sibley, April 1, 1822. Intention.
- Daniel and Eleanor Crowl, May 9, 1788.
- Col. Jonah and Mrs. Lydia Larned of Millbury, Oct. 19, 1825.
- Joseph and Sally Dalrymple of Dudley, March 22, 1800.
- Polly and Ebenezer Dunbar of Leicester, Nov. 25, 1802.
- Rebekah of Worcester and Nathaniel Carriel of Sutton, Jan. 6, 1795.
- Relief and Joseph Henshaw, Sept. 23, 1800.
- Sally and Samuel Warren, Nov. 27, 1806.
- Sally and Jonathan Grout of Millbury, Nov. 5, 1828.
- John of Worcester and Deborah Stevens, Feb. 6, 1804.
- Elmira and Brigham Davidson, Jan. 1, 1845.
- Lydia-M. of Princeton and Brigham Davidson, Sept. 1, 1841. At Princeton by Rev. George Waters.
- Charles and Amity Tinkham, March 24, 1823.
- Daniel and Elizabeth Emerson, Jan. 13, 1814.
- Elias and Polly Scott, Sept. 28, 1782.
- Hannah of Leicester and Howard Putnam, March 25, 1784. Intention.
- John and Polly Richardson, Sept. 29, 1802.
- Ruth of Leicester and Earl Beard, June 11, 1792. By William Henshaw, J.P.
- Sally and Calvin Stone of Dummerston, Vt., Feb. 14, 1805.
- Alice-Maria and Nathan Daniels, Sept. 7, 1846.
- Henry-K. of Millbury and Sally Sibley, May 18, 1826.
- Jonathan of Millbury and Sally Goulding, Nov. 5, 1828.
- Sally and Nathaniel Waters, both of Millbury, Jan. 23, 1816.
- Sally of Grafton and Jonathan Stone, June 23, 1792.
- Samuel and Polly Stone, March 29, 1802.
- Willard of Millbury and Lusenath Stone, April 21, 1830.
- Samuel and Catharine Cummings, April 8, 1840. At Worcester.
- Alexes-D. of Worcester and Eliza-E. White of Leicester, —— —, 1829?
- Alexes-D. and Fanny-H. Lovering, both of Worcester, Jan. 9, 1840. At Worcester.
- Elijah of Worcester and Mary Gleason, May 4, 1785.
- Clarissa and Gilman Scott of Worcester, Oct. 12, 1842.
- Daniel and Rachel Cummings, Jan. 7 or April 27, 1797.
- James and Mary Marsh of Sutton, March 16, 1809.
- James, Jr. and Patty Rice, Aug. 13, 1795.
- John and Betsy Baird, July 28, 1801.
- John, 2d and Mary Rixford, Jan. 16, 1827.
- Joseph and Mrs. Roxana Bonzey, Nov. 10, 1808.
- Margaret and Francis Savage of Worcester, Sept. 1, 1785.
- Mary and Levi Cheney, Jan. 17, 1825.
- Patty and John Jacobs, Dec. 4, 1825.
- Polly and Peter Rice, Sept. 6, 1792.
- Sally and Samuel Eddy, Dec. 18, 1788.
- Thomas and Betsy Rice, May 15, 1794.
- Elizabeth and James Arch of Princeton, May 8, 1780. At Sutton.
- Howard of Sutton and Lucy Prentice, Jan. 9, 1800.
- Betsey of Leicester and Asa Scott, June 26, 1796. At Leicester by David Henshaw, J.P.
- William-P. and Caroline-R. Cary, both of North Brookfield. Jan. 15, 1840.
- Ashbel and Mrs. Dolly Lamb, Sept. 9, 1810.
- Charlotte-D. and Leonard Rice, Sept. 30, 1824?
- Elijah of Worcester and Mrs. Rebeccah Clark, March 25, 1784.
- Mary and Alvah Drury, Oct. 17, 1820.
- Susan-R. and Erasmus-L. Burnap, Dec. 17, 1834.
- John-H. of Millbury and Lucretia Parker, Dec. 25, 1833.
- Joseph and Relief Goulding, Sept. 23, 1800.
- Christopher-C. of Millbury and Dorcas-M. Ludden of Oxford, July 5, 1834.
- Nancy-Maria and Dexter Bugbee, July 5, 1834.
- Harriet and Leonard Cary, —— —, 1824?
- Orrison of Spencer and Anna Parker of Leicester, Jan. 16, 1823.
- Daniel and Mary-W. Shaw, both of Leicester, recorded April 4, 1829.
- Catharine and John Cummings, Nov. 9, 1808.
- Eliphalet and Tamar Dagget, both of Sutton, Jan. 4, 1787.
- Francis and Sally Holman of Petersham, May 24, 1789.
- John and Deborah Nichols, May 9, 1799.
- John, Jr. and Almira Bancroft, Nov. 27, 1828.
- Judith and Elisha Thayer of Douglas, Jan. 26, 1792.
- Moses and Olive Carriel, both of Sutton, March 25, 1802.
- Parley of Worcester and Nancy Young, June 8, 1811.
- Ruth and Samuel Jacobs of Sutton, April 30, 1800.
- Sally, see Francis above.
- David and Sarah Partridge, Jan. 1, 1828.
- Mary and Arba Fitts, Feb. 20, 1817.
- Gideon and Polly Crane, both of Oxford, March 17, 1789.
- Elizabeth of Leicester and Thomas Scott, Oct. 2, 1798. Intention.
- Mrs. Lucy of Sutton and Lyman Sibley, March 16, 1802.
- Mrs. Elizabeth and John Adams of Northbridge, Nov. 13, 1787.
- Samuel of Holden and Mrs. Elizabeth Drury, Dec. 9, 1779.
- Abner and Almira Bartlett, Nov. 27, 1834.
- Albert and Lavinia Stone, Oct. 2, 1838.
- Eunice and Elisha-M. Knowles, June 29, 1834.
- Sarah-P. and Asa-G. Cheney, Nov. 27, 1849.
- Sanford-A. and Merriam-S. Savary, Nov. 30, 1843.
- Lucretia of Petersham and Otis Prentice, Oct. 13, 1795.
- Israel and Nancy Bixbee of Sutton, July 13, 1793.
- James and Judith Stone, Sept. 17, 1803.
- John and Patty Hart, Dec. 4, 1825.
- Phebe and Amos Craige of Leicester, Nov. 19, 1795.
- Mrs. Sally of Sutton and Nathaniel Stone, Sept. 17, 1788. Intention.
- Samuel of Sutton and Ruth Holman, April 30, 1800.
- Daniel and Mary Gleason, Oct. 25, 1813.
- Nathaniel and Catharine Sibley, Dec. 14, 1799.
- Polly and Warren Bancroft, March 12, 1806.
- Samuel and Roxana Stone, April 16, 1834.
- Daniel and Nancy-O. Sylvester, Jan. 17, 1849.
- Betsey and Palmer Scott, March 17, 1825.
- Mrs. Lucy and Asa Cheney, Sept. 4, 1816.
- Chloe and John-F. Earle of Hardwick, May 20, 1828.
- Dorcas and Samuel Taft, 2d of Uxbridge, Dec. 16, 1824.
- Galen of Millbury and Phebe-G. Young, April 23, 1833.
- Tamar and Moses Bancroft of Sutton, June 30, 1806.
- Eliot of Sutton and Martha Sibley, Jan. 12, 1812.
- Mrs. Martha and Luther Stone of Oxford North Gore, April 15, 1835.
- Betsey and Elijah Prentice, June 30, 1801.
- Desire and Samuel Watson, Oct. 26, 1808.
- Elisha-M. and Eunice Huntington, June 29, 1834.
- Abigail and Jonathan Stone, May 24, 1814.
- Asahel and Sophronia Cummings, Jan. 19, 1832.
- Benjamin and Olive Stone, Jan. 22, 1807.
- Joseph and Mrs. Hannah Ward, Dec. 13, 1798.
- Luthera and Ezra Rice, Nov. 14, 1832.
- Molly of Shrewsbury and Joseph Boyden, Dec. 15, 1785. At Shrewsbury by Rev. Joseph Sumner.
- Sally and David Gleason, Jr., Oct. 30, 1811.
- Swan and Mrs. Sarah Baird, April 14, 1829.
- Amity and Stephen Atwood of Worcester, May 6, 1812.
- Mrs. Dolly and Ashbel Hawes, Sept. 9, 1810.
- Rebekah and Daniel Stone, March 31, 1808.
- Ruhamah of Oxford and Ezra Parker of Brooklyne, April 1, 1790.
- Susan-M. and James-H. Robbins, June 26, 1847.
- Benjamin of Oxford and Mrs. Lydia Phips, Dec. 8, 1781. Intention.
- Ebenezer and Mrs. Cynthia Sibley, Sept. 29, 1816.
- Mrs. Lydia of Millbury and Col. Jonah Goulding, Oct. 19, 1825.
- Joseph and Betsey-S. Putnam of Oxford, May 31, 1825.
- Levi and Lydia Cheney, Dec. 29, 1800.
- Thomas-R. and Elizabeth-B. Clark, Oct. 15, 1844.
- Andrew and Hepzibah Richardson, both of Millbury, June 1, 1830.
- Widow Polly and Ashael Bolster, both of Oxford South Gore, July 5, 1815.
- Betsey and Levens Sibley, Nov. 16, 1801. Intention.
- Lavinia and Moses Putnam, Jr. of Sutton, Oct. 25, 1813.
- Lucy and Calvin Stockwell of Oxford, Sept. 17, 1820.
- Lydia and Daniel Fitts, Jr. of Oxford, Jan. 17, 1808.
- Parcis and Elijah Putnam, April 18, 1819.
- Silvanus and Maria Rice, Dec. 8, 1816.
- Stephen-G. of Oxford and Martha Fitts, April 20, 1817.
- Fanny-H. and Alexes-D. Hardy, both of Worcester, Jan. 9, 1840. At Worcester.
- Mary-E. and Rufus-W. Putnam, May 12, 1844.
- Dorcas-M. of Oxford and Christopher-C. Hewett of Millbury, July 5, 1834.
- James of Glocester, R. I. and Mrs. Lydia Gleason, April 24, 1779. Intention.
- John-R. and Mary Sturtevant, June 15, 1826.
- Aby-M. and James-T. Cree, March 8, 1846.
- James of Millbury and Huldah Phillips, Oct. 2, 1816.
- Solomon of Millbury and Mary-R. White, Jan. 4, 1837.
- Ezekiel of Millbury and Hannah-P. White, April 10, 1839.
- John of Sutton and Lucretia Gleason, April 30, 1801.
- Mary of Sutton and James Hart, March 16, 1809.
- Mrs. Phebe and Samuel Fay, both of Sutton, Sept. 9, 1808.
- Susan-G. and Luther Merriam of Millbury, —— —, 1824?
- Lucy-Mariah and Josiah-W. Wesson, Dec. 25, 1839. At North Oxford by Rev. A.-Smith Lyon.
- Darius and Lydia Molton, both of Charlton, Jan. 28, 1795.
- Obadiah of Charlton and Mrs. Hannah Turner, June 1, 1782. Intention.
- Anna of County Gore and James Merriam, Jr., March 14, 1801. Intention.
- Caroline-Wright and Hiram Streeter, March 31, 1847.
- Cyrel of Oxford North Gore and Eunice Gleason, Jan. 15, 1824.
- Eunice of County Gore and Ezra Gleason, Jan. 31, 1801. Intention.
- Eunice-M. and Aaron Stockwell, March 11, 1846.
- James, Jr., see Anna above.
- Luther of Millbury and Susan-G. Marsh, —— —, 1824?
- Mrs. Marcy of County Gore and Ezra Gleason, May 2, 1806. Intention.
- Mary-L. and Jonathan-R. Davidson, Dec. 25, 1844.
- Thomas of Oxford Gore and Lucy Stone, Feb. 22, 1813.
- William of Oxford and Ruth Eddy, Aug. 27, 1795.
- Esther of Oxford and Jonas Bancroft, 2d, April 2, 1781. Intention.
- Ruth and Silas Ray of Worcester, Sept. 12, 1825.
- Lydia and Darius Mcintire, both of Charlton, Jan. 28, 1795.
- Abraham, Jr. of Bolton and Polly Richardson of Berlin, June 23, 1797.
- Rev. Zephaniah-Swift and Phebe Drury, Feb. 21, 1799.
- Simeon of Oxford and Sally Cutter, May 28, 1816.
- Willard-Parmenter and Lucy-Ann Forbush, Nov. 8, 1846.
- Ebenezer and Matilda Muzzy, Oct. 11, 1804.
- Francis-H. of Knoxville, Georgia, and Ann-Maria Wesson, Sept. 25, 1838.
- Matilda and Ebenezer Munyan, Oct. 11, 1804.
- Nathan of Leicester and Nancy Sibley, Sept. 12, 1816.
- Lucius-E. of Holden and Susan Stone, Sept. 9, 1833.
- Amos-P. and Polly Adams, April 20, 1831.
- Dana of Shrewsbury and Hannah Cheney, Feb. 7, 1808.
- Deborah and John Holman, May 9, 1799.
- Eunice and John Bartlett, Nov. 12, 1792.
- John, 3d of Oxford and Lucretia Putnam of Worcester, May 2, 1785.
- Lydia and Asa Blanchard, March 18, 1790.
- Thomas and Mrs. Dorothy Boyden, April 1, 1782. Intention.
- Porter of Leverett and Anna Fitts, Jan. 22, 1809.
- Rev. Isaac of Westfield, N. Y. and Clarissa Cary, Sept. 29, 1824?
- Aaron of Sutton and Maria Cheney, Oct. 3, 1810.
- Aaron and Judith Chase of Sutton, Nov. 27, 1782. At Sutton.
- Mrs. Abigail of Oxford and Amos Parsons, July 5, 1781.
- Anna of Leicester and Orrison Hill of Spencer, Jan. 16, 1823.
- Elizabeth-W. and James-H. White of Millbury, May 1, 1834.
- Ezra of Brooklyne and Ruhamah Lamb of Oxford, April 1, 1790.
- Hannah of Oxford and Isaac Eddy, Feb. 25, 1805.
- Lucretia and John-H. Healy of Millbury, Dec. 25, 1833.
- Phineas of Oxford and Abigail Cutler, Nov. 20, 1788.
- Hon. Samuel of District of Berlin and Mary Bigelow of Worcester, April 20, 1786.
- Sophia of Leicester and Hiram Cobleigh of Worcester, —— —, 1821.
- Amos and Mrs. Abigail Parker of Oxford, July 5, 1781.
- Mrs. Joanna and Samuel Baker of Charlton, May 3, 1781.
- Elizabeth of Oxford and Daniel Dodge, Feb. 21, 1785.
- Abel and Sarah Stearns of Medfield, March 30, 1801.
- Betsey and Isaac Willard of Worcester, April 12, 1826.
- Sarah and David Hosmer, Jan. 1, 1828.
- Alden of Northampton and Hannah-C. Young, June 13, 1832.
- Rev. David of Cambridgeport and Almira Drury, Sept. 8, 1829.
- Charles-D. of Worthington and Silence Young, May 31, 1841.
- Susanna and Jesse-W. Copp, both of Oxford, Sept. 6, 1842.
- Asa and Mrs. Polly White of Worcester, April 5, 1784. Inten'n.
- Daniel and Hannah Small of Sutton, March 22, 1798. At Sutton.
- Huldah and James Marble of Millbury, Oct. 2, 1816.
- Leonard of Oxford and Melinda-A. Rice, April 25, 1849.
- Polly and Ziba Fiske of Sutton, Nov. 30, 1806.
- Reuben and Sarah Rice, Oct. 4, 1781.
- Rufus and Dilla Pitts, May 5, 1796. At Oxford by Sylvanus Learned, Esq.
- Silas and Lucretia Scott, Feb. 7, 1799.
- Simon and Rebecca Scott of Leicester, Feb. 12, 1791.
- Mrs. Lydia and Benjamin Larned of Oxford, Dec. 8, 1781. Intention.
- Polly and John Scott, July 16, 1784. Intention.
- Sukey and Abijah Craige, Aug. 29, 1786.
- William and Mrs. Abigail Walker of Sutton, July 3, 1786. Intention.
- Hervey of Millbury and Sina Stone, Sept. 8, 1819.
- Sarah-E. and George Eddy, Aug. 26, 1850.
- Henry and Arrabella Tirrard, Oct. 12, 1845.
- Betsey and Jesse Eddy, Jan. 6, 1808.
- Dilla and Rufus Phillips, May 5, 1796. At Oxford by Sylvanus Larned, Esq.
- Hanover and Molly Cudworth, March 15, 1796. At Oxford by Sylvanus Larned, Esq.
- Jabez and Mrs. Lydia Pitts, March 14, 1815.
- Mrs. Lydia, see Jabez next above.
- Anna-Maria and Joseph Richardson, Nov. 27, 1831.
- Elizabeth and Gideon Dagget of Sutton, Nov. 15, 1787. Intention.
- Isaac and Betsy Bixby of Worcester, Feb. 21, 1786.
- Mrs. Molley and Levi Eddy, Sept. 13, 1780.
- Elijah and Betsey Knowles, June 30, 1801.
- John and Rebecca Richardson of Worcester, Nov. 9, 1779. At Worcester.
- Josiah-Sartel and Anna Waters of Sutton, Aug. 15, 1801.
- Lucy and Howard Hartwell of Sutton, Jan. 9, 1800.
- Otis and Lucretia Jackson of Petersham, Oct. 13, 1795.
- Rhoda and John Clark, April 9, 1795.
- Sarah and Zachariah Richardson, Feb. 11, 1783. At Worcester.
- Sarah and David Stow, April 12, 1784. At Spencer.
- Betsey-S. of Oxford and Joseph Lawrence, May 31, 1825.
- Elijah and Parcis Livermore, April 18, 1819.
- Howard and Hannah Green of Leicester, March 25, 1784.
- Lucretia of Worcester and John Nichols, 3d of Oxford, May 2, 1785.
- Moses, Jr. of Sutton and Lavinia Livermore, Oct. 25, 1813.
- Rebecca of Worcester and Andrew Adams of Wilbraham, Sept. 13, 1789.
- Rufus-W. and Mary-E. Lovering, May 12, 1844.
- Sarah and Joshua Carter, both of Sutton, Jan. 31, 1793.
- Tylor and Mary Shumway, June 2, 1814.
- Kimball and Beulah Blayney, Nov. 24, 1780. Intention.
- Mrs. Hannah and Paul Thurston, July 14, 1781. Intention.
- Silas of Worcester and Ruth Mixter, Sept. 12, 1825.
- Betsey and Thomas Hart, May 15, 1794.
- Darius and Hannah Stevens of New Fane, Vt., June 5, 1789. Intention.
- Edward and Miriam Gleason, May 25, 1795.
- Ezra and Luthera Knowlton, Nov. 14, 1832.
- Mrs. Haney and John Stone, March 27, 1784. Intention.
- Jonathan and Polly Stevens, March 12, 1786.
- Leonard and Charlotte-D. Hawes, Sept. 30, 1824?
- Lydia and Benjamin White of Worcester, Jan. 24, 1821.
- Maria and Silvanus Livermore, Dec. 8, 1816.
- Mrs. Mary and Timothy Bancroft, June 13, 1782. Intention.
- Mary and Col. William Emerson of Hollis, N. H., Feb. 15, 1838.
- Mary-S. and Thomas-M. Rogers, April 19, 1843.
- Melinda-A. and Leonard Phillips of Oxford, April 25, 1849.
- Merriam and Jedediah Bugbee of Millbury, March 25, 1826.
- Nancy and Joseph White of Northbridge, May 6, 1813.
- Patty and James Hart, Jr., Aug. 13, 1795.
- Peter and Polly Hart, Sept. 6, 1792.
- Sarah and Reuben Phillips, Oct. 4, 1781.
- Sarah and John Clark, Jr., March 31, 1824?
- Arthur and Rube Titus, Jan. 31, 1801. Intention.
- Reuben and Anna Dudley of Douglas, Nov. 24, 1798. Int'n.
- Hepzibah and Andrew Leonard, both of Millbury, June 1, 1830.
- Joseph and Hannah Chase of Sutton, March 2, 1802. Inten'n.
- Joseph and Mrs. Sally Sibley of Sutton, March 1, 1826.
- Joseph and Anna-Maria Platt, Nov. 27, 1831.
- Judith and Silas Carlton, June 6, 1805.
- Parma of Millbury and Tammy Upham, July 6, 1815.
- Phebe and Benjamin White, March 10, 1813.
- Polly of Berlin and Abraham Moore, Jr. of Bolton, June 23, 1797.
- Polly and John Green, Sept. 29, 1802.
- Rebecca of Worcester and John Prentice, Nov. 9, 1779. At Worcester.
- Sally and Robert Young, March 30, 1803.
- Zachariah and Sarah Prentice, Feb. 11, 1783. At Worcester.
- Mary and John Hart, 2d, Jan. 16, 1827.
- Patty and Nathaniel Woodard, both of Leicester, Dec. 16, 1802.
- James-H. and Susan-M. Larkin, June 26, 1847.
- Elias and Polly Elliot, Feb. 7, 1797.
- Sally of Newtown and Silas Wesson, Oct. 1, 1802. Intention.
- Thomas-M. and Mary-S. Rice, April 19, 1843.
- Elijah of Shrewsbury and Mrs. Elizabeth Brindley, May 28, 1785. Intention.
- Francis of Worcester and Margaret Hart, Sept. 1, 1785.
- Isaac and Alice Chapin, Sept. 2, 1846.
- Asa and Betsey Harwood of Leicester, June 26, 1796. At Leicester by David Henshaw, J.P.
- David and Elmira Crosby, June 24, 1841. At Leicester by Rev. Moses Harrington.
- Elizabeth and John Eddy, Oct. 20, 1791.
- Jerusha and Enoch Gale of Oxford, Jan. 21, 1802.
- Gilman of Worcester and Clarissa Hart, Oct. 12, 1842.
- John and Polly Phips, July 16, 1784.
- Nelson-R. and Maria-E. Crosby, June 5, 1845.
- Palmer and Betsey Jones, March 17, 1825.
- Polly and Elias Green, Sept. 28, 1782. Intention.
- Rebecca of Leicester and Simon Phillips, Feb. 12, 1791. Intention.
- Thomas and Elizabeth Howard of Leicester, Oct. 2, 1798. Intention.
- Hannah and Thomas Baird, Feb. 1, 1810.
- Louisa and George-W. Darling, Jan. 1, 1845.
- Merriam-S. and Sanford-A. Inman, Nov. 30, 1843.
- Nancy and Smith Baker of Grafton, Oct. 9, 1838.
- Mrs. Rebecca of Sutton and Richard Fitch, Feb. 24, 1781. Intention.
- Mary-W. and Daniel Hodgkins, both of Leicester, recorded April
- 4, 1829.
- Mary and Tylor Putnam, June 2, 1814.
- Catharine of Ashford, Conn. and Emory Stone, Sept. 5, 1847.
- Aaron and Mrs. Sarah Gleason, April 1, 1822. Intention.
- Catharine and Nathaniel Jennison, Dec. 14, 1799. Intention.
- Mrs. Cynthia and Ebenezer Larned, Sept. 29, 1816.
- Levens and Betsey Livermore, Nov. 16, 1801. Intention.
- Lyman and Mrs. Lucy Howe of Sutton, March 16, 1802.
- Martha and Eliot Knight of Sutton, Jan. 12, 1812.
- Mary and Gardner-S. Burbank of Worcester, June —, 1837.
- Nancy and Nathan Muzzy of Leicester, Sept. 12, 1816.
- Phebe of Sutton and John Town, Jr., Jan. 18, 1793. At Sutton.
- Sally of Sutton and Joseph Richardson, March 1, 1826.
- Sally and Henry-K. Greenwood of Millbury, May 18, 1826.
- Sarah-C. and Constant Southworth of Hardwick, Jan. 22, 1839.
- Thirsten and Hannah Bancroft, Oct. 9, 1822.
- Mrs. Betsey and Daniel Stone, both of Oxford, March 13, 1810.
- Sally and Jesse Stone, Oct. 1, 1789.
- Aaron of Millbury and Mary Stone, Dec. 2, 1819.
- Hannah of Sutton and Daniel Phillips, March 22, 1798. At Sutton.
- Almira of Oxford and Lewis Eddy, May 14, 1823.
- William and Esther Delaney, Dec. 30, 1778. At Oxford by Rev. Joseph Bowman.
- Constant of Hardwick and Sarah-C. Sibley, Jan. 22, 1839.
- Simeon and Anna Stone, April 30, 1798.
- Sarah of Medfield and Abel Partridge, March 30, 1801.
- Deborah and John Gray of Worcester, Feb. 6, 1804.
- Hannah of New Fane, Vt. and Darius Rice, June 5, 1789. Intention.
- Polly and Jonathan Rice, March 12, 1786.
- Aaron and Eunice-M. Meriam, March 11, 1846.
- Almira of Worcester and Lewis-C. Stone, Oct. 29, 1848.
- Anna and Elijah Curtis, Jr., Feb. 21, 1782. Intention.
- Calvin of Oxford and Lucy Livermore, Sept. 17, 1820.
- Mrs. Dolly and John Wait, Dec. 22, 1787. Intention.
- James and Prudence Dodge, Nov. 24, 1825.
- Lydia and John Case, both of Sutton, Sept. 10, 1794.
- Polly and John Wait, Feb. 14, 1788.
- Abigail and Elias Stone, Jan. 26, 1803.
- Amasa and Esther Boyden, April 5, 1802.
- Anna and Simeon Southworth, April 30, 1798.
- Andrew and Mary-W. Stone, Oct. 24, 1848. At Grafton, Vt. by Rev. Melanethon-G. Wheeler.
- Betsey and Darius Boyden, May 22, 1788.
- Calvin of Dummerston, Vt. and Sally Green, Feb. 14, 1805.
- Daniel and Rebecca Lamb, March 31, 1808.
- Daniel and Mrs. Betsey Sigourney, both of Oxford, March 13, 1810.
- Elias, see Abigail above.
- Emory and Catharine Shurtleff of Ashford, Conn., Sept. 5, 1847.
- Mrs. Esther of Oxford and John Todd, Sept. 19, 1780.
- Isaac and Lucretia Drury, June 23, 1789.
- Dea. Isaac and Mrs. Esther Bartlett of Holden, Dec. 16, 1835.
- Israel, Jr. and Hannah Town, July 12, 1811.
- Jeremy and Abigail Davenport, Jan. 24, 1799.
- Jesse and Sally Singletary, Oct. 1, 1789.
- John and Pamela Stone of Oxford Gore, Dec. 21, 1825.
- John and Mrs. Haney Rice, March 27, 1784.
- Jonathan and Sally Hall of Grafton, June 23, 1792.
- Jonathan and Abigail Knowlton, May 24, 1814.
- Joseph and Widow Hannah Boyden, April 17, 1779. Inten'n.
- Judith and James Jacobs, Sept. 17, 1803. Intention.
- Lavinia and Albert Huntington, Oct. 2, 1838.
- Lewis-C. and Almira Stockwell of Worcester, Oct. 29, 1848.
- Lucy and Thomas Merriam of Oxford Gore, Feb. 22, 1813.
- Lusenath and Willard Hall of Millbury, April 21, 1830.
- Luther of Oxford North Gore and Mrs. Martha Knights, April 15, 1835.
- Lydia-E. of Oxford and Elbridge-G. Warren, April 9, 1834.
- Marshall and Elsei Eldridge, July 29, 1849.
- Mary and Aaron Small of Millbury, Dec. 2, 1819.
- Mary-Ann and Samuel E. Baird, Oct. 29, 1845.
- Mary-W., see Andrew above.
- Moses and Pamelia Gilbert, Feb. 26, 1795.
- Nathaniel and Mrs. Sally Jacobs of Sutton, Sept. 17, 1788.
- Nathaniel, Jr. and Betsey Eaton, Oct. 23, 1818.
- Olive and Benjamin Knowlton, Jan. 22, 1807.
- Pamela, see John above.
- Patty and Nicholas Cook of Mendon, Aug. 18, 1805.
- Phineas-T. and Sarah-M. Brockett, Jan. 1, 1837. At New Haven, Conn.
- Polly and Samuel Hall, March 29, 1802.
- Polly of Oxford Gore and Benjamin Vassal, July 7, 1807.
- Rhoda and Samuel Eddy, April 1, 1821.
- Roxana and Samuel Jennison, April 16, 1834.
- Mrs. Ruth and David Bancroft, Oct. 14, 1779.
- Sally of Oxford Gore and Eber Gage of Oxford, Feb. 16, 1808.
- Sally and David Cummings, March 21, 1809.
- Sarah-E. and Alvan-T. Burgess of Worcester, May 2, 1848.
- Sarah-L. and George-W. Barnard, Aug. 28, 1842.
- Sina and Hervey Pierce, Sept. 8, 1819.
- Susan and Lucius-E. Neff of Holden, Sept. 9, 1833.
- William and Sarah Clarke, March 9, 1780.
- Benjamin of Charlton and Susannah Eddy, Nov. 19, 1795.
- David and Sarah Prouty, April 12, 1784. At Spencer.
- Mrs. Sarah and Jonah Cutting, Dec. 31, 1787.
- Marshall-W. and Ann Davis, Feb. 14, 1848.
- Hiram and Caroline-Wright Meriam, March 31, 1847.
- Mary and John-R. Lynn, June 15, 1826.
- Zophar of Worcester and Polly Baird, Dec. 18, 1798.
- Nancy-O. and Daniel Johnson, Jan. 17, 1849.
- Samuel, 2d of Uxbridge and Dorcas Keith, Dec. 16, 1824.
- Elisha of Douglas and Judith Holman, Jan. 26, 1792.
- Paul and Mrs. Hannah Rawson, July 14, 1781.
- Amity and Charles Green, March 24, 1823.
- Joseph of Douglas and Mrs. Abigail Bunn of Oxford, March 20, 1788.
- Rube and Arthur Rich, Jan. 31, 1801. Intention.
- Arrabella and Henry Pike, Oct. 12, 1845.
- John and Mrs. Esther Stone of Oxford, Sept. 19, 1780.
- James and Julia-Ann Ford, Dec. 6, 1837.
- Jane and William-D. Dalrymple, Nov. 8, 1838.
- Reuben of Worcester and Mary-Ann Wiser, April 7, 1825.
- Hannah and Israel Stone, Jr., July 12, 1811.
- John, Jr. and Phebe Sibley of Sutton, Jan. 18, 1793. At Sutton.
- Phineas and Widow Levina Boyden, July 16, 1785. Intention.
- Sally and Benjamin Chaplin, Sept. 12, 1810.
- Lucinda and John French, Jan. 28, 1803.
- Addison-P. and Mariah-H. Cheney, June 20, 1844.
- Mrs. Hannah and Obadiah McIntire of Charlton, June 1, 1782. Intention.
- Hyrum of Stamford, Conn. and Elizabeth Brindley, Aug. 29, 1794. Intention.
- Tammy and Parma Richardson of Millbury, July 6, 1815.
- Benjamin and Polly Stone of Oxford Gore, July 7, 1807.
- Elizabeth and Zedekiah Belknap of Worcester, Sept. 8, 1778.
- John and Polly Stockwell, Feb. 14, 1788.
- Mrs. Abigail of Sutton and William Phips, July 3, 1786. Intention.
- Hannah-S. and Benjamin-F. Curtis of Worcester, April 4, 1831.
- Mrs. Hannah and Joseph Knowlton, Dec. 13, 1798.
- Joseph of Hopkinton and Mrs. Hannah Wedge, Feb. 2, 1781.
- Elbridge-G. and Lydia-E. Stone of Oxford, April 9, 1834.
- John and Caroline-S. Eddy, Sept. 10, 1845.
- Samuel and Sally Goulding, Nov. 27, 1806.
- Waterman-G. and Mary Eddy, April 22, 1830.
- Anna of Sutton and Josiah-Sartel Prentice, Aug. 15, 1801.
- Nathaniel and Sally Hagar, both of Millbury, Jan. 23, 1816.
- Samuel of Leicester and Achsa Drury, Feb. 17, 1807.
- Samuel and Desire Knowles, Oct. 26, 1808.
- Anna and Arnold Briggs of Benson, Vt., March 1, 1798.
- Mrs. Hannah and Joseph Ward of Hopkinton, Feb. 2, 1781.
- Ann-Maria and Francis-H. Murdock of Knoxville, Georgia, Sept. 25, 1838.
- Josiah-W. and Lucy-Mariah McFarland, Dec. 25, 1839. At North Oxford by Rev. A.-Smith Lyon.
- Leander and Miranda Dispeau, June 17, 1840.
- Silas and Sally Rogers of Newtown, Oct. 1, 1802. Intention.
- Benjamin and Phebe Richardson, March 10, 1813.
- Benjamin of Worcester and Lydia Rice, Jan. 24, 1821.
- Clarissa and Adolphus Eaton, April 2, 1834.
- Eliza-E. of Leicester and Alexes-D. Hardy of Worcester, —— —, 1829.
- Hannah-P. and Ezekiel Marsh of Millbury, April 10, 1839.
- James-H. of Millbury and Elizabeth-W. Parker, May 1, 1834.
- Joseph of Northbridge and Nancy Rice, May 6, 1813.
- Mary-R. and Solomon Marble of Millbury, Jan. 4, 1837.
- Mrs. Polly of Worcester and Asa Phillips, April 5, 1784. Int'n.
- Clary of Sutton and Nathan Bancroft, July 11, 1799. At Sutton.
- Isaac of Worcester and Betsey Partridge, April 12, 1826.
- Esther of Oxford and Warren Cudworth, Nov. 29, 1793. At Oxford by Ebenezer Larned, Esq.
- John and Sarah-S. Cummings, June 8, 1843.
- Mary-Ann and Reuben Totman of Worcester, April 7, 1825.
- Alden of Leverett and Phebe Fitts, Jan. 15, 1818.
- Daniel of County Gore and Bathsheba Cheney, Oct. 1, 1801.
- Nathaniel of Leicester and Sarah Fessenden of Oxford, June 6, 1790.
- Nathaniel and Patty Robarts, both of Leicester, Dec. 16, 1802.
- Zadock and Lucy Cummings, both of Sutton, April 19, 1812.
- Charles and Susannah Bancroft, July 27, 1794.
- Hannah and Simon Colton of Brookfield, Vt., Nov. 7, 1811.
- Patty and Samuel Clark, May 8, 1796.
- Hannah-C. and Alden Perry of Northampton, June 13, 1832.
- Nancy and Parley Holman of Worcester, June 8, 1811.
- Phebe and Barnard Blanchard, Feb. 9, 1792.
- Phebe-G. and Galen Kenney of Millbury, April 23, 1833.
- Robert and Sally Richardson, March 30, 1803.
- Silence and Charles-D. Perry of Worthington, May 31, 1841.
- William and Betsey Barton, April 1, 1821.
759 Marriages = 1518 Names.
Auburn Deaths.
Auburn Deaths,
To the end of the year 1850.
∵ Age in years unless otherwise stated.
- Albert-Gallatin, s. Almerin-L. and Clarissa, May 19, 1845, a. 4 years, 3 mos., 1 day.
- William-C, March 8, 1847, a. 25.
- ——, child of A.-L., Oct. 24, 1842, a. 11 days.
- Elmira, d. Widow Sophia, Dec. 15, 1839, a. 12.
- ——, child of Warren-L. and Sarah, Sept. 15, 1846, a. 13 ds.
- Zipporah, Dec. 28, 1846, a. 60, 8 mos.
- Mrs. Anna, Jan. 2, 1799, a. 88.
- Daniel, s. Isaac and Betsey, March 20, 1785, a. 1 day.
- Elizabeth, widow Rev. Isaac, Jan. 5, 1842, a. 86, 7 mos.
- Rev. Isaac, April 10, 1814, a. 61.
- Samuel, s. Isaac and Betsey, Feb. 2, 1790.
- Samuel, Sept. 11, 1796.
- Elizabeth, widow Thomas, April 23, 1790, in 82d year.
- Hannah, widow Thomas, senior (who died in 1819), Oct. 2, 1840, in 85th year.
- Lucinda, d. John and Sarah, March 7, 1783.
- Miss Mary, March 22, 1802, a. 67.
- Mehitable, wife Thomas, Feb. 5, 1807, a. 70.
- Polly, widow Thomas, Jr., Nov. 8, 1833, a. 68.
- Thomas, senior, April 29, 1782, in 75th year.
- Thomas, Dec. 2, 1819, a. 84.
- Thomas, Jr., Aug. 8, 1828.
- Thomas, Jr., Dec. 2, 1829, in 63d year.
- Thomas-N., s. Samuel and Mary-Ann, April 18, 1849, a. 7 mos.
- Gardiner, s. Preserved and Lydia, June 11, 1802, a. 16 mos., 16 days.
- Gardiner, April 22, 1815.
- Preserved, May 26, 1815.
- Abigail, wife David, Jan. 4, 1780.
- Alice-Elizabeth, d. Hervey and Mary, Sept. 14, 1833.
- Betsey, d. Jonas, Jr. and Nancy, Jan. 1, 1823, a. 19.
- Charlotte, wife Nathan, March 22, 1798.
- Charlotte, d. Nathan and Clary, Sept. 17, 1801.
- David, April 16, 1782.
- Eliza, d. Kendal and Betsey, Oct. 23, 1817.
- Enoch, s. Hervey and Mary, March 17, 1835.
- Eunice, wife David, Oct. 15, 1777, in 59th year.
- Franklin, s. Jonas, Jr. and Nancy, Oct. 4, 1839, a. 34.
- Jonas, Jan. 2, 1821, a. 76.
- Kendall, Jan. 5, 1846, a. 59.
- Laura, d. Timothy and Mary, Dec. 19, 1846, a. 18, 8 ms., 21 d.
- Maria-Antoinette, d. Hervey and Mary, July 14, 1840.
- Mary, widow Timothy, Oct. 10, 1844, a. 84.
- Mary-Smith, d. Timothy, Jr. and Mary, Jan. 3, 1823.
- Mehitable, wife Kendall, June 15, 1812, a. 24.
- Nancy-S., Sept. 7, 1850, a. 71.
- Nathaniel, s. David and Eunice, July 24, 1777, in 20th year.
- Peter, s. Timothy and Mary, Oct. 26, 1786, a. 4.
- Widow Ruth, Aug. 2, 1809, a. 94.
- Samuel-C., s. Timothy and Mary, Dec. 21, 1838, a. 10?
- Sarah, wife Jonas, Dec. 13, 1822, a. 77.
- Timothy, March 4, 1834, a. 73.
- Timothy-Rice, s. Timothy and Mary, March 21, 1795.
- Mary-Ann, d. John-G. and Betsey, Feb. 25, 1821.
- Mary-Relief, d. John-G. and Betsey, July 14, 1826.
- Prudence, d. John-G. and Betsey, July 30, 1826.
- ——, d. Harriet, April —, 1844, a. 3 mos.
- Ellen, d. Phenton, Sept. 9, 1849, a. 1 year, 4 mos., 20 days.
- John, Aug. 13, 1845, a. 80.
- Mary, wife Joshua, Sept. 6, 1824.
- Relief, wife Anson, Sept. 11, 1826.
- William-Hammond, s. Joshua and Mary, Nov. 27, 1823.
- Lucy, wife Dr. Pearley and d. Aaron Sibley, June 14, 1798.
- Mary-Elizabeth, d. Silas and Salina, Oct. 11, 1850, a. 1 year, 5 mos., 5 days.
- Gershom, Feb. 2, 1789, a. 92.
- John, s. Gershom and Lydia, Oct. 19, 1775.
- Rachel, widow Gershom, senior, Nov. 5, 1800, a. 103, if life had been continued until Jan. 5, 1801.
- Susanna, d. Gershom, Jr. and Lydia, Oct. 8, 1775.
- Mrs. Grizzel, Jan. 4, 1799, a. 81.
- Sarah, d. Charles-E., Aug. 25, 1849, a. 3.
- Mrs. ——, a pauper belonging to Oxford, Jan. 29, 1833.
- Alexander-Lafayette, s. Alexander and Roxana, Aug. 24, 1825.
- Alexander-Putnam, s. Alexander and Roxana, March 14, 1831.
- Lydia, Nov. 14, 1847, a. 90
- Peter, July 1, 1820.
- Daniel, Jan. 29, 1782, in 75th year.
- Darius, March 18, 1783, in 40th year.
- Mehitable, widow Daniel, June 7, 1789, in 76th year.
- Miss Patty, Dec. 7, 1838.
- Peter, July 28, 1777, in 32d year.
- Sally, wife Samuel, Nov. 26, 1845, a. 80.
- Samuel, s. Samuel and Sally, Sept. 15, 1792.
- Samuel, Sept. 15, 1846, a. 83.
- Sarah-B., wife John, Nov. 7, 1834.
- Alexander, a foreigner from Sweden, May 14, 1824.
- ——, child James, April 16, 1844, a. 1 day.
- ——, child James and Laura, Dec. 23, 1846, a. 1 day.
- Joshua, Sept. 28, 1827.
- Widow Rachel, June 25, 1807.
- Rachel, Sept. 3, 1835, a. 66.
- Ebenezer, Jr., Sept. 22, 1803, a. 18.
- Ebenezer, March 12, 1820, a. 63.
- Mary, d. Ebenezer, Dec. 26, 1829.
- Mary-Carteret, d. Charles-W. and Adeline, Jan. 9, 1832.
- Mellissa-Elvira, wife John-M., April or Sept. 5, 1846, a. 24, 6 mos.
- Azubah, d. Daniel and Elizabeth, Sept. 18, 1796.
- Benjamin, Aug. 3, 1806, a. 101, 8 mos., 16 days. Born at Woburn Nov. 18, 1704.
- Miss Molly, d. Benjamin, May 12, 1823, a. 83.
- ——, wife Charles, March 7, 1849, a. 22.
- Anna, wife Recompense, Dec. 3, 1828, a. 61.
- Relief, wife Leonard, Jan. 13, 1823, a. 26.
- Col. Zebulon, s. Recompense and Anna, July 17, 1834, a. 44.
- Sarah-Holt, d. Benjamin and Sally, Dec. 21, 1817.
- Anna, widow, April 5, 1790.
- Joseph, Jan. 1, 1831, a. 90.
- Sarah, wife Joseph, —— —, 1830.
- Sylvanus, s. Ephraim and Bathsheba, July 18, 1785.
- Abigail, widow, Sept. 22, 1811, a. 87, 6 mos.
- Adaline, d. John and Rhoda, Feb. 7, 1846, a. 40.
- John, March 19, 1847, a. 82.
- Joseph, Dec. 26, 1807, a. 87.
- Lucy-Ann, d. Nathaniel-S. and Lucy, Aug. 10, 1836.
- Polly, d. Samuel and Patty, April 19, 1800.
- Polly, wife Baxter, May 2, 1808.
- Samuel, Oct. 21, 1842, a. 76.
- Harriet-Anna, d. Andrew-J. and Harriet, Sept. 23, 1849, a. 8 mos., 23 days.
- Abijah, senior, May 16, 1836.
- Susanna, widow Abijah, Jan. 12, 1847, a. 92.
- Abigail, widow Edward senior, March 30, 1808, a. 62.
- Edward, Dec. 22, 1802.
- Amasa, s. Daniel and Rebecca, Feb. 25, 1804, a. 15.
- Amasa, March 22, 1836.
- Asa, s. Daniel and Rebecca, June 24, 1815, a. 25.
- Carloss, s. John-S., May 5, 1845, a. 8 years, 9 mos.
- Daniel, May 20, 1792, a. 48.
- Daniel, s. Daniel, June 4, 1808, a. 42 years, 5 days.
- George-Franklin, s. Eliphalet-H. and Harriet-A., Sept.28, 1842.
- Henriette-W., d. John-S. and Malinda, July 18, 1850, a. 3 yrs., 7 mos., 2 days.
- John, Oct. 31, 1832, a. 46.
- Lucy-D., d. John and Catharine, April 9, 1818.
- Lucy-D., d. John and Catharine, Sept. 27, 1821.
- Polly, d. Daniel and Rebecca, Jan. 2, 1815, a. 17.
- Rachel, widow Daniel, Nov. 21, 1833.
- Rebecca, March 10, 1848, a. 87.
- Sally, wife Amasa, March 21, 1833.
- Tamar-H., d. John and Catharine, Nov. 5, 1830.
- Amos, Oct. 16, 1830.
- Willard, s. Amos and Zerviah, Sept. 12, 1813, a. 18.
- Bette, d. Jonathan and Bette, Aug. 26, 1784.
- Zerviah, wife Amos, Oct. 11, 1830.
- John-Brigham, s. Brigham and Almira, Aug. 18, 1847, a. 1 yr., 9 mos.
- Lydia, wife Brigham, Aug. 25, 1843, a. 23.
- Absalom, s. James and Anna, Jan. 25, 1837.
- Anna, wife James, Jan. 29, 1842, a. 51.
- Jonah, s. James and Anna, Jan. 25, 1837.
- Daniel, [Aug. 21, 1827, a. 66?]
- Elizabeth, wife Daniel, March 25, 1834.
- Polly, d. Daniel and Elizabeth, Sept. 4, 1796.
- ——, child John and Margaret, June 2, 1845, a. 3 days.
- Mr. ——, a foreigner, Sept. 7, 1837.
- Achsa, d. Thomas and Experience, July 31, 1784.
- Achsa, d. Thomas, Jr. and Mehitable, Aug. 31, 1813.
- Addison, s. Thomas, Jr. and Mehitable, May 1, 1811, a. 4.
- Alvah, s. Thomas, Sept. 28, 1839, a. 43.
- Experience, wife Thomas, Dec. 2, 1834, in 91st year.
- Mehitable, wife Thomas, Jr., Nov. 6, 1810, a. 33.
- Susan-Mehitable, d. Alvah and Mary, Jan. 6, 1832, a. 10 years and 4 mos.
- Susan, d. Alvah and Mary, Nov. 7, 1835, a. 3 years and 2 mos.
- Thomas, Nov. 3, 1778, in 59th year.
- Thomas, July 6, 1836, in 91st year.
- Rachel, wife Henry, Feb. 19, 1849, a. 62.
- Jonas, Nov. 8, 1843 a. 86.
- Joseph, s. Jonas and Lydia, died Sept. 1, 1796.
- Sarah, d. Jonas and Lydia, Sept. 18, 1823, a. 21.
- Thomas, s. Jonas and Lydia, Sept. 8, 1796.
- William, s. Jonas and Lydia, Sept. 11, 1796.
- ——, child Adolphus and Clarissa-B., Oct. 28, 1835.
- ——, child Adolphus and Clarissa-B., Sept. 1, 1838.
- Ann-Eliza, d. James and Betsey, April 28, 1847, a. 8 years, 5 mos., 14 days.
- Betsey, wife Jesse, Feb. 12, 1826.
- Betsey, wife James, April 19, 1849, a. 52.
- David, Feb. 20, 1826, a. 58.
- Hiram, s. Jesse and Betsey, Sept. 9, 1819.
- James, April 9, 1850, a. 58 years, 7 mos., 9 days.
- Levi, May 6, 1821.
- Luke, s. Levi and Mary, Aug. 5, 1786.
- Mary, wife Levi, May 3, 1821.
- Mary-Ann, d. Jesse and Betsey, April 6, 1826.
- Samuel, s. Samuel, Jr. and Sally, Sept. 30, 1795.
- Capt. Samuel, July 4, 1798, a. 59 years, 11 mos. and 4 days.
- Samuel, May 11, 1813, a. 46.
- Sarah, widow Samuel, Oct. 6, 1838.
- Susanna, widow Capt. Samuel, Jan. 17, 1803, a. 66.
- Mary-Clark, d. Thomas and Eliza, June 26, 1831.
- ——, d. Thomas and Eliza, Oct. 5, 1833, a. 21 days.
- Lucretia, registered April 8, 1845, a. 61.
- Elisha-Livermore, s. Daniel and Lydia, April 11, 1819, a. 2 mos., 26 days.
- Mary, wife Arba, April 22, 1828.
- Robert, Dec. 29, 1831, a. 74.
- Harriet, wife Joseph, Dec. 19, 1848, a. 47.
- Martha, d. David and Mary, April 6, 1786.
- Julia-A., d. Lyman and Azubah, Sept. 22, 1846, a. 17 years, 9 mos., 13 days.
- Francis, Dec. 3, 1848, a. 21.
- Clarissa, d. David, Jr., Aug. 9, 1816, a. 25.
- Cynthia, d. David and Lydia, Sept. 2, 1796, in 12th year.
- David, Jr., Dec. 19, 1816.
- David, April 29, 1833, in 87th year.
- Eunice, wife Ezra, Jan. 17, 1805, a. 25.
- Lydia, widow David, Nov. 27, 1838.
- Marcy, wife Ezra, Nov. 7, 1808, a. 25.
- Anna, d. Jonah and Grace, Nov. 6, 1785.
- Betsey, d. Jonah and Grace, Jan. 8, 1793.
- Grace, d. Jonah and Grace, Aug. 16, 1796.
- Grace, wife Jonah, Aug. 14, 1823.
- Jonah, April 18, 1826.
- Justus, s. Jonah and Grace, Aug. 13, 1796.
- Patrick, a foreigner, July 14, 1837.
- John, May 29, 1804, a. 25 lacking 1 day.
- John, s. Daniel and Elizabeth, Oct. 8, 1815, a. 14 days.
- Mary, widow Thomas, March 9, 1843, a. 81.
- Polly, d. Thomas and Mary, Aug. 4, 1791, a. 10 years, 7 mos.
- Thomas, Oct. 29, 1813, a. 80.
- David, Nov. 3, 1841, a. 41.
- Betsey, Oct. 12, 1844, a. 71.
- James, Feb. 20, 1826, a. 88.
- John, senior, Sept. 15, 1807, a. 80.
- John, May 5, 1842, a. 65.
- Joseph, Dec. —, 1834.
- Lydia, wife James, Jan. 29, 1808.
- Lydia, d. John and Mary, Jan. 13, 1847, a. 18.
- Martha, d. John and Sarah, Nov. 27, 1804, a. 26 years, 24 ds.
- Mrs. Martha, Oct. 12, 1807.
- Mary, wife James, Jan. 14, 1823, a. 78.
- Roxana, widow Joseph, Oct. 3, 1836.
- Sally, d. John and Betsey, Feb. 17, 1809.
- Hannah, d. Silas, July 24, 1846, a. 8 years, 8 mos.
- George, Aug. 19, 1848, a. 24.
- Sarah-M., April 9, 1849, a. 27 years, 3 days.
- Francis, July 11, 1803, a. 37.
- Francis, Jan. —, 1841, a. 42.
- Francis-Hardy, s. John and Deborah, Jan. 7, 1813.
- Mrs. Hannah, June 27, 1833.
- Horace, s. Moses and Olive, Nov. 9, 1820.
- Moses, s. Moses and Olive, May 7, 1805.
- Moses, March 18, 1835.
- Polly, d. Samuel and Hannah, June 18, 1791.
- Rube, d. Jacob and Hannah, March 6, 1821.
- Sally, wife Simeon, March 21, 1816.
- Samuel, Dec. 29, 1793.
- Samuel, died at Sutton, Oct. 1, 1841, a. 66.
- Simeon, Sept. 2, 1829.
- Simeon-Dagget, s. Simeon and Sally, May 21, 1816.
- Tamar, wife Eliphalet, Oct. 23, 1820.
- ——, child Jacob and Hannah, Sept. 1, 1824.
- David, April 11 or 12, 1842, a. 83.
- Mrs. John, Aug. 5, 1850.
- Nahum, Oct. 27, 1847, a. 23.
- Abner, Sept. 12, 1841, a. 3 mos.
- Shubael, March 29, 1835, a. 64.
- Anna, Jan. 22, 1848, a. 82.
- Israel, June 17, 1830.
- John, s. Israel and Anna, Oct. 11, 1801.
- John, March 29, 1814, a. 79.
- Ruth, widow John, April 10, 1814, a. 72.
- Daniel, s. Daniel and Mary, Sept. 4, 1796.
- Capt. Daniel, Feb. 4, 1839, a. 81.
- Hannah, wife Joseph, Feb. 13, 1826.
- Laura-F., Aug. 29, 1848, a. 2.
- Mary-Riant, d. Joseph and Hannah, Nov. 19, 1817.
- Molly, wife Daniel, Sept. 14, 1812, a. 53 years, 6 mos., 19 ds.
- Polly, d. Daniel and Molly, June 13, 1783.
- Prudence, d. Daniel and Molly, Aug. 30, 1796.
- Sarah, d. Joseph and Hannah, Dec. 18, 1835, a. 13 mos., 4 ds.
- Betsey, Aug. 23, 1848, a. 41.
- Lydia-Elizabeth, d. Danforth and Betsey, May 19, 1832.
- Abby, Sept. 8, 1848, a. 2.
- Tamar, wife John, Dec. 6, 1819.
- Eliza, wife Elisha-M., Oct. 22, 1833.
- Esther, wife Thomas, April 22, 1848, a. 72.
- Mary, wife Joseph, Aug. 21, 1796, a. 65.
- Olive, wife Dea. Nathan, Jan. 3, 1843, a. 79.
- Benjamin-F., s. Ebenezer and Cynthia, Nov. 24, 1824.
- Sylvester, May 2, 1850, a. 40.
- George, s. Levi-C. and Lydia, [previous to 1827?]
- Levi-C, May 28, 1826.
- Lydia, widow Levi-C., Jan. 6, 1827.
- Elisha, s. Elisha and Ruth, Feb. 8, 1814, a. 26.
- Ruth, wife Elisha, Jan. 30, 1838.
- Charles-B., s. Ebenezer and Lucy, Oct. 22, 1850, a. 10.
- Andrew, July 23, 1849, a. 3 years, 3 mos.
- Mr. ——, Nov. 26, 1843, a. 31.
- John, Feb. 13, 1849, a. 71.
- Mrs. ——, Jan. 14, 1845, a. 32.
- Cyrel, April 13, 1838.
- Hezekiah, Sept. 24, 1803, a. 99. Left a widow, a. 94, with whom he had lived 78 years.
- Asa, May 12, 1849, a. 103 years, 1 month, 7 days.
- Sarah-Mariah, d. Nathan and Nancy, Sept. 17, 1822.
- Solomon, s. Nathan and Nancy, Sept. 19, 1838.
- Charles-Porter, s. Samuel-A. and Mary-W., Dec. 27, 1836.
- Elizabeth, March 26, 1849, a. 76.
- Sereno, March 2, 1836.
- Tyrus, s. A.-P. and Mary, Aug. 26, 1849, a. 2 years, 6 mos.
- Alexander, Aug. 18, 1799, a. 83.
- Hannah, widow James, died at Wildersburgh, Vt., Feb. 24, 1793, a. 74.
- James, March 30, 1783, in 75th year.
- Joseph, July 6, 1848, a. 1 year, 11 months.
- Joseph-Brady, s. Henry-H. and Abby-A., Dec. 9, 1850, a. 5 ms.
- Hannah, Sept. 1, 1805, a. 55.
- Sarah, wife Abel, Nov. 3, 1826.
- Jeast? (born in Canada), Sept. 2, 1849, a. 19.
- Israel, Feb. 28, 1800, a. 63.
- Ruth, July 17, 1783, in 22d year.
- Rachel, wife William, Jan. 29, 1786, in 73d year.
- John, s. Jonathan and Phebe, Nov. 20, 1792.
- Ruth, d. Ebenezer and Lydia, June —, 1818, a. 34. Suicide by hanging.
- Sybil, d. Ebenezer and Lydia, Nov. —, 1823. Suicide.
- Charles-H., s. Enoch and Wealthy, Oct. 8, 1824.
- Enoch, s. Enoch and Wealthy, May 10, 1819.
- Wealthy, wife Enoch, Sept. 15, 1824.
- William-Emmons, s. Enoch and Wealthy, Sept. 6, 1824.
- Charles, Sept. 1, 1848, a. 21.
- Sarah-Mehitable, d. Rev. Miner-G. and Caroline, Sept. 24,
- 1841, a. 2 years, 4 mos. and 26 days.
- ——, s. Rev. Miner-G. and Caroline, May 29, 1830, a. 5 ds.
- ——, s. Rev. Miner-G. and Caroline, May 10, 1843, a. 1 d.
- Deborah, wife Ebenezer, June 11, 1802.
- John, March 26, 1812, a. 73.
- Lucretia, wife Otis, May 26, 1803, a. 33.
- Rebecca, widow John, May 15, 1838, a. 97.
- Sarah, wife John, March 13, 1779, in 35th year.
- Anderson, s. Tylor and Mary, March 14, 1817.
- Huldah, wife John, March 3, 1796.
- Cynthia, d. Edward and Meriam, Aug. 28, 1846, a. 47.
- Darius, s. Edward and Meriam, Aug. 1, 1812.
- Gershom, Sept. 24, 1781, in 85th year.
- Jonathan, May 3, 1834, a. 70.
- Martha, d. Edward and Merriam, Dec. 27, 1847, a. 34.
- Mary, d. Jonathan and Mary, June 29, 1798.
- Mary, Feb. 19, 1848, a. 81.
- Samuel, s. Dea. Jonathan, Sept. 12, 1831, a. 22.
- Susan, d. Edward and Meriam, Nov. 7, 1847, a. 41.
- Thomas, s. Peter and Polly, Sept. 10, 1796, in 4th year.
- Reuben, Sept. 17, 1803, a. 28.
- Charles, senior, Aug. 30, 1783, a. 73 years, 1 mo., 3 days.
- Mrs. Charles, Dec. 9, 1819, a. 74.
- Hannah, wife Joseph, [Oct. 20, 1825, a. 45?].
- Lucy, d. Charles and Hepzibah, registered June 18, 1846, a. 34.
- Peter, April 3, 1823, a. 78.
- Phebe, widow Peter, Nov. 27, 1846, a. 92 years, 5 mos.
- Sally, d. Peter and Phebe, March 19, 1805.
- Sally? 2d wife Joseph, Oct. 13, 1830.
- Susanna, widow, Aug. 12, 1808, a. 85. Born in 1723.
- Mrs. Catharine, Aug. 19, 1846, a. 21 years, 10 mos.
- Francis, a foreigner, May 30, 1824.
- Joseph, Sept. 26, 1829.
- Widow Merriam, Sept. 15, 1846, a. 85.
- Elmira, wife David, July 28, 1845.
- Maria-E., wife Nelson-R., July 27, 1847, a. 24.
- Nancy, d. Thomas and Mary, Sept. 17, 1787.
- Thomas, senior, April 23, 1803.
- Mrs. ——, wife David, Aug. 4, 1823.
- ——, child David, May —, 1824.
- Hannah, wife James, Oct. 4, 1846, a. 61.
- James, Aug. 9, 1848, a. 62.
- Martha, d. James and Hannah, March 24, 1846, a. 22.
- Drury, s. Austin and Betsey, Feb. 22, 1822.
- Joshua, June 26, 1847, a. 50.
- Charles, s. Lyman and Lucy, Feb. 22, 1810.
- Ezra, March 14, 1830.
- John, s. Solomon and Sally, Aug. 17, 1824.
- Mary-Elizabeth, d. Isaac-T. and Nancy-H., Feb. 14, 1837.
- Mercy, wife Ezra, Sept. 29, 1819.
- Obedience-S., wife Stephen, May 31, 1836.
- Persis, wife Aaron, June 29, 1819.
- Polly, Oct. 17, 1846, a. 79.
- Caroline-F., d. Jonathan and Sarah, July 6, 1848, a. 25 years, 11 mos., 13 days.
- Anson, s. Nathaniel and Patience, Aug. 30, 1796.
- Hester, d. Francis and Mary, Sept. 5, 1796, a. 4.
- Martha, d. Phinehas and Lois, Jan. 19, 1780, a. 3 days.
- Israel, Dec. —, 1834.
- James-Nelson, s. James and Prudence, Nov. 17, 1833.
- ——, child Darius-R. and Harriet, Oct. 11, 1837, a. 1 day.
- Abigail-Mary, d. Lomis and Elizabeth, Sept. 2, 1839.
- Brigham, s. Lomis and Elizabeth, April 22, 1835.
- Brooksey, d. Widow Sally, Feb. —, 1827.
- Erastus, Aug. 13, 1834.
- Esther, wife Isaac, Aug. 23, 1847, a. 71.
- Eunice, d. Jonathan of Sutton, Sept. 19, 1796.
- Gardner-D., s. Lomis and Elizabeth, Nov. 7, 1833.
- Hannah, wife Joseph, Jan. 23, 1821, a. 70.
- Israel, s. Israel and Tryphena, July 30, 1785.
- Israel, Jan. 3, 1844, a. 91 years, 11 mos., 21 days.
- Dea. Jonathan, Dec. 21, 1806, a. 81 years, 24 days. He was born at Watertown, Mass., Nov. 27, 1725.
- Lieut. Jonathan, Nov. 25, 1809, of Lockjaw. Born at Watertown Dec. 8, 1750.
- Joseph, Feb. 22, 1837.
- Joseph-Jackson, s. Jonathan and Abigail, Oct. 2, 1833.
- Louisa, d. Widow Sally, Oct. 25, 1826.
- Maria-Louisa, d. Israel, Jr. and Hannah, died at Cleveland, O. Oct. 14, 1838, a. 23 years, 5 mos., 11 days.
- Mary, wife Jonathan, Jr., March 24, 1791, a. 37 years, 3 mos.
- Mary-D., wife Erastus, April 3, 1834.
- Nathaniel, March 1, 1843, a. 81.
- Oliver, s. Jonathan and Sarah, May 22, 1807, a. 9. Lockjaw.
- Pamelia, wife John, Aug. 5, 1850, a. 49.
- Sarah, widow, Dec. —, 1824.
- Sarah-Pamela, d. John and Pamela, Jan. 15, 1836.
- Sarah-Pamela, d. John and Pamela, Sept. 12, 1840, 10 mos. 1 d.
- Tryphena, wife Israel, Nov. 16, 1820, a. 67 years, 8 mos., 4 d.
- William, s. Nathaniel and Betsey, March 2, 1848, a. 20 years, 10 mos., 18 days.
- William-Bemis, s. Lomis and Elizabeth, Dec. 30, 1832.
- ——, s. Israel, Jr. and Hannah, Nov. 15, 1830, a. 11 days.
- Samuel, April 15, 1787, in 43d year.
- Jonathan-Grindall, s. Paul and Hannah, March 3, 1783.
- Pamela, wife Daniel, June 21, 1849, a. 67.
- Elias, April 14, 1791, in 37th year.
- Lavinia, widow Phineas, Sept. 3, 1837.
- Phineas, Feb. 17, 1837.
- Erastus-Stone, Jan. 15, 1840.
- Jonah-G., Jan. 11, 1840.
- Samuel, Sept. 10, 1832, a. 53.
- Sarah-Jane, March 26, 1843, a. 17 years, 11 mos., 15 days.
- Martha, d. Reuben, Sept. —, 1824.
- Desire-B., wife Samuel, Sept. 18, 1842, a. 57.
- Jane, d. Samuel and Desire, April 3, 1832.
- Louisa, d. Samuel and Desire, June 20, 1834.
- Miranda, wife Leander, Nov. 11, 1840, a. 18.
- John-Henry, Dec. 22, 1835.
- Mary, w. George, Dec. 10, 1830.
- ——, child George and Mary, Nov. 1, 1830, a. 22 days.
- Sarah, "Single Female Indian Woman," Dec. 18, 1843, a. 88.
- Another entry gives Nov. 18 as the date, and 98 the age.
- Betsy, May 21, 1841, a. 62.
- Phebe, w. William, Aug. 5, 1820.
- Timothy, Nov. 26, 1814, a. 26.
- William, senior, Feb. 25, 1830.
Number of Deaths recorded, 417.
Auburn Inscriptions.
As the use of The Systematic History Fund
is restricted to the printing of historical material relating to the
period previous to 1850, the Editor has assumed the sole
responsibility and charge of adding to the Vital Records of Auburn
transcripts of all the inscriptions in the Center and West Burial
Grounds, some of which are of later dates than the year above
Center Burial Ground.
1. In Memory of
Mrs. Elizabeth Bailey,
relict of
Rev. Isaac Bailey,
who died Jan. 5, 1842,
aged 86 years
& 8 mo.
"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints."
2. In Memory of
Rev. Isaac Bailey,
who departed this Life, April
10, 1814, in the 62, year
of his age.
3-4. Also of two Sons
of Rev. Isaac & Mrs. Elizabeth
Bailey, who were born,
one on the 18, and the other
on the 19, of March
1785, and who died one
March 21, 1785, and the other
Feb. 2, 1790.
5. To the Memory of
Mrs. Elizabeth Baird,
Relict of Mr. Thomas
Baird, who departed
this life April 23, 1790.
in her 82 year.
[Footstone: Mrs. Elizabeth Baird.]
6. In Memory of
Miss Mary Baird
who died
March 22, 1802,
Æt. 68.
7. Erected
In Memory of
Mrs. Mehitable Baird,
wife of
Mr. Thomas Baird, Junr.
who died Febr.
5, 1807,
in the 71 year
of her age.
8. In Memory of Mr.
Thomas Baird he
Departed this Life
April ye 29th 1782 in
the 75 Year of his Age.
Jesus can make a Dying Bed
Feel soft as downy pillows are
While on his Breast I Lean my head
And Breath my Life out sweetly there
[On footstone: 1782 T B]
[Inscriptions on the Baker Monument:]
Front: BAKER 1879
North panel: Parents.
9. Preserved Baker
May 20, 1815,
Æ. 33.
10. Lydia,
his wife, died
Jan. 26, 1852,
Æ. 72 y'rs 9 mos.
South panel: Sons.
11. Oliver Baker
Mar. 18, 1878,
Æ. 76.
12. Nathan Baker
Mar. 20, 1878,
Æ. 69.
[Inscriptions on Bancroft Monument:]
Obverse: BANCROFT.
Asleep in Jesus
Blessed Sleep
Front panel:
13. Kendall Bancroft,
Born in Montague, Mass.
Died in Auburn,
Jany. 5, 1846,
aged 59 years.
South panel:
14. Eliza,
Died Oct. 23, 1817,
aged 4 years.
15. Elizabeth Greenwood,
Died July 14, 1828,
Children of K. & Betsey Bancroft.
North panel:
16. Hitty Chase,
wife of
K. Bancroft,
died June 15, 1812,
aged 24 years.
17. Betsey Bixby,
wife of
K. Bancroft,
d. July 1, 1869,
aged 86 years.
18. Here lyes the
Body of Mrs Abigail
Wife of Mr. David
BancroftJunr who
was born Janry 14th
1731 died Janry 4th
19. In Memory of Mr. David
Bancraft Who was Born
August ye 2d. 1718 & Died
April ye 16th 1782 in ye 64
Year of his age.
O may my humble spirit stand, among
Them clothed, in white, the meanest
Place at CHRIST right hand
Is infinite delight.
[On old stone leaning against south wall. Same as Nos. 14
and 15 on monument above.]
In Memory of
Eliza Bancroft
who died Oct. 23 1817
Æt. 4 yrs.
Elizabeth G. Bancroft
died July 14 1828,
Æt. 4 years & 2 mos.
Daut. of
Mr. Kendall & Mrs. Betsey
When the archangels trump shall blow
And souls to bodies join,
What crowds shall wish their lives below
Had been as short as mine.
20. In Memory of
Elizabeth Bancroft,
Daughter of
Mr. Jonas &
Mrs. Nancy Bancroft
who died
Jan. 1, 1823,
aged 19.
21. In Memory of Mrs. Eunice
Bancraft she was born Feb. ye 19,
1719; She Departed this Life ye 15
Octr 1777 in the 59th year of
her age.
Industrious as the Busi bee.
A parent Tender Soft & kind;
The natural product of hir mind.
[On footstone: 1777 Mrs. Eunice Bancraft.]
22. In Memory of
Franklin Bancroft,
who died Oct. 4, 1839,
aged 34 years.
Thou art dear little spot, oh to me thou art dear
For the ashes your bosom contains.
Though no willow is planted to shed the soft tear
And to droop o'er my husband's remains.
Though no parian marble encercles the spot,
Though no ivy is wreathed o'er the tomb;
Still the name of my Franklin shall ne'er be forgot
While the wild flowers remember to bloom.
The leaf that I plucked from the grave where it grew
Is now withered—forever decayed;
So my Franklin is gone, hut affection most true
Shall remember the place where he's laid.
[Stone leaning against south wall. Same as No. 16 on
Bancroft monument.]
In Memory of
Mrs. Hitty Bancroft
wife of Mr. Kendall Bancroft,
who died
June 15, 1812,
Æt. 24.
As I pass by with grief I see
A loving mate was took from me:
Though took by one who has a right
To call for me when he sees fit.
[On footstone: Mrs. H. Bancroft.]
23. John E.
Son of
Peter M. and
Relief Bancroft.
died July 5,
aged 14 mo.
24. In Memory of
Mr. Jonas Bancroft,
who died
Jan. 12, 1821,
aged 76.
[On stone leaning against south wall. Same as No. 13 on
Bancroft monument.]
In Memory of
Kendall Bancroft
who died
Jan. 5, 1846,
aged 59.
For him indeed no heart can weep,
Nor wish to raise him from his sleep;
He sleeps in Jesus, the kind friend
Of all, who love him to the end.
25. In Memory of
Mary Bancroft,
relict of
Mr. Timothy Bancroft,
who died Oct. 10, 1844,
aged 84 years.
26. Mary B.
daughter of
Peter M. & Relief
died Oct. 10, 1842,
aged 14 years.
27. In Memory of Nathanael
Bancraft he Died, July
the 24: 1777 in ye
20th Year of his age.
In Bloom of Life my
Days Doth End:
The same Fate may
you attend
28. Peter son of
Mr. Timothy & Mary
Bancroft: died Oct. 26
1786: aged 3 years
4 months &
3 days.
Youth is a fading flower
And this we often see:
The proof whereof is now,
You may behold in me.
29. Erected
In Memory of
Mrs. Ruth Bancroft,
second wife of
Mr. David Bancroft,
(late of Ward decs'd)
who died Augt. 1, 1809
in the 95 year of her
30. In Memory of
Mrs. Sarah Bancroft,
Wife of
Mr. Jonas Bancroft,
who died
Dec. 13, 1822,
aged 77.
31. In
Memory of
Timothy Bancroft
who died
March 4, 1834:
Æt. 73.
32. Timothy Rice son
of Mr. Timothy &
Mary Bancroft died
March 21st 1795:
aged 10 months
& 2 days.
Farewell sweet babe,
Till wee shall meet above:
And there with you
Sing the redeemers love.
[Footstone: T. R. B.]
33. Timothy R.
son of
Peter M. & Relief
died Oct. 9, 1837,
aged 17 years.
34. In Memory of
Mr. Daniel Boyden
he Departed this
Life Jany ye 29th
1782 in the 75th
Year of his age.
35. Elizabeth,
relict of
John Boyden
died Jan. 6, 1812
aged 86 years.
36. In memory of
Martha Boyden
who died
Dec. 7, 1838,
aged 87.
37. To the Memory of
Mrs. Mehitable Boyden,
Relict of Majr.
Daniel Boyden,
who departed this
Life June 7, 1789: in
her 76 Year.
38. Here lies the Body
of Mr. Petter Boyden
who died July 28th 1777
in the 32th year of his
In Bloom of Life my day did end
The same fate may thee attend
died 1777.
39. Peter Boyden,
died Feb. 6, 1839,
aged 40 years.
40. Samuel Boyden,
died Sept. 18, 1843,
aged 83 years.
41. Sarah Boyden,
wife of
Samuel Boyden,
died Nov. 28, 1845,
aged 80 years.
42. Sarah B.
wife of
John Boyden;
who died
Nov. 7, 1834:
Æt. 39.
The Lord who doth our being give,
He knows how long we have to live;
And when that time it doth expire,
Why should we a longer time desire.
43. In Memory of
Mary Sibley,
Wife of
Gardner S. Burbank,
who died Dec. 5, 1839,
aged 29 years.
Earth hath lost no lovelier,
Heaven no purer spirit won!
44. In Memory of
Mr. Ebenezer Burnap,
who died
March 12, 1820,
aged 63.
45. In Memory of
Mary H. Burnap,
Daughter of
Mr. Ebenezer &
Mrs. Ruth Burnap,
who died
Dec. 26, 1829,
aged 19.
46-47. In Memory of
Mary C. Carpenter
who died Jan. 10, 1831
Æt. 1 Year & 7 mo.
Timothy A.
died Aug. 19, 1834
Æt. 7 weeks.
Children of
Charles W. &
Mary A. Carpenter.
48. In Memory of
Mrs. Anna Cary,
Wife of
Recompence Cary, Esq.
who died
Dec. 3, 1828,
Aged 61.
Why do we mourn departing friends,
Or shake at death's alarms?
'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends
To call them to his arms.
49. In Memory of
Recompence Cary,
who died
Lancaster, Erie Co. N. Y.
Dec. 13, 1836,
aged 81.
His remains lie interred at
Lancaster, awaiting the
resurrection of the just.
50. In Memory of
Mrs Relief Cary,
Wife of
Mr. Leonard Cary,
who died
Jan. 13, 1823
aged 26.
Think, O ye who fondly languish
O'er the Grave of those you love,
While your bosoms throb with anguish,
They are warbling hymns above.
There is rest in Heaven:
51. Zebulon
Cary Esq.
July 17, 1834
Æ. 44 Y's.
52. In Memory of
Abigail Clark.
widow of the late
Mr. Joseph Clark,
who died Sept. 21, 1811.
aged 87 years.
53. Adaline,
daughter of
John & Rhoda
Feb. 7, 1846;
Æ. 40 years.
Gentle breeses softly fan,
The spot where sister lies;
Move gently by that holy dust,
For t here our sorrows rise.
54. John Clark, Esq.
March 18, 1847;
Æ. 82
55. Erected
In memory of
Mr. Joseph Clark,
who died Decr. 26, 1807,
in the 88 year of his
[Footstone: Mr. J. Clark.]
56. Martha,
Wife of
Samuel Clark,
Died Feb. 27, 1866,
aged 89 yrs. 3 ms.
57-58. Mary,
died April 19, 1800,
aged 20 months;
died Sept. 17, 1817,
aged 8 years;
daughters of Samuel &
Martha Clark.
59. Rhoda P.
wife of
John Clark,
died in Auburn
Aug. 22, 1875,
Æ. 100 yrs 7 mos
8 dys.
60. Samuel Clark,
died Oct. 21, 1842,
aged 76 years.
61-62. Abijah Craig
May 16, 1836,
Æ. 75.
his wife
Jan. 12, 1847,
Æ. 92.
63. In Memory of
Mr. Daniel Cummings,
who died
May 20, 1792,
in the 48 year of
his age.
[Footstone: Mr. D. Cummings.]
64-65. Rebecca Cummings
Mar. 10, 1848,
Æ. 87 ys.
Her Daughter
Diadama Cummings
Oct. 12, 1871,
Æ. 75 yrs. 7 ms.
66. In
Memory of
Sally wife of
Amasa Cumings;
who died
March 20, 1833,
Æt. 53.
[Inscriptions on Dalrymple Monument:]
67-68. Wm. D. Dalrymple
Mar. 1, 1879,
Æ. 65.
Jane T.
His wife
Died Mar. 29, 1869,
"Gone home."
South panel:
69. Almira J.
Dau. of Wm. D. &
J. T. Dalrymple
Nov. 18, 1856,
Æ. 15.
Broken below but
united above.
[On small headstones: Father Mother Almira]
70. In Memory of
Mr. Albert Anthony
Dike who departed
this Life June 17 1798:
in the 22 year
of his age.
71-72. In Memory of
Addison Drury,
who died
May 1, 1811,
aged 4 years.
And of
Achsa Drury,
who died
August 31, 1813,
aged 4 years.
Children of Thomas
& Mehitable Drury.
73. In Memory of
Alvah Drury, Esq.
who died Sept. 28, 1839,
aged 43 years.
He's gone, the voyage of human life is o'er,
And weeping friend shall see his face no more:
To dust and silence so much worth consigned,
Sheds a sad gloom o'er vanities behind:
Around this monument his friends appear:
To embalm his precious memory with a tear:
74. Mrs. Betsey H.
Wife of
Maj. Thomas Drury,
May 21, 1871,
Æ. 80 yrs.
75. In Memory of
Mrs. Mehitable,
Wife of
Maj. Thomas Drury,
who departed this life
Nov. 6, 1810.
Æt. 32 years.
Remember you are born to die,
Must turn to dust as well as I.
Your sun may set before 'tis noon,
The Lord knows when; He knows how soon.
76. Memento Mori.
Here Lyes interr'd the
Remains of [Lieut.]1 Mr. Thomas
Drury who departed
this life Novr. 3d. 1778 in
the 59th year of his age.
- 1
- Erased.
Death is a debt to nature due
Which I have paid & so must you
Mr. Thomas
Drury died
77. In Memory of
Thomas Drury,
who died
April 26, 1846,
aged 69.
His record is on high.
78-79. In Memory of
Mr. Levi Eddy,
who died
May 6, 1821,
aged 76.
Mrs. Polly Eddy,
his wife
who died
May 3, 1821,
aged 61.
80. In Memory of
Lucretia Eddy,
wife of
Mr. Leonard Eddy
who died
October 30, 1840,
aged 26 years.
81-82. In Memory of
Mr. Samuel Eddy,
who died May 11, 1813,
aged 48 years,
Mrs. Sarah Eddy,
his wife
who died Oct. 6, 1838,
aged 70 years.
83. Azubah B.
wife of
Lyman Gale
died Oct. 16, 1845,
aged 53 years.
84. Julia A.
daughter of Lyman &
Azubah B. Gale,
died Sept. 22, 1846,
aged 18 years.
85. Lyman Gale,
Sept. 28, 1850:
Æ. 56 y'rs.
86. In memory of
Mary daughr.
of Mr. Enoch
Gale & Mrs. Jerusha
his wife, died
Sep. 15th 1805 In
her 2nd Year.
87. In Memory of
an Infant of
Mr. Lyman &
Mrs. Azubah Gale,
who was born and
died Sept. 5, 1820.
Hope looks beyond the bounds of time,
When what we now deplore
Shall rise in full immortal prime,
And bloom to fade no more.
88. In Memory of
Cynthia, daughr. of
Mr. David Gleason,
& Lydia his wife,
who died Sept.
2, 1796: in the
12 year of her age.
89. In Memory of
Mr. David Gleason Jr.
who died
Dec. 19, 1816,
Æt. 46.
90. In Memory of
Dea. David Gleason,
who died
April 29, 1833,
Aged 86.
91-92. Erected
In memory of
Mrs. Eunice Gleason,
wife of Mr. Ezra Gleason,
who died
Jany. 17, 1805.
Æt. 24.
Also their infant child
Aged 10 days.
93. Erected
In memory of
Mr. Ezra Gleason,
who died
Dec. 1, 1810.
Æt. 34.
[Footstone: Mr. E. Gleason.]
94. In Memory of
Florinda Gleason,
Daughter of
Mr. Ezra & Mrs. Eunice Gleason
who died
Dec. 15, 1817,
Æt. 15.
95. In Memory of
Lydia Gleason,
relict of
Dea. David Gleason,
who died Nov. 27, 1838,
aged 93 years.
96. Erected
In memory of
Mrs. Marcy Gleason,
wife of Mr. Ezra Gleason,
who died
Nov. 7, 1808.
Æt. 25.
97. In Memory of
Miss Naomi Gleason
Daughter of
Mr. Ezra &
Mrs. Marcy Gleason,
who died
March 12, 1828,
in the 21 year
of her age.
98. Erected
In memory of
Miss Susanna Gleason,
Daughter of
Mr. David & Mrs. Lydia Gleason,
who died April 6, 1810.
Æt. 42.
[Footstone: Miss S. Gleason]
99. In Memory of
Grace Goulding,
Daugr. of Col Jonah
Mrs. Grace Goulding,
who died
Augt. 16th. 1796,
aged 11 years.
100. In Memory of
Justus Goulding,
son of Col. Jonah &
Mrs. Grace Goulding,
who died
August 13, 1796:
Aged 9 years
& 5 months.
101. In Memory of
Dolly Green,
Daugr. of Dr. Thomas,
& Mrs. Mary Green,
who died
August 6, 1791.
Aged 10 years.
102. In Memory of
John Green, son
of Doctr. Thomas
& Mrs. Mary Green,
who died
May 29, 1805.
Æt. 25.
103. In Memory of
Mary Green,
Daugr. of Doctr. Thomas,
& Mrs. Mary Green,
who died
Decr. 2, 1813.
Æt. 22.
104. In Memory of
Mary Green,
relict of
Dr. Thomas Green,
who died
March 9, 1843,
aged 81 years.
105. Mary,
Wife of
John Green,
Died July 2, 1852,
Æt. 75.
There is rest in Heaven.
106. In Memory of
Nancy Green,
Daugr. of Doctr. Thomas,
& Mrs. Mary Green,
who died
Feby. 19, 1814.
Æt. 20.
107. In Memory of
Docr. Thomas Green,
who died
March 25, 1812,
Æt. 55.
[Footstone: Dr. T. Green.]
108. In Memory of
Thomas Porter Green
Son of Docr. Thomas
& Mrs. Mary Green,
who died
March 3, 1814.
Æt. 13.
109. Lydia Greenwood
Jan. 7, 1854,
Æ. 91.
110. David Harrington
Nov. 3, 1841,
Æ. 41.
111. Fanny
wife of
David Harrington,
Sept. 27, 1865,
Æ. 65.
112. Betsey Hart.
relict of Thomas Hart,
died Jan. 14, 1859.
aged 90 yrs. 7 mos.
& 14 days.
113-114. In Memory of
Mr. James Hart,
who died
Feb. 15, 1826,
Aged 87.
Also his Wife
Mrs. Lydia Hart,
who died
Feb. 1, 1807,
aged 66.
115. In Memory of
John Hart
who died
Sept. 15, 1807.
aged 81 years.
116-117. Lydia,
Daughter of
Thomas & Betsey
died June 1, 1817,
aged 13 yrs.
their infant son
aged 4 weeks.
118. Erected
In Memory of Miss
Patty Hart daughter of Mr.
John Hart and Mrs. Sarah
his wife who died Nov. 27
1804. in the 27 year of her age.
Look and see as you pass by,
As you are now so once was I:
As I am now so you must be,
Prepare for death and follow me.
[Footstone: Miss Patty Hart.]
119. Widow
Patty Hart
died Apr. 2, 1846:
aged 68.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.
120. In Memory of
Sarah Hart
who died
Oct. 6, 1816.
aged 71 yrs.
121. Thomas Hart
June 28, 1817,
aged 52 yrs.
122. In Memory of
Eliphalet Holman
who died May 30, 1838,
aged 77 years.
Farewell my children and my friend's,
My days on earth with you must end;
But heaven's blessings prise above
All earthly joys, or earthly love.
123. Mrs. Hannah,
wife of Samuel Holman
June 27, 1833.
Æ. 85.
124. Mr.
Samuel Holman
Dec. 29, 1793.
Æ. 48.
125. Mr.
Samuel Holman Jr
Died Oct. 1st. 1841,
Æ. 66 Yrs.
126. Capt.
Simeon Holman
Sept. 2, 1829,
Æ. 41.
My wife and children now adieu!
I must be parted now from you,
But we shall meet on Canaan's shore,
In realms of bliss to part no more.
127. In Memory of
Mrs. Tamar Holman.
Wife of
Mr. Eliphalet Holman
who died
Oct. 23, 1820,
aged 53.
She's gone and left me here below,
To mourn her loss with grief and woe;
But God is just may I be still,
Since 'tis my heavenly Father's will.
128. Mr. Daniel Jennison,
Feb. 4, 1839,
aged 81 years.
129. Molly Jennison,
Sept. 14, 1812,
aged 53 years.
130. In Memory of
Joseph Knowlton,
who departed
this life August 22, 1816,
aged 90.
"Death is to me a sweet repose;
It opes the bud to show the rose;
It broke my cage to let me fly
And build my happy nest on high."
131. In Memory of
Mary Knowlton.
Wife of
Joseph Knowlton,
who departed this life
August 21, 1796,
aged 65.
132-133. Dea. Nathan Knowlton,
Died May 24, 1856,
aged 96 yrs. & 9 ds.
Olive Pomeroy,
his wife
died Jan. 3, 1843,
aged 79 yrs. 4 mos.
& 18 ds.
134. In Memory of
Elisha Livermore,
who died
Feb. 8, 1814.
Æt. 25.
135. In Memory of
Cyrel Merriam,
who died
April 13, 1838,
aged 40 years.
136. Eunice Gleason,
wife of
Cyrel Merriam,
died Feb. 20, 1854,
aged 49 years.
137. Ezra Gleason,
Son of
Cyrel & Eunice
died Jan. 17, 1861;
aged 29 y'rs. 4 mo's.
"Asleep in Jesus!"
138. Lucinda M,
daughter of
Cyrel & Eunice G.
died Sept. 4, 1845,
aged 18 years.
139. Willis Whipple
only child of
Ezra G. & A. W.
died Feb. 20, 1861;
aged 13 m's. 10 d's.
140-144. Wealthy M.
Wife of
Rev. Enoch Pond D. D.
Sept. 15, 1824,
Æ. 30 ys. 6 ds.
four Little Children
Enoch. William.
Eunice. & Charles.
145-146. Sarah Mehitable,
daughter of
Rev. M. G. & Caroline
D. Pratt,
died Sept. 24, 1841,
aged 2 years
& 5 months.
Also their infant son
died May 29, 1830
aged 5 days.
147. John,
son of
John & Rebekah
died May 1784;
Æ. 14 months.
Erected by H. & L. Hayward.
148. John
Prentice, Esq.
March 26, 1812;
Erected by H. & L. Hayward.
149. Josiah S. Prentice
Aug. 20, 1857;
aged 79 years.
150. Lucretia J.
wife of
Otis Prentice
May 26, 1803;
Æ. 32 years.
151. Rebekah,
Second Wife of
John Prentice, Esq.
May 15, 1838:
Æ. 93 years.
Erected by John Prentice.
152. Sarah,
wife of
John Prentice, Esq.
March 13, 1779;
Æ. 35 years.
Erected by H. & L. Hayward.
153. Dianthe T.
wife of
Benjamin Putnam,
& Daur. of Paul &
Hannah Thurston,
died Mar. 15, 1857,
Æt. 56.
May they meet in peace.
154. In Memory of Mrs. Bethiah
Rice who was ye 1st Wife to
Edward Morris of Woodstock
& 2d Wife to Gershom
Rice Jur of Ward she died
August ye 5 1779 in the
82 Year of her Age
Mrs. Bethiah
Rice 1779]
155. In Memory of
Lieut. Comfort Rice,
who died
August 31, 1816,
aged 87.
[Footstone: C. R.]
156. In Memory of
Mrs. Martha Rice
wife of
Mr. Comfort Rice,
who died
June 14, 1812,
Æt. 81.
157. In
memory of
Thomas Rice, son
of Mr. Peter &
Mrs. Mary Rice,
who died Sept. 10
1796 in ye 4 yr.
of his Age.
Parents for me do not weep,
I am not lost but here do sleep
On a cold bed of lifeless clay;
Until the resurrection day.
[Inscriptions on the Rice Monument:]
Base: RICE
158-159. In Memory of
Dea. Jonathan Rice,
May 3, 1834,
Æ. 70.
Mary S. his wife
Feb. 19, 1848,
Æ. 81.
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord."
South panel:
160. Mary Rice
widow of
Dea. Wm. Emerson.
Mar. 4, 1879,
Æ. 80.
North panel:
161. John Rice
Oct. 15, 1813,
Æ. 27.
162. Samuel Rice
Sept. 11, 1831.
Æ. 23.
Happy's the man to Heaven thats gone
163. Here Lyes interr'd the
Remains of Mr. Charles Richardson
who departed this
Life August 30th 1783 Ætatis 73.
The Just behold with sweet delight
The Blessed Three in one
And strong affections fix their sight
On Gods incarnate Son.
164. In Memory of
Mr. Charles Richardson, Jr.
who died
Dec. 9, 1819,
aged 75.
165. In Memory of
Cyrus Richardson,
son of
Mr. Joseph &
Mrs. Hannah Richardson,
Born April 16, 1805,
Died Sept. 22, 1830.
Behold my friends, as you pass by,
As you are now, so once was I,
As I am now, so you must be,
Prepare my friends to follow me.
166. In Memory of
Mrs. Hannah Richardson,
Wife of
Mr. Joseph Richardson,
who died
Oct. 20, 1825,
in the 46 year
of her age.
Death is to me a sweet repose,
It opes the bud to show the rose,
It burst my cage to let it fly
And build my happy nest on high.
167. In Memory of
Mrs. Sally Richardson,
Wife of
Mr. Joseph Richardson,
who died
Oct. 17, 1830,
aged 46.
Friends nor Physicians could not save,
This mortal Body from the grave;
Nor will the grave confine it here
When Christ commands it to appear.
168. Erected
In Memory of
Mrs. Sarah Richardson
wife of
Mr. Zechariah Richardson
who died Novr. 9.
1806. Æt. 41.
Peace, 'tis the Lord Jehovahs hand,
That blasts our joys in death,
Changes the visage once so dear,
And gathers back the breath.
169. In Memory of
Mrs. Susanna Richardson
Wife of
Mr. Charles Richardson, Jr.
who died
July 4, 1825,
aged 69.
170. Mother
Hannah Holman
Wife of
Samuel Shumway.
Oct. 29, 1891,
Æ. 85 ys.
Gone but not forgotten.
171. Willard Shumway
July 5, 1887,
Æ. 65 ys. 4 ms.
25 ds.
At Rest.
172. In Memory of
Mr. Ezra Sibley,
who died
March 13, 1830,
Aged 42.
173. In Memory of
Mrs. Marcy Sibley,
wife of
Mr. Ezra Sibley,
who died
Sept. 29, 1819.
Æ. 28.
174. Mary Elizabeth,
daughter of
Isaac T. & Nancy
H. Sibley,
died Feb. 14, 1837,
aged 2 years,
& 2 months.
175. In Memory of
Obedience S. B. Sibley,
wife of
Mr. Stephen Sibley,
who dièd
May 31, 1836.
aged 28 years.
All peaceful was her bed of death,
To Heaven she raised her smiling eye:
Meekly the saint resigned her breath,
For O, to her 'twas gain to die.
"Precious in the sight of the Lord
is the death of his saints."
176. In Memory of
Mary Singletary
who died
Oct. 16, 1846.
aged 79 yrs.
177. In Memory of
Anson, son of
Mr. Nathaniel
Southworth, and
Patience his Wife,
who died Aug.
30, 1796: in the
3 year of his age.
178. To the memory of
[Mrs.] Elizabeth wife of
[Mr.] Simeon Southworth,
[who] died Aug. 28, 1795:
[In the] 27 year
[of] her age.
My spirits fled my sleeping clay
Must slumber till the Judgment day
Then you & I must both appear
In our decisive Life we are here.
179. To the Memory of
Justin, son of Mr.
Simeon & Elizabeth
Southworth, who died
Aug. 20 1796:
in the 3 year
[remainder of the inscription covered by the soil.]
180. To the Memory
of a Daughter of Mr.
Simeon & Elizabeth
Southworth, who
died Aug. 22d
1795 aged 6 hours.
a Daugh,
of S. & E.
181. Underneath
this little Hillock
lies deposited the Dust of
Hester Stevens
dau. of Francis Stevens
& Mary his Wife,
who died Sept 5 1796
Ætatis 5.
182. Abigail Stone,
wife of
Isaac Stone
died July 2, 1859,
aged 74 years.
183. In Memory of
Chauncey Stone
son of
Col. Jesse Stone
& Mrs. Sarah his Wife,
who died
Oct. 21, 1813,
aged 16.
184. In Memory of
Mrs. Eliza Stone,
Relict of
Dea. Jesse Stone,
who died
April 16, 1814,
Æt. 78.
185. In Memory of
Erastus Stone,
who died Aug. 13, 1834,
aged 30 years.
186. Mrs. Esther Stone,
wife of
Isaac Stone,
died Aug. 23, 1847,
aged 71 years.
187. The Dust of
Mrs. Hannah Stone
Wife of
Joseph Stone, Esq.
who was born
Jan. 24, 1751, and
Died Jan. 23, 1821.
"Dust thou art, and
unto Dust shalt thou return."
188. Isaac Stone,
died Oct. 9, 1857,
aged 88 yrs.
189. In Memory of
Isreal Stone.
who died
Jan. 3, 1844,
aged 91 yrs. 11 mo.
& 21 days.
190. In Memory of
Dean Jesse Stone.
died July 26.
1803.—Aged 65.—
[Footstone: Dea. Jesse Stone.]
191. In memory of
Dean. Jonathan Stone,
who died
Decr. 21, 1806.
Æt. 81.
My Soul, come meditate the day,
And think how near it stands,
When thou must quit this house of clay,
And fly to unknown lands.
[Footstone: Dean. J S]
192. The Dust of
Lieut. Jonathan Stone,
who departed this Life
November 24, 1809.
Æt. 59.
Some hearty friends may drop a tear
On my dry bones and say,
They once were strong as mine appear,
And mine must be as they.
[Footstone: Lieut. Jonn Stone.]
193. Joseph J.
son of
Col. Jonathan Stone,
died Oct. 2, 1833,
aged 16 yrs. & 9 mos.
194. In Memory
Joseph Stone, Esq.
who died
February 22, 1837,
aged 79 years.
195. Erected
In memory of
Mrs. Lucretia Stone,
Wife of Mr. Isaac Stone,
who died
May 12, 1810,
Æt. 37.
196. Mrs.
Lydia Stone,
wife of Isaac Stone,
died Oct. 3, 1834,
Æt. 60.
197. Mariann
daughter of
Mr. Amasa & Mrs.
Esther Stone
May 24, 1818,
in her 16 year.
198. In Memory of
Mrs. Martha Stone
Relict of
Deac. Jonathan Stone,
who died
March 2, 1811,
Æ. 71.
In the cold grave this frame must rest
And worms shall feed on this poor breast
These hands will then be useless grown
And I, alas! no more be known.
[Footstone: Mrs. M. Stone.]
199. Within this narrow Cell
lies deposited the Dust
of Mrs. Mary Stone,
wife of Mr. Jonathan
Stone Juner, who departed
this life March 24
1791: in the 38 Year
of her Age.
Mrs. Mary
200. In Memory of
Mary D. Stone,
wife of
Mr. Erastus Stone,
who died April 3, 1834,
aged 30 years.
201. In Memory of
Oliver Stone,
son of Mr. Jonathan
& Mrs. Sarah Stone,
who died May 22, 1807,
aged 9 years.
202. Sally Stone,
wife of
Lieut. Jonathan Stone,
Died Sept. 16, 1853,
aged 89 yrs. & 8 mos.
Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.
203. In Memory of
Mrs. Tryphena Stone,
Wife of
Mr. Isreal Stone,
who died
Nov. 15, 1820,
aged 68.
204. An Infant Son of
Israel Stone, Jr. &
Hannah his Wife
Died Nov. 15, 1830,
Aged 11 days.
205. In memory of the Rev'd
Mr. David Thurston who
Died May 5th 1777 in the
51st year of his Age Was pastor
of the 2d Church in Medway many years.
Sweet is the memory of those
for whom Christ died yea has arose
and broke the bands of death & hell
that they with him in Heaven may dwell
Mr. David
Thurston 1777]
206. In memory of Mrs.
Deborah Thurston
who died
April 13th 1777 Ætatis 19.
The infant & ye virtous mother
here mingle dust & sleep together
they Liv,d in mutual love
The Fathr, Soon Snatched out of life
to meet his Babe & tender wife
to prais the Lord above.
207. Hannah
wife of
Paul Thurston,
died Mar. 31, 1816.
Æt. 55.
[See No. 153]
208. Mrs. Sarah Toole,
Dec. 29, 1854,
Æt. 73.
I have set the Lord always before me: be
he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
"Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory
rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope.
209. Mr. Phineas Town.
Died February 17, 1837,
aged 74.
210. Mrs. Lavina Towne.
Died September 3, 1837,
aged 87.
211. Desire B.
wife of
Samuel Wesson,
died Sept. 18, 1842,
aged 58 years.
212. In
memory of
daughter of
Samuel &
Desire B. Wesson:
who died
April 3, 1832:
Æt. 17.
Tis religion that can give,
Sweetest pleasures while we live:
Tis religion can supply,
Solid comfort when we die.
After death its joys will be
Lasting as Eternity.
213. Louisa,
daughter of
Samuel & Desire B. Wesson
died June 17, 1838,
aged 11 years.
214. In Memory of
Mr. Benjamin Wiser,
who died
July 1, 1794,
aged 41.
215. Dea. Benjamin Wiser,
June 15, 1858.
aged 78 years.
Brother thou art gone to rest,
Thy sins are all forgiven;
And Saints in light have welcomed thee,
To share the joys of heaven.
Brother thou art gone to rest,
And this shall be our prayer;
That when we reach our journeys end,
Thy glory we may share.
216. In Memory of
Mrs. Dolly Wiser,
Wife of
Mr. Benjamin Wiser,
who died
May 1, 1829,
aged 80.
217. In Memory of
Mr. James Wiser,
who died
April 24, 1811
Æt. 58.
My friends my body here it lies,
Now mingling with the dust,
In life prepare to meet your Judge,
In Christ put all your trust.
218. In Memory of
Miss Martha B. Wiser,
who died
Oct. 17, 1827,
aged 26.
219. Sacred
to the Memory of
Miss Mary Wiser,
Daughter of
Mr. Benjamin &
Mrs. Dolly Wiser
who died
August 10, 1819,
Æt. 27.
Let this vain world engage no more
Behold the gaping tomb!
It bids us sieze the present hour;
To morrow Death may come.
220. Rachel Daughr of
Miss Sarah Wiser
Died March 9th
1787: aged 1
Year & 3 months.
Youth's a fading flower.
221. Mrs. Sarah Relict of
Mr. Benjamin Wiser,
died Decr. 14th 1794:
in her 77th year.
She was kind and faithfull, in her
the poor have lost a benefit, the sick a
skillful assistant, her acquaintance a very
great friend, her family blesseth her.
Her life was much desir'd,
Lamented when she expired.
Widow Sarah
222. In Memory of
Mrs. Phebe Young,
Wife of
Mr. William Young,
who died
August 5, 1820,
aged 72.
Oft have I sat in secret sighs
To feel my flesh decay;
Then groaned aloud with frighted eyes,
To view the tott'ring clay.
223. In Memory of
Mr. Timo. Young,
who died
Nov. 26, 1814,
Æt. 27.
Some hearty friend shall drop his tear
On my dry bones, and say
These once were strong as mine appear
And mine must be as they.
224. In Memory of
William Young,
who died Feb. 25, 1830,
aged 85 years.
225-226. Capt.
William Young
Born Sept. 5, 1784,
Died Mar. 18, 1864.
Silence Chase,
his wife,
Born Dec. 8, 1785,
Died Sept. 19, 1874.
West Burial Ground.
1. Almira,
daughter of
Reuben & Sophia
died Dec. 15, 1839,
aged 12 years.
Kind parent, weep no more for me,
The Father takes but what he's given,
The Son assures of such shall be
His kingdom—as in heaven.
2. In Memory of
Reuben Adams,
who died
Nov. 4, 1838,
aged 56 years.
Reader be wise to-day
Prepare to meet thy God.
3. Sophia Adams
Jan. 31, 1844,
aged 62.
Blessed are the dead who die
in the Lord: Yea, saith the spirit,
from henceforth: for they rest
from their labors and their works
do follow them.
[Inscriptions on Barnard Monument:]
South side:
4. John C. Barnard,
March 26, 1862,
aged 83 yrs.
5. Betsey,
his wife
Died Apr. 23, 1875,
aged 85 years.
West side:
6. Lewis Barnard,
Dec. 23, 1860.
aged 42 yrs.
[See McGaffey]
6. Wife
Abbie F. Aldrich
Wife of
George O. Benson
Born April 18, 1856, Died Oct. 30, 1894.
In her 39th year.
"When this life of pain is past
We find a place to rest at last."
7. [Odd Fellows' and Masonic Emblems.]
Geo. Otis Benson
Son of Harrison &
Marilla Benson
Born Aug. 24, 1846, Died May 2, 1897.
"My name is written there
on pages white and fair."
8. Mother
Marilla Adams
Wife of
Harrison Benson
Born April 12, 1818,
Died Oct. 16, 1876.
In her 59th year.
"Here I lay my burden down,
Change the cross into the crown."
[Inscriptions on Copp Monument:]
9. Andrew J. Copp,
July 11, 1815,
died in the
Service of his
at Lutheran Hospital
Sharpsburg Md.
Oct. 5, 1862.
He was a faithful
Christian and true Patriot.
10. Harriet Anna,
daughter of
Andrew J. & Harriet
A. Copp.
Aged 8 mos. 22 ds.
11. Mother
Wife of
Simeon Davidson
Died Nov. 30, 1867,
Æ. 86 ys. 7 ms.
12. Mrs. Olive E.
wife of
Brigham Davidson,
Nov. 25, 1840,
aged 23 years.
"Therefore be ye also ready; for in
such an hour as ye think not, the Son
of Man cometh."
13. Father
Simeon Davidson
May 20, 1842,
Æ. 61 ys. 4 ms.
14. Absalom Desper
15. Anna, wife of
James Desper
16. James Desper,
[See Wesson]
17. In Memory of
Mr. Daniel Dodge,
who died
August 21, 1827,
aged 66.
18. In Memory of
Elizabeth Dodge,
wife of
Mr. Daniel Dodge,
who died March 5, 1834,
aged 69 years.
He is a God of sov'reign love,
Who promis'd heaven to me,
And taught my thoughts to soar above,
Where happy spirits be.
19. Amasa Eddy
Dec. 3, 1870,
Æ. 72.
"Into thy hands I commit my spirit."
20. Demaris Eddy
July 8, 1870,
Æ. 77.
"Asleep in Jesus."
21. Harvey P. Eddy
Mar. 26, 1868,
Æ. 74 ys. 7 ms.
[Inscriptions on Eddy Monument:]
Base: EDDY.
22. Mrs. Amy A. Eddy
Feb. 22, 1875.
Æ. 84.
"At Rest."
23-25. Jesse Eddy
Died Jan. 8, 1866,
Æ. 85.
His Wife
Died Feb. 14, 1826,
Æ. 39.
their dau.
Died Apr. 6, 1826,
Æ. 6.
[Inscriptions on Eddy Monument:]
Base: EDDY.
26-27. Eliphalet Eddy
Dec. 5, 1874
Æ. 64.
Susan E. his Wife
Mar. 12, 1879,
Æ. 55.
28-29. Arba Fitts,
died Mar. 24, 1858;
aged 61 yrs.
Mary H.
his wife
died April 22, 1828:
30. Mr.
Robert Fitts
Dec. 29, 1831
aged 74.
The sweet remembrance of the just
Shall flourish when they sleep in dust.
31. Robert,
son of Mr.
Robert Jr. & Mrs.
Lucy Fitts,
July 12, 1832
aged 6 ms.
Peace to thy dust
dear babe farewell.
32. Abie E.
Wife of
V. H. Flagg,
Aug. 5, 1873,
27 Y'rs
8 mo's.
Asleep in Jesus.
33. Warren Elliot,
son of Mr.
Orin & Mrs.
Betsey Foskit,
Jan. 11, 1831,
Æ. 2 ys. & 6 ms.
Sleep on sweet babe &
take thy rest
God called thee home he
thought it best
34. An Infant
Child of John &
Mary Gardner,
June 6, 1836,
aged 12 days.
[On door of tomb:]
35. Jonah Goulding
36. Grace Knowlton Goulding
37. Relief,
wife of
Joseph Henshaw,
Born in Auburn, May
9, 1781;
died in Worcester, Feb'y
26, 1847.
[Inscriptions on Hicks Monument:]
Base: HICKS.
Front panel:
38. Elijah
Sept. 1, 1813.
Mar. 25, 1882.
39. Matilda C.,
his wife
June 14, 1817,
Mar. 23, 1882.
North panel:
40. Mary E.,
wife of
John W. Hicks,
Dec. 31, 1840,
July 26, 1886.
South panel:
41. Sarah M.
Sept. 10, 1825,
July 31, 1884.
42. David Hosmer,
Died Apr. 11, 1842,
Æt. 84.
43-44. Elbridge Howe,
Nov. 21, 1850,
aged 39 years.
Eleanor L.
his wife
died June 7, 1852,
aged 44 years.
45. Hannah,
Wife of
Joseph Jennison,
died Feb. 13, 1826,
aged 46 y'rs 9 mo.
& 19 days.
Erected by her son Joseph Jennison,
46. Laura F.
daughter of
S. & R. Jennison
died Aug. 29, 1848,
Æ. 1 Yr. 11 mo. 11 ds.
This lovely bud so young and fair,
Called forth by early doom,
Just came to show how sweet a flower
In Paradise would bloom.
47. Orren D.
son of Daniel &
Julia Ann Jennison,
July 20, 1848,
Æt. 3 yrs.
He died to sin, he died to care,
But for a moment felt the rod;
Then rising on the viewless air
Spread his bright wings and soard to God.
48. Richard B. Jennison
Co. G. 36th Regt.
Mass. Vol. Inf.
Starved in Andersonville.
49. Miss Sally Jennison,
Nov. 10, 1849,
aged 60 years.
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
[Inscriptions on Jennison Monument:]
Front panel:
50. Elmer R. Jennison
East panel:
51. R. Boardman Jennison
52. Laura F. Jennison
South panel:
53. Dea.
Samuel Jennison
54. Roxanna
His Wife
Asleep in Jesus.
[On three stones in Jennison lot: Papa Father Mother]
55. Annie C. Anderson
Wife of
Lewis J. Lawrence
Died June 7, 1897,
Æ. 36 ys.
We shall meet each other there
Some sweet day bye and bye.
56. George L. their son
Died Mar. 26, 1895,
Æ. 2 mos.
57. Georce A. Lawrence,
May 15, 1885,
Æ. 32 yrs. 4 mos.
11 ds.
58. Mother
Harriet N.
Wife of
Joel Lawrence
Died Apr. 3, 1873,
Æ. 46 yrs.
Asleep in Jesus.
59. Father
Joel Lawrence,
Died Feb. 21, 1895,
Æ. 75 yrs.
8 ms. 18 ds.
60. Levi Lawrence,
Feb. 4, 1888
Æ. 80 yrs. 6 mos.
61. Roxana,
Wife of
Levi Lawrence,
Apr. 3, 1877.
Aged 69.
62. Sylvester S. Learned,
May 2, 1850,
Æ. 40 years.
Asleep in Jesus.
See under Newton
[Inscriptions on McGaffey Monument:]
63. Beroth B. McGaffey
Dec. 23, 1887,
Æ.75 ys. 4 mo.
64. Eliza Barnard
his wife
Died Mar. 23, 1889,
Æ.75 ys. 5 ms.
9 ds.
Gone but not forgotten.
North side:
65. Charlotte E.
Dau. of B. B. &
E. B. McGaffey
Dec. 28, 1861,
Æ.5 ys. 9 ms.
5 ds.
Asleep in Jesus.
South side:
Mamie E.
Dau. of C. A. &
M. E. McGaffey
Apr. 23, 1888,
Æ.14 ys. 8 ms.
2 ds.
No one knows how deep a shade,
This grave in our hearts has made.
[On four small stones in McGaffey lot:
Our Mamie
67. Amos P. Newton
Co. B. 57th Regt.
Mass. Vol. Inf.
Killed at No. Anna River.
68. In remembrance
Charles Porter,
son of
Ebenezer & Elizabeth
who died June 30, 1823,
aged 8 years
and 9 months.
Time, how short! Eternity, how long!
69. In remembrance of
Ebenezer Newton,
who died
July 22, 1829,
aged 57 years.
Reader, be wise to-day;
Prepare to meet thy God.
70. In remembrance of
Mrs. Elisabeth Newton
Relict of
Ebenezer Newton,
who died
Mar. 26, 1849:
Æ. 76 yrs.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.
71. Ellen S.
dau. of Amos P.
and Mary
died Mar. 3, 1850,
Æ. 11 y'rs 6 mo's.
& 17 d'ys.
72. Mrs. Mary,
wife of
Amos P. Newton,
July 27, 1859,
Æt. 42 yrs. 11 mos.
For her to live was Christ,
But to die was gain.
73. Milton H.
son of Amos P.
& Mary
died Oct. 15, 1850:
Æ.8 mo's & 13 d's.
74. In
remembrance of
Sereno Newton
Son of
Ebenezer & Elizabeth
who died March 2, 1836,
aged 35 years.
Mortals, be dumb, what sinner dares
Dispute His awful will,
Ask no account of His affairs,
But tremble and be still.
75. Tyrus,
Son of
A. P. & Mary Newton,
died Aug. 26, 1849,
aged 2 yrs, 6 mos 22 days.
The cherub host rejoiced anew,
When this dear child bid earth adieu,
Too lovely here with us to stay,
They bore him to the realms of day.
[On six stones in Newton lot:]
[On two stones in Loring and Newton lot:]
76. Lucy.
77. Baby Carrie.
"Safe in the
Redeemer's bosom"
[Inscriptions on Newton Monument:]
East panel:
78. Ebenezer Newton
Died Oct. 11, 1881.
Æ. 69 yrs.
79. Sarah G. his wife
Died Mar. 3, 1895.
Æ. 78 years.
80. Sergt. Henry G. Newton
Co. D. 25 Regt. Mass. Vol.
Killed by R. R. accident
at Kansas City Mo.
Oct. 23, 1868,
Æ. 27 ys. 9 ms. 11 ds.
North panel:
81. Samuel A. Newton
Died Jan. 10, 1877,
Æ.74 ys. 8 ms.
3 ds.
82. Mary W. Newton
Died Dec. 7, 1877,
Æ. 70 ys. 7 ms.
8 ds.
West panel:
83. Charles Porter
Son of Samuel A. &
Mary W. Newton
Died Dec. 27, 1836.
Æ. 4 ys.
[Inscriptions on Newton and Loring Monument:]
South base: NEWTON.
South panel:
84. Carrie Persis.
child of R. A. & S. A. Newton, Jr.
Died Sept. 2, 1872, Æ. 8 m's 2 d's.
North base: LORING.
North panel:
85. Lucy M. Newton,
Wife of
W. Loring
Died Feb. 11, 1872.
Æ. 38 yrs.
[Stones in Newton and Loring lot:]
Baby Carrie
"Safe in the
Redeemer's bosom"
86. Abel Partridge,
Died Oct. 28, 1826,
Æt. 61.
[Two very quaint stones, with carved angels' heads and
border of vines and grapes:]
87. Here lies burid
Sarah Putnam
wife of Amos Putnam,
who Departed
this life December
21st, 1802. in the
Sixty fifth. Year
of her age.
They that sleep in
Jesus, at the
Resurrection morn:
Shall come forth,
To meet the LORD,
In the air: and
Shall be ever with
88. In Memory of
Mr. Amos Putnam,
who died Sept. 17th. 1811
aged 81.
Why do we mourn departing friends
Or shake at death's alarms?
Tis but the voice that Jesus sends,
To call them to his arms.
See under Hicks.
89-90. Joseph Savary
Born Mar. 11, 1766,
Died Sept. 26, 1829,
Æ. 63 yrs.
Miriam Stone,
his Wife,
Born June 27, 1761,
Died Sept. 15, 1846,
Æ. 85 yrs.
91. In Memory of
Mrs. Lucy Sibley,
wife of
Mr. Aaron Sibley,
who died Oct. 19, 1837,
aged 82 years.
[Open book] I am sure my name is written there.
92. Lucy Tucker Sibley
Daughter of Simeon &
Dorothy Davidson,
April 8, 1823.
March 16, 1894.
93. In Memory of
Mrs. Persis Sibley,
Wife of
Aaron Sibley,
who died
June 29, 1819,
aged 31.
[Inscriptions on Sibley Monument:]
94. Warren Sibley
95. Susan Merriam
96-97. Daughters
Mary L. Sibley
Martha J. Wilson
[Small stones:]
[Inscriptions on Smith Monument:]
Base: SMITH.
98. Alfred S. Smith
Oct. 20, 1881,
Æ.29 ys. 2 ms.
20 ds.
99. Ella A.
His Wife
Sept. 24, 1881,
Æ. 28 ys. 5 ms.
20 ds.
"They were lovely and pleasant
in their lives,
and in death
they were not divided." Sam. I: 23.
"There is sweet rest in heaven."
[Small stones:]
100. Mr. Calvin
April 1, 1841,
Æt. 43.
101. Miss Lydia Stone
Nov. 18, 1871,
Æ. 78 ys.
At Rest.
102. John Tucker
June 21, 1869.
Æ. 47 ys.
103. Ella P. Taft,
Wife of
Richard H. Warren,
Died Feb. 26, 1882,
Æ. 27 ys. 3 ms. 12 ds.
[Front: Ella]
104. John,
Infant son of
R. H. & E. T. Warren,
Died Feb. 20, 1882,
Æ. 8 dys.
[Front: Baby.]
105. Fannie Laura,
daughter of
George & Laura S.
died Mar. 19, 1864,
aged 3 y'rs 6 mos,
& 9 days.
Our Darling
She's gone to be an angel,
And with the angels stand,
A crown upon her forehead,
A harp within her hand.
106. Elbridge G. Warren
Lydia Elvira Stone
His wife
Feb. 25, 1817
Feb. 2, 1894
[Small stone: Mother.]
[Inscriptions on Warren Monument:]
Front panel:
107. John Warren
Nov. 27, 1819,
Jan. 2: 1892.
East panel:
108. Sarah Caroline
Wife of
John Warren,
May 20, 1881.
Æ. 58 yrs, 10 mos, 2 dys.
[On new Warren Monument:]
Front panel:
109-111. Samuel Warren
Sally Goulding Warren
Sarah Jane Warren
112. Susan M.
Wife of
Buckley Waters
Sept. 1, 1856,
aged 23 years.
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord,
from henceforth; Yea, saith the Spirit that
they may rest from their labors; and
their works do follow them.
Early in life I'm called to go,
My work on Earth is done;
With joy I part with all below,
For Christ my heavenly home.
113. Miranda Desper,
Wife of
Leander Wesson
See under Sibley
Transcriber's Note:
Minor typographical errors have been corrected
without note.
Irregularities and inconsistencies in the text have
been retained as printed.
The West Burial Ground listing contain two different names
numbered 6 and no number 66.
The cover of this ebook was created by the transcriber and is hereby
placed in the public domain.
End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Vital Records of the Town of Auburn,
(Formerly Ward), Massachusetts, To t, by Franklin P. Rice
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